Bosch Security offers SICUR professionals 2014 'A world of options tailored to you'26 February 2014 En la primera jornada de SICUR 2014, Bosch Security ha celebrado su tradicional encuentro con los medios para mostrar sus últimas innovaciones en seguridad IP y analógica, protección y comunicación, ...
Haivision brings the benefits of SRT technology to Makito X encoders and decoders26 February 2014 La tecnología Secure Reliable Transport (.SRT) de Haivision está disponible para los codificadores y decodificadores de la serie Makito X, proporcionando una mayor calidad en la distribución de vídeo en ...
Alzinia contributes its digital signage LiquidImages to the Association of Young Entrepreneurs of Madrid24 February 2014 La plataforma de cartelería digital de Alzinia ha sido escogida por la Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios de Madrid (AJE) durante la reciente celebración del Salón Mi Empresa. AJE Madrid ha confiado ...
Mediaset bets on the neuromarketing of Sociograph for the success of its fiction series24 February 2014 Nuevas formas de elaborar ficción, en la que se implican todas las áreas estratégicas (production, programming, communication, relaciones externas e investigación y marketing) es la apuesta que ha realizado Mediaset ...
AMX RPM 2.0 facilitates the configuration of audiovisual systems in classrooms and conference rooms21 February 2014 The version 2.0 of AMX's Rapid Project Maker cloud tool helps configure the integration of AV solutions in meeting rooms, ya se trate de una única ...
Virtual balconies of 80 " and HD in interior cabins to enjoy the cruise in real time21 February 2014 Recreating the navigation of a cruise in real time and the different times of the day in an indoor cabin is the innovative bet of the cruise company Royal Caribbean, ...
XL Video provides innovative audiovisual coverage at the Cisco Live event 2014 in Milan20 February 2014 The Cisco Live Celebration 2014, event in which this multinational specialized in networks has recently brought together thousands of professionals from the ICT sector in the congress center ...
Sony IP cameras monitor the route of the New York Marathon19 February 2014 To secure the area where the New York Marathon was to be held, its organizers installed Sony IP cameras connected to a Firetide wireless mesh network. the ...
Flumotion attends MWC 2014 with its multi-device and on-demand streaming solutions19 February 2014 La empresa de servicios de streaming Flumotion presentará en el Mobile World Congress (MWC), which is celebrated by the 24 to the 27 February in Barcelona, sus soluciones profesionales de vídeo ...
AdderLink DVI104T, HDMI/DVI video extenders for digital signage applications18 February 2014 Para aplicaciones de señalización digital y aquellas donde el rendimiento del display es esencial, Adder ha diseñado los extensores AdderLink DVI104T que pueden controlar hasta cuatro monitores remotos. Las cajas extensoras ...
NBC Olympics uses Microsoft Windows Azure to stream the JJs. OO. of Sochi 201418 February 2014 Una completa cobertura multidispositivo, en directo y bajo demanda, de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de Sochi que se celebran hasta el 23 de febrero es la propuesta que NBC ...
BrightSign feeds the more than 150 Samsung screens installed at Boulder Station Hotel Casino17 February 2014 Modernizar sus instalaciones y atraer a los visitantes fue el objetivo del Boulder Station Hotel Casino para acometer un proyecto de AV que incluía una red de más de 150 ...
The University of Durham relies on the network of digital signage and IPTV of Tripleplay as an element of communication17 February 2014 Durham University, one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the United Kingdom, has installed a network of digital signage and IPTV composed of fifteen large screens ...
ImagePRo-II Jr Boat: all-in-one signal converter for audiovisual applications17 February 2014 ImagePRO-II JR is the new model introduced by Barco for signal processing. A video scaler, Image transformer, conmutador y transcodificador de alto rendimiento todo en uno ...
Ikusi presents at Cabsat 2014 its new TV headers and HD modulators for hotels14 February 2014 The headends for the reception of the television signal and the new HD modulators star in the proposal for the hospitality sector that Ikusi will present at the Cabsat fair 2014, ...
Adder Technology y Scala unen fuerzas para el despliegue de redes de digital signage de alto rendimiento13 February 2014 El desarrollador de sistemas de conectividad ProAV Adder Technology ha presentado en ISE 2014 el sistema AdderLink DV100 HDMI, que facilita el despliegue de redes de digital signage, in collaboration ...
Vitelsa supplies the information systems to the public for the airports of the Aena network13 February 2014 Aena ha seleccionado a Vitelsa para participar en el nuevo acuerdo marco SIP que entra en vigor este año. In this way, suministrará los sistemas técnicos de gestión y presentación ...
The Gothenburg Opera Chooses Focusrite RedNet Digital Audio Systems for Richard Siegal's Avant-Garde Show12 February 2014 Focusrite's RedNet systems are used in The World To Darknes And To Me, premiered at the Gothenburg Opera, to deliver the required sound and audio ...
The new generation of corporate communication: "any image on any screen"11 February 2014 Cada vez más las empresas optan por implantar en sus negocios soluciones audiovisuales de comunicación, Se trata proyectos complejos que, como explica José Antonio Giménez Blesa, director de ingeniería de ...
Delatorre engineering begins the transfer of AV systems to the new headquarters of the EFE Agency10 February 2014 Spanish engineering and consultant Delatorre have been in charge of optional management, technical projects and the transfer of audiovisual systems from the EFE Agency's headquarters ...