Lutron shows at ISE 2014 your LED lighting solutions for commercial installations30 January 2014 En el stand de Lutron en ISE 2014, se expondrán los últimos desarrollos de la compañía para instalaciones de iluminación comercial, en los que prioriza la regulación de la iluminación ...
Charmex reaffirms its commitment to interactivity in the digital classroom with the Turning Poing system29 January 2014 Interactive response systems achieve greater attention and participation in the digital classroom, as assured by the specialized wholesaler Charmex, que reafirma su apuesta por la interactividad y la ...
XL Video provides the visual equipment for the great projection made at Autosport International 201429 January 2014 A screening of 90 meters wide by 9 high, made with Barco equipment, served as the backdrop for the Autosport International exhibition 2014. ...
Beabloo presents a smart digital display for the stores of the future at ISPO Munich 201428 January 2014 Un sistema de digital signage integrado en los expositores de los lineales de las tiendas, capaces de ofrecer información inteligente tanto a proveedores como a retailers, ha sido la propuesta ...
The Eyevis netPIX graphics controller 4900 improves the performance of videowall in control rooms27 January 2014 Eyevis presentará en ISE 2014 la controladora netPIX 4900 que incorpora avanzadas funcionalidades que optimizan el rendimiento de los videowall utilizados en la salas de control y de conferencias. Las salas ...
Ise 2014: Barix will unveil the multichannel audio solution for digital signage in retail24 January 2014 Barix, desarrollador suizo de tecnología IP para la transmisión de señales de audio, will be presented at ISE 2014 una innovadora solución multicanal de transmisión de contenido publicitario por audio en el ...
Help DooH: digital kiosk and defibrillator in a single system to help save lives24 January 2014 The company Help International AG has developed, tested and patented the first DooH device on the market that combines a digital kiosk with an emergency defibrillator system, in a ...
Dallmeier optimizes its recording appliance for video surveillance VideoNetBox24 January 2014 VideoNetBox II is the new version of the recording device in videosecurity applications from Dallmeier. An appliance with the capacity to 8 video channels that include Smavia Recording Server. Dallmeier ...
YCD Multimedia Introduces Next Generation of Its C-nario Digital Signage Flagship Platform|Suite24 January 2014 In ISE 2014, YCD Multimedia presentará la versión 3.7 de su plataforma de digital signage C-nario|Suite que incluye nuevas implementaciones para HTML5. YCD Multimedia dará a conocer en ISE 2014, What ...
Exterity Brings HDCPv2 Security to Its Hardware and Software IPTV Solutions24 January 2014 Ise 2014 will be the occasion chosen by Exterity to announce its complete end-to-end offer with HDCPv2 security functionalities in its IPTV hardware and software products. Exterity, whose products it markets ...
Cisco Edge 340 Digital Media Player extiende las capacidades del digital signage a un nuevo nivel24 January 2014 Edge 340 Digital Media Player (DMP) es la plataforma de señalización digital de próxima generación desarrollada por Cisco para ofrecer experiencias multimedia innovadoras tanto en empresas como en entornos comerciales, ...
American Airlines Center Upgrades Audio and Video Infrastructure with Pesa23 January 2014 The American Airlines Center in Dallas has updated its infrastructure and implemented a routing system based on the Pesa Cheetah digital platform, including a Touch72 control panel ...
iGuzzini uses Christie's technology to provide 3D capability to its revamped conference room22 January 2014 iGuzzini modernizes its headquarters in Recanati providing it with the most innovative audiovisual technologies and where Christie projection solutions have been a key element for the redesign of ...
Tecco shows at ISE 2014 Aracast's HTML5 capabilities21 January 2014 The addition of HTML5 to the Aracast software and the latest totem models are some of the novelties that Tecco will show at the Amsterdam RAI, Venue of the celebration of ...
Med&Home and Avaya connect and integrate intervention rooms by videoconference17 January 2014 Los sistemas de Avaya Scopia XT1200 y MCU Elite 5110 facilitan la interacción y el intercambio de información en las intervenciones quirúrgicas de los centros hospitalarios, integradas por Med&Home en ...
Barco will promote at ISE 2014 uniting your visualization and collaboration technologies with ClickShare Inside17 January 2014 Simplificar la gestión AV en salas de reuniones y ampliar las funciones de colaboración es la propuesta que Barco presentará en ISE 2014 con ClickShare Inside, que combina su sistema ...
Aopen expands its portfolio of digital signage solutions with the DE7200 player as the ultimate exponent17 January 2014 El reproductor multimedia para señalización digital DE7200 encabeza la propuesta de soluciones que Aopen va a presentar en la próxima edición de ISE. Un equipo construido con el procesador Intel ...
Planar develops the next generation of Clarity Matrix LED videowall systems with G2 architecture17 January 2014 LCD videowall systems Clarity Matrix with G2 architecture combine an ultra-thin profile with 4K resolution. In addition, incorporate improvements to facilitate installation and maintenance. Esta es una ...
BrightSign players manage seven hundred screens of China's largest luxury car showroom16 January 2014 AKD Luxury Cars Mall, company specialized in high-end second-hand vehicles, is using 350 BrightSign digital signage players to manage the contents of the seven hundred ...
Digital life is consolidated in Spanish society with 19 millions of citizens connected to the Internet16 January 2014 The fourteenth edition of the report 'The Information Society in Spain', corresponding to 2013, provides an overview of trends and megatrends in the ICT sector. Un año marcado por ...