HP Inc transforms classrooms with collaborative and immersive solutions at BETT 201620 January 2016 The company participates in the Bett education fair 2016, that today opens its doors in the Excel of London until the next 23 January, con sus soluciones de ...
AdagioPro organizes the first Midas Pro Series operator course20 January 2016 Taught by Suso Ramallo, during the two days of this course aimed at technicians and table operators interested in Midas, issues related to software and hardware will be addressed, treatment ...
eBeam Edge Plus turns large format whiteboards into interactive media20 January 2016 The third generation of the eBeam solution offers more power, Speed and accuracy, making it possible for the computer to receive the signal at more than 10 meters of ...
TD Maverick participates in ISE 2016 with all European delegations to promote the channel's business19 January 2016 Con ‘Aloha’ como mensaje de bienvenida y un stand con diseño hawaiano, la división del mayorista Tech Data especializada en soluciones audiovisuales profesionales acude de nuevo al certamen de Ámsterdam ...
Cómo será la evolución del marketing digital y la publicidad en 2016, según Sizmek15 January 2016 Los formatos publicitarios en vídeo, el móvil, la interconectividad, así como los bloqueadores de anuncios darán mucho que hablar en 2016, tal y como revela el análisis de tendencias que ...
Charmex distribuye las soluciones AV de Neets para aulas y presentaciones14 January 2016 Los sistemas de control AV de Neets permiten a como profesores y presentadores hacer su trabajo de forma eficiente en lugar de estar interpretando complejos sistemas AV, ya que se ...
The Parliament of Romania installs two eyevis videowalls in the Plenary Hall14 January 2016 Esta sede parlamentaria cuenta ahora con dos videowalls, configured with 8 pantallas eyevis EYE-LCD-6000-SN, que han sido colocadas en la sala de Plenos, a cinco metros de altura, One to ...
Playmedia creates an interactive and cultural experience at the Museum of World Cultures in Barcelona14 January 2016 Formed by a multidisciplinary team to offer 360º communication in projects to attract and impact the visitor, Playmedia has been responsible for the design and interactive technology at the service of the ...
Insula College attracts students' attention through Sony screens13 January 2016 El centro holandés Insula College ha instalado 70 monitores profesionales Sony Bravia FWL-75W855C con objeto de ofrecer una atractiva experiencia y captar la atención de los alumnos. Como parte de su ...
Sogeti will analyze the digital transformation of companies in the face of the new form of content consumption13 January 2016 'Social Collaboration Day' is the name of the second edition of the conference that this company will celebrate, the next 20 January in Madrid, to analyse and discuss the new ...
NEC Display will immerse ISE professionals 2016 in an interactive experience12 January 2016 Participando una edición más en Integrated Systems Europe, el fabricante contará con un gran stand en el Ámsterdam RAI, dotado con una sala de exposición de aplicaciones audiovisuales y de ...
Sony goes to ISE 2016 with an immersive environment focused on business and education12 January 2016 Bajo un domo dotado de dos proyectores láser SXRD VPL-GTZ270, Sony sumergirá a los visitantes que acudan a ISE 2016 en un viaje inmersivo en el que descubrirán las soluciones ...
Sony will create in BETT 2016 an interactive and audiovisual learning environment4 January 2016 At BETT 2016, Sony dispondrá de un stand dividido en seis áreas que tienen como objetivo crear un entorno de aprendizaje interactivo, diseñado para presentar soluciones destinadas a las aulas, ...
Video installations and audiovisual art concentrate the tenth edition of Flux Festival in Barcelona4 January 2016 Until next time 10 January, este festival centrado en los autores vinculados a la ciudad de Barcelona que trabajan en el campo del vídeo de creación (videoarte, documental de ...
Graphic panels and immersive effects recreate the history of malta's National War Museum22 December 2015 Sarner, especialista audiovisual en diseño museístico y de ocio, ha diseñado una amplia gama de gráficos y efectos visuales con sistemas y media player de AV Stumpfl para recrear de una ...
ESC 2016 commitment to training with experts in IT and digital content22 December 2015 The conference program organized by Consumer Technologic Association (CTA), employers of the US ICT industry UU. for this contest, which is celebrated by the 6 to the 9 January 2016 ...
For Samsung, 2016 will be the beginning of a more emotional technology, enveloping and sensory21 December 2015 Thanks to super-fast internet speeds, to the explosion of data connections and the development of virtual reality, Samsung's predictions suggest that ...
Ise 2016 enriches your proposal to be much more than an exhibition17 December 2015 A few months away from its most lasting celebration, for the first time four days of contest, Integrated Systems Europe (Ise), the edition 2016 will offer "an unprecedented experience", as their ...
"Samsung has invested a lot in digital signage to offer the best solutions”, video-interview with Berta Conde17 December 2015 A highly effective means of communication; large format screens for immersive visual experiences and integrated, interactive applications, are some of the proposals that Berta Conde, Smart Signage ...
The digital signage market and its vision of the future, to debate by display manufacturers16 December 2015 Pantallas de gran formato y resolución, despliegue de displays en entornos de exterior, homologación del canal de distribución y, chiefly, contenidos de calidad y elementos que fomenten la interacción con ...