Charmex and Samsung look at the digital signage ecosystem and its vision for the future27 June 2014 With the slogan 'The digital signage ecosystem', Charmex and Samsung have addressed the future of this environment with new solutions for the retail sector, Healthcare & Corporate Face More ...
Digital AV Magazine renews the web in its commitment to quality and informational immediacy24 June 2014 La nueva imagen de Digital AV Magazine ha mejorado su interface en aspectos tan destacados como la propuesta de artículos relacionados con la actualidad o la calidad fotográfica. Una renovación ...
Union Depot Transportation Center Dives into Digital Signage without Losing Its Neoclassical Style24 June 2014 Tightrope Media Systems Supplies Dynamic Digital Signage Systems, as well as interactive kiosks, required for the redevelopment of the Union Depot multimodal transportation hub in Minnesota. located ...
Japan's NHK brings Super Hi-Vision 8K technology to World Cup screens20 June 2014 With more than 4.000 líneas de escaneado horizontal y una resolución de 7.680x4.320 píxeles, la tecnología Super Hi-Vision o calidad 8K (UHDV) ha iniciado sus primeras pruebas de captación y ...
Piksel DS4: integral platform of digital signage and online video to improve the communication of companies19 June 2014 La nueva plataforma Piksel Digital Signage (DS4) integra las capacidades de señalización digital con la plataforma de vídeo en línea (OVP) existente para que las organizaciones gestionen y publiquen contenido ...
Clear Channel shows professionals and brands the potential of their mobile outdoor platform at Cannes Lions 201419 June 2014 El Festival Internacional de Creatividad Cannes Lions 2014 ha sido de nuevo el marco elegido por Clear Channel Outdoor (BCC), certamen del que es patrocinador en la categoría Outdoors Lions ...
Televisió de Catalunya hosts the workshop on video compression technologies by Tmediat and Ateme19 June 2014 The present and future of compression technologies has been the theme of the seminar held by Tmediat and Ateme at the headquarters of Televisió de Catalunya. An event in the ...
Brazil 2014: a global in digital format, interactive and multi-screen18 June 2014 Pantallas digitales de gran formato, televisores de última generación UHD, visualización multipantalla e intensa actividad a través de dispositivos móviles, con el desarrollo de numerosas y variadas apps, caracterizan la ...
TMTFactory fuses on-screen interactivity and e-commerce technology in the FCBarcelona megastore18 June 2014 Las diez pantallas Digital Locker de la megastore del FCBarcelona combinan ahora la interactividad con los compradores y las ventajas del e-commerce en el punto de venta para reducir los ...
Saudi Arabian customs carry out their digital communication with Deneva.cuatro of ICON Multimedia17 June 2014 La empresa española ICON Multimedia ha instalado su solución integral de comunicación digital Deneva.cuatro, homologado en este país y traducido al árabe, en las delegaciones de Saudi Customs SADC, organismo ...
QT Hotel implements an IPTV and VOD solution with TriplePlay technology17 June 2014 StreamVision has installed QT Hotels in the complex & Resort de Canberra (Australia) the TriplePlay platform, TripleChoice Hospitality TV portal. Una solución que sirve tanto para entretener a los ...
Brazil 2014: Maracanã Stadium manages its audio system with Allen's GLD-80 digital console & Heath16 June 2014 El mítico estadio de Maracaná, en el que actualmente se celebran los principales encuentros de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol Brasil 2014, ha confiado la gestión del sistema de audio ...
The stadiums of Brazil 2014 use Sennheiser microphones to deliver surround sound 5.1 to viewers13 June 2014 Host Broadcast Service (HBS) está utilizando para recoger el sonido en los doce estadios en los que se celebra actualmente la Copa del Mundo de Fútbol Brasil 2014 The new one ...
Crown expands its DriveCoreInstall amplifier series with analog and network DCI equipment13 June 2014 Four are the new DCI models that Crown has incorporated into its line of amplifiers DriveCoreInstall, two analog (DCi4|1250 and DCi2|1250 ) and two others that add Ethernet connectivity (DCi4|1250N ...
Civolution synchronizes with SyncNow the smartphones of 65.000 spectators at the 'Toppers in concert 2014'13 June 2014 The provider for identification, content management and monetization Civolution has achieved a unique experience of connecting with its SyncNow system, synchronizing via the 'Toppers Live' app ...
SmartAVI goes to InfoComm 2014 with its latest developments for digital signage and distribution of A / V signals13 June 2014 Three new controllers for video walls and digital signage with 4K resolution and products for the distribution of A/V signals are some of the new features that SmartAVI will unveil at ...
Roland XS: new range of multi-format matrices for fixed installations and live events12 June 2014 Roland's XS Multi-Format Matrix Switcher Series, that the company will officially present at InfoComm 2014 in Las Vegas, esta diseñada para instalaciones fijas y eventos en directo que requieran ...
Cisco VNI Report: UHD video consumption and IoE will triple Internet traffic in 201811 June 2014 El tráfico IP global se multiplicará casi por tres en los próximos cuatro años debido al crecimiento de usuarios y dispositivos de Internet, a la mayor velocidad de la banda ...
Activu Series 5, integrated videowall system for control rooms and conferences10 June 2014 El sistema de videowall Activu Series 5 es una solución inteligente pensada para utilizar en salas de control y conferencias, que permite acceder a los datos visuales de una red ...
XL Video Updates Its Catalyst Media Servers with Intel Xeon E5 for Mac Pro6 June 2014 In response to developments in live video production, XL Video has updated its range of Catalyst media servers, diseñada en torno a la nueva gama Mac ...