Optoma encourages collaboration with its new Creative Touch screens 3 Series2 December 2020 These interactive flat systems, with 4K – UHD resolution, incorporate tools for note exchange and extensive connectivity features. Designed to improve training, learning and sharing ...
Charmex proposes a wide range of videoconferencing solutions for business and education1 December 2020 To publicize and facilitate your consultation, the wholesaler has gathered in a new catalog the audio and video products that allow to create improved meetings with equipment that ...
Laia offers solutions that respond to hybrid education26 November 2020 Ha desarrollado dos pack integrados por cámaras y micrófonos que dan respuesta a los requerimientos de las clases pequeñas (Cute Small), y las aulas medianas y grandes (Cute Mid&Big). Training ...
Minnesota State University updates visual experience with Sony projection25 November 2020 El objetivo era buscar una solución que ofreciera, en las pantallas del salón de baile Centennial Student Union de esta institución docente, una imagen más clara, crisp and bright. for ...
Ditec Communications transforms Pompeu Fabra University classrooms into a hybrid space18 November 2020 The company's project department has designed a technology solution based on the requirements for a hybrid classroom: collaboration and two-way communication between different spaces. Pompeu Fabra University ...
Visual Displays expands its all-in-one laser display solutions with XL version18 November 2020 The company has developed complete laser display solutions (CLD) with the introduction of this new large version of the manufacturer dnp, especially aimed at the higher education market ...
Exterity helps create IPTV solution at Scotway House student residence16 November 2020 More than 260 Screens, including LG Hospitality SmartTV equipment. A display network that is managed by ArtioGuest software. The residence of ...
Sennheiser hosts new seminars on wireless radio frequency technology12 November 2020 The Sound Academy of the manufacturer presents the new proposal for training #DontStopTheEducation around different audio technologies, which will take place this November ...
Biamp develops an online tool to design conference rooms11 November 2020 The new version of its assistant 'Conference room designer' makes it easier to create adapted and exclusive designs for each space easier and faster. The manufacturer Biamp has developed a new version of ...
Philips PDS sells in Europe the interactive screens T-Line11 November 2020 Diseñadas especialmente para el entorno educativo y disponibles en formato de 65, 75 and 86 Inch, ofrece nuevos niveles de colaboración entre estudiantes y profesores, transformando cualquier espacio en un ...
Avixa and DSO summon the AV industry and digital signage to their webinars11 November 2020 Both organizations celebrate the next 18 november new virtual meetings to provide the vision and knowledge of the leading experts in the AV and digital signage industry in areas ...
Cisco Webex promotes back-to-office security with more sensors and analytics10 November 2020 The company has presented the Workforce of the future report, where nine out of ten workers want to choose between remote and face-to-face work with the use of technology ...
ISE launches the digital technological events RISE Spotlights10 November 2020 The next 24 November and dedicated to unified communications and collaboration, the organization of this system integration event, along with The Next Web, start these ...
BenQ offers in its flat panel RP6502 interactivity and health to the educational environment9 November 2020 With a size of 65", this system has functions in the cloud, with whiteboard included, to improve learning, as well as advanced air quality sensors. The flat panel ...
Arec's technology at PXL University reveals the importance of e-learning6 November 2020 To continue having a quality education, but keeping the distance, This Belgian educational center has opted for the installation of the Media Station LS-400 and LS-200, cameras ...
4K HDR Summit 2020 will analyze the next generation audio6 November 2020 La agenda de este evento, that will take place in the 17 to the 19 del presente mes en formato virtual, contará con expertos de Ateme, Dolby y Fraunhofer, para mostrar los avances ...
Pictures That Move presents its Call Studio TV platform with Ventuz technology3 November 2020 The Madrid company has extended its technological offer of interactive 3D presentations in real time, with the development of virtual proposal to respond to the communication needs of ...
Avixa and the Federation of Digital Signage organize the virtual conference D = Sign30 October 2020 Fruit of its recent partnership to offer digital signage content, Both entities will be the hosts of this contest, in a virtual and free format, that will take place next 8 ...
Crestron automatiza el lugar de trabajo con las pantallas táctiles de la Serie 7030 October 2020 These solutions, conectadas a la nube y con montaje en pared o en formato de mesa, son idóneas para gestionar una amplia gama de sistemas AV en salas de control, ...
Samsung responds to collaboration requirements with its new 85" interactive display30 October 2020 For the classroom and business environments, esta pizarra digital 4K de 20 touch points join those already available from 55 and 65 Inch. Con su funcionalidad fácil de ...