Philips PDS delivers AV innovation to collaborate, learning and improving business experience, classrooms and hotels13 March 2020 Focused on the corporate market, with the development of new ranges of screens for vertical sectors, Cesar Sanz, sales manager signage solutions of the company in Iberia, explains the complete ...
Avixa creates an advisory committee of audiovisual integration companies in Spain10 March 2020 Twenty Spanish audiovisual integration companies have met, under the umbrella of this association with the aim of strengthening the value they play, in addition to analyzing the lack of ...
Tech Data summons the channel next 15 September to celebrate METIC202010 March 2020 Tras aplazarse por la situación de expansión del Covid-19, el evento anual con el canal del mayorista tecnológico tendrá lugar a mediados del próximo mes de septiembre. METIC2020, el evento anual ...
Biamp expands the TesiraConnect range to incorporate AVB and Dante in its AV solutions9 March 2020 La inclusión del dispositivo de doble red TesiraConnect TC-5D permite a los diseñadores incorporar sin problemas tanto AVB como Dante en los diseños de sistemas para ofrecer soluciones completas. En línea ...
Ingram Micro summons the channel for its nineteenth Symposium9 March 2020 This year, el evento tendrá lugar el jueves 5 de noviembre y, as in previous editions, se celebrará en la Cúpula de las Arenas. La jornada será el marco idóneo ...
Sharp shows the benefits of its Windows collaboration display certified system in the Connected event6 March 2020 The Amsterdam offices, Microsoft's Madrid and New York have been connected through Teams and Sharp's interactive collaboration system, the only certificate in the ...
Absen kicks off a new trend of intelligent applications with the AW series6 March 2020 Esta línea de pantallas DooH Led, disponible en dos tamaños de paneles (500x500 y 500x750 mm) y con un pixel pitch de 2, 8 and 3,9 Mm, ofrece un brillo ...
Chief puts the spotlight on the retail sector with AV stands for storefronts and interior6 March 2020 El fabricante de soportes audiovisuales ha desarrollado dos nuevos modelos para la instalación de monitores en escaparate, tanto en versión de una única cara como en versión de doble cara ...
Maverick AV responds to the problems of meeting rooms and digital signage projects5 March 2020 The AV division of Tech Data went to ISE 2020 to show the solutions that this year will be a trend in the audiovisual market, and, more specifically, in that of the ...
Philips PDS presents its visual innovation for companies to the Spanish market, hospitality and education4 March 2020 After a successful participation in ISE 2020, where he has exhibited his latest developments in screens, Monitors, professional TVs and communication solutions, its managers in the Iberian market explain this ...
Kramer Omnivore KM-2B: single-microphone solution for corporate applications4 March 2020 This versatile and flexible microphone, patent pending, can have three selectable patterns: omnidirectional, Cardioid and sub-cardioid directional to fit different meeting and conference spaces. Omnivore KM-2B es ...
Peerless-AV promotes the customization of its Led solutions to respond to the demand of each client3 March 2020 With a wide proposal at the service of professionals in the audiovisual industry, the manufacturer has successfully completed the last edition that ISE has held in Amsterdam, in the ...
Work Pro expands its Arion line array range and introduces the Integra digital audio matrix2 March 2020 Equipson has taken advantage of its participation in the recent ISE edition 2020 to present two redesigns of its brand -10A and 5A- belonging to its Arion range, as well as the unit ...
The play 'Scroll’ by Daniel Canogar joins technology and art with algorithms from the El Corte Inglés website2 March 2020 As part of the activities developed during the recent International Contemporary Art Fair (ARCH) in Madrid, this artistic project refers to the evolution of retail, from the shop window ...
Admira develops with Samsung the Eats concept for the hospitality sector27 February 2020 Gracias a la utilización de varias tecnologías cruzadas (video analytics, Wi-Fi social, Iot), el cliente puede obtener información sobre los platos, contenidos interactivos sobre la cocina, incluso recomendaciones de ...
The ISE community supports the Emma Children's Hospital in Amsterdam with a technological project26 February 2020 The work of organizers and companies of the event has not ended in the mere exhibition, but in a charitable project to create a new high-tech entertainment space, ...
Caliber LedFusion A160: Led screen of 163 All-in-one inches for ProAV applications26 February 2020 Designed with an ultra-thin frame, less than 35 Mm, and bezel-less, offers a viewing angle of 170 Degrees, HD resolution, a pixel pitch of 1,8 Mm, ...
The Vinaroz Carnival lights up with Ayrton's systems, Claypaky and MA Lighting26 February 2020 The company Producciones TS has been responsible for making the event of this Castellón town a reality, with a lighting design by Carlos Rubert, and the systems of the ...
"At Absen we are in an ideal position and very proud to have four types of miniLed panels"25 February 2020 Ben Phelps, retail industry director at Absen, explains how the motto chosen for ISE 2020 - Evolution on display - has materialized in a spectacular live exhibition of ...
Partteam kiosks & Oemkiosks automate catering service in Portuguese schools25 February 2020 En la escuela de secundaria Camilo Castelo Branco se han instalado varios quioscos multimedia del modelo Turin para facilitar la gestión del bar y la cafetería, evitando colas y confusión ...