AOpen DE3250, Fanless Player for Digital Signage in Critical Environments22 August 2014 Al carecer de ventilador, el DE3250 de AOpen se muestra como un reproductor idóneo para utilizar en entornos rigurosos o polvorientos, así como en lugares silenciosos como bibliotecas u hospitales. AOpen ...
The University of Aberdeen manages the videowalls in its library with RGB Spectrum21 August 2014 RGB Spectrum's switching and visualization solutions manage signals from the two videowalls that have been installed in the University of Aberdeen library in Scotland. The University ...
Tripleplay's digital signage and IPTV solutions increase Royal Dublin Society show20 August 2014 The Royal Dublin Society has launched Tripleplay's digital signage and IPTV solutions this August that are used to deliver video, informative and ...
Cisco and its IoE technology inaugurate the interactive watch for the Pan American Games Toronto 201531 July 2014 The interactive clock that marks the countdown to the celebration of the Pan American and Parapan American Games Toronto 2015 shows how Cisco's Internet of Everything and technology ...
Universal Event Production creates a sport-based multimedia experience during Nike Phenomenal House31 July 2014 Un innovador espectáculo de luz, sonido y visualización realizado por el especialista Universal Event Production (UEP) ha protagonizado Nike Phenomenal House, en la que esta firma deportiva ha presentado su ...
BroadSign manages the network of digital signage screens of buses in Sao Paulo29 July 2014 The digital signage network of the Brazilian company Nemooh Mídia has already deployed a thousand screens in five hundred buses in Sao Paulo, that are managed with the software platform ...
Lenovo bets on the IoE market and business collaboration with its M100 smart glasses29 July 2014 Con fecha de disponibilidad para finales del verano en el mercado chino, Lenovo ha confirmado su introducción en el mercado del Internet of Everything (IoE) con el desarrollo de sus ...
Spanish developer itglass wins first prize for Google Glass in Europe29 July 2014 Como única empresa española invitada al London Google Glass Design Sprint & Workshop, primer evento especializado en este dispositivo inteligente que se ha celebrado en Londres con motivo de su ...
New software, firmware and API for Matrox Maevex H.264 encoders/decoders29 July 2014 Además de las nuevas funciones que incluyen la grabación y el sistema a prueba de fallos, la API Matrox Maevex proporciona a los integradores de AV y OEM una solución ...
Gefen KVM HD: HDMI distribution with USB, RS-232, IR and audio over a LAN28 July 2014 Tanto la señal HDMI hasta 1.080p, como cuatro periféricos USB, two-way audio, así como las señales de control RS-232 e IR son transportados en la LAN con una con una ...
Epson Moverio smartglasses tested with drones as natural disaster response systems25 July 2014 Epson y la organización independiente japonesa National Institute of Information and Communications (NICT) han realizado diversos tests en la ciudad de Sakaide, en la prefectura nipona de Kagawa, to analyze ...
The start-up Sezion bets on the automation of online video and its profitability25 July 2014 Rentabilizar la utilización del vídeo y revolucionar el uso de este formato en los catálogos online es el objetivo de la start-up Sezion, creada por un grupo de jóvenes emprendedores. Josías De La ...
Envision Solar EV ARC Digital: solar charging station with integrated DooH display24 July 2014 La multinacional norteamericana Envision Solar ha combinado su experiencia en puntos de recarga autónomos y portátiles con energía solar con la integración de pantallas digitales DooH de gran formato para ...
Cisco boosts the IoE with an Innovation Center in Barcelona applied to smart cities23 July 2014 Research-focused, technological development and new market opportunities around the Internet of Things applied to smart cities, the new Innovation Center ...
Brainstorm Multimedia strengthens its presence in the U.S. USA. and Canada with the addition of J. David Hoffman22 July 2014 Como parte de su plan de expansión comercial en Estados Unidos y Canadá, la filial norteamericana de Brainstorm Multimedia ha incorporado a J. David Hoffman como sales engineering manager. The manufacturer ...
Alcatel-Lucent bets on IP video with a new Bell Labs research center in Cambridge21 July 2014 Los Bell Labs de Alcatel-Lucent cuentan con un nuevo centro de investigación de vídeo, ubicado en la localidad inglesa de Cambridge, que se dedicará a la innovación de redes para ...
Tech Data adds storage solutions to its business, Buffalo multimedia and wireless21 July 2014 Solutions from the Japanese manufacturer Buffalo Technology, Specialized in storage, Multimedia and wireless networks for SMEs, have joined the distribution offer of the technology wholesaler Tech Data. the ...
XL Video's audiovisual solutions accompanied Colplay in promoting his latest album, 'Ghost Stories'18 July 2014 La gira realizada por Colplay para promocionar su ultimo trabajo, 'Ghost Stories', ha estado acompañada de las soluciones audiovisuales proporcionadas por XL Vídeo que hizo uso de los proyectores de ...
Pay Per Laugh: facial recognition application with real-time statistics from Glassworks Barcelona18 July 2014 Winner of eight lions (one of them made of gold) at the Cannes Lions Festival 2014, the Pay Per Laugh app, developed by Glasworks Barcelona, detects after installing on an iPad ...
Digital signage to boost sales in points of sale and generate results18 July 2014 The panos restaurant and bakery franchise, belonging to the Belgian group La Lorraine Bakery Group, has installed 180 digital signage screens to improve communication at your points of view ...