Cisco and Industry Leaders Create New Business and Talent Models to Drive IoE20 October 2014 La reciente celebración del evento Internet of Things World Forum (IoTWF), organizado por Cisco en Chicago (United States) ha congregado a los principales líderes de la industria para la puesta ...
TD Maverick presents the new Simply Done program for digital signage and conference solutions17 October 2014 Simply Done es el nuevo programa que TD Maverick, división AV profesional del mayorista Tech Data, ha desarrollado específicamente para facilitar al canal soluciones tecnológicas, asesoramiento y formación en sistemas ...
Interactivity marks Smart Technologies' attendance at SIMO Education 201417 October 2014 La pantalla plana Board 6065, el proyector LightRaise y las pizarras digitales Board son las principales novedades que Smart Technologies está presentando en SIMO Educación 2014. Smart Technologies ha acudido a SIMO Educación ...
Promethean comes to SIMO Education with visualization solutions that encourage learning and collaboration16 October 2014 La participación de Promethean a SIMO Educación está marcada por la presentación de sus soluciones de visualización ActivTable, ActivPanel Touch y ActivBoard Touch, así como el software ClassFlow. La mesa ActivTable, ...
Ecotechnology is Casio's bet on SIMO Education 201416 October 2014 Los proyectores son los grandes protagonistas en el stand de Casio en SIMO Educación que tienen como elemento clave la ecotecnología. El principal protagonista es el modelo de distancia ultra corta XJ-UT310WN, What ...
Digital Experience Show 2014: Caverin Solutions invites the sector to go beyond digital signage16 October 2014 The next 12 November, el mayorista de valor en audiovisuales y eficiencia energética Caverin Solutions organiza en Madrid la segunda edición de su evento ‘Digital Experience Show: further ...
Virtalis installs its ActiveCube virtual environment at Bielefeld University15 October 2014 La Universidad de Bielefeld ha sustituido su antiguo ‘Cave’ por la solución de realidad virtual de Virtalis ActiveCube, un proyecto que ha sido instalado en el nuevo edificio que este ...
eShow Madrid 2014: more than 11.000 professionals support the fair proposal around digital integration14 October 2014 With the participation of 140 exhibitors and the visit of 11.000 Professional, based on the organization's data, eShow Madrid 2014 consolidates its proposal as a reference event in the ...
Hitachi CP-TW2503: interactive projector for the educational and business environment13 October 2014 The CP-TW2503 ultra-short range LCD projector is designed by Hitachi Digital Media Group to enhance the viewing experience whether in a classroom or boardroom. With their ...
Samsung School: multi-device digital learning solution present at Simo Educación 201413 October 2014 The Teaching Technology Show, Simo Educación 2014, contará con la participación de Samsung y su solución School, dirigida a mejorar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en ...
CSS Audiovisual shows the audio sector the possibilities of the Avid S6 console13 October 2014 The advantages and possibilities offered by the control console, mixes and editing Avid S6 will be made available to the audio sector in the training sessions organized by CSS ...
Sapienza University reveals the advantages of the Sony HMS-3000MT viewfinder in surgery10 October 2014 A study conducted by the Sapienza University of Rome to evaluate the advantages offered by the Sony HMS-3000MT headmount viewfinder in the field of surgery, revela ...
AMX simplifies technology management on university campuses with new collaboration and control systems10 October 2014 Integración de sistemas multidispositivo con control de AMX para mejorar la colaboración entre estudiantes y educadores en todos los espacios de un campus universitario, es la propuesta que ofrece esta ...
The Vivitek projector D755WTIR responds to the interactive demand of the education sector9 October 2014 With WXGA resolution and a brightness of 3.300 Lumens, Vivitek offers the D755WTIR projector as an ideal tool for collaborative teaching environments. Este equipo incorpora amplias funcionalidades de conectividad y proporciona una ...
Brightline's Visual Solutions Attract the Attention of Students at the University of Tennessee9 October 2014 Brightline Interactive ha instalado un kiosco informativo con pantalla táctil en el vestíbulo del Anderson Training Center de la Universidad de Tennessee para informar a los nuevos deportistas y servir ...
Tech Data will show at SIMO Education 2014 its commitment to AV solutions in the classroom8 October 2014 At SIMO Education 2014, Tech Data pondrá de relieve el gran protagonismo que están teniendo las soluciones audiovisuales en las aulas. At your stand, los asistentes tendrán la oportunidad de interactuar ...
TD Maverick shows the channel the latest professional AV solutions at the Roadshow of Tech Data6 October 2014 En el marco del Roadshow de Tech Data, en el que el mayorista está recorriendo las principales ciudades de España durante el presente mes de octubre, la división TD Maverick ...
A videowall built with MicroTiles is used by Stanford University as an educational tool6 October 2014 RP Visuals has designed a videowall of 439 square meters with Christie's MicroTiles to replace the old projection system that Stanford University had at the Wallenberg ...
NanoSlims screens focus the debate in the meeting room of Elon University3 October 2014 The new student hall of Elon University, the Global Neighborhood, has been equipped with two NanoSlim LED screens of 5 mm that measure 2,7 meters high by ...
Watch Festival 2014: projection and digital interaction workshops at the Live Visual Arts Camp3 October 2014 En el marco de la cuarta edición de Mira Live Visual Arts Festival, to be held from the 11 to the 13 de noviembre en la Fábrica Fabra i Coats de Barcelona, ...