Pictures That Move presents its Call Studio TV platform with Ventuz technology3 November 2020 The Madrid company has extended its technological offer of interactive 3D presentations in real time, with the development of virtual proposal to respond to the communication needs of ...
Avixa and the Federation of Digital Signage organize the virtual conference D = Sign30 October 2020 Fruit of its recent partnership to offer digital signage content, Both entities will be the hosts of this contest, in a virtual and free format, that will take place next 8 ...
Crestron automatiza el lugar de trabajo con las pantallas táctiles de la Serie 7030 October 2020 These solutions, conectadas a la nube y con montaje en pared o en formato de mesa, son idóneas para gestionar una amplia gama de sistemas AV en salas de control, ...
Samsung responds to collaboration requirements with its new 85" interactive display30 October 2020 For the classroom and business environments, esta pizarra digital 4K de 20 touch points join those already available from 55 and 65 Inch. Con su funcionalidad fácil de ...
Moncada offers professional scenarios for online or blended learning27 October 2020 Relying on the equipment of brands such as Panasonic, Autoscript, Teradek, Blackmagic, Telestream or Litepanels proposes, to the environment of education and business, Simple solutions, intuitive and configurable to be able to ...
EnlightED closes its third edition with more than 40.000 virtual assistants 44 Countries27 October 2020 La tecnología como palanca transversal para enriquecer la enseñanza y el aprendizaje; una formación adaptada a los perfiles de la nueva economía digital y el rol del docente en la ...
Prince Carlos Alexander participates in Sennheiser Pro Talk Series interviews23 October 2020 El productor e ingeniero ganador del premio Grammy habla en esta página web de YouTube sobre su trayectoria profesional, de cómo era antes la producción de la música, cómo es ...
Arthur Holm shows his technological innovation for meeting spaces at DynamicExpo 202016 October 2020 The next 20 and 21 October, The brand celebrates this virtual event to publicize its products in detail and in operation; Clarify any doubts with the team ...
The digitization of content opens the doors to a new educational model15 October 2020 After the situation caused by COVID-19, the education sector must change its way of learning and bet on a hybrid model and to achieve this the key is in ...
Ingram Micro convenes its global ecosystem in ONE Experience and a new way of doing business15 October 2020 De manera virtual y en cinco continentes, el mayorista reunirá del 5 to the 6 de noviembre a sus máximos responsables y a expertos tecnológicos de referencia internacional para ofrecer "one ...
Clarkson University updates student center videowalll with Planar14 October 2020 To renew the old display support has opted for the TVF series to create a videowall of just over four meters wide by 2,5 high. ...
Duquesne University implements a hybrid learning model with the help of Nureva13 October 2020 HDL300 audio conferencing systems have been installed in 75 of the classrooms and the objective is to extend the project to the rest of the campus. La Universidad Duquesne, located in Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) ...
Visual Display unites dnp and Epson technology to deliver post-COVID solution13 October 2020 In a package that adapts to the needs of the customer, for the education environment and meeting rooms, offers a solution that combines Supernova ALR screens ...
AVIT will hold two webinars of collaboration systems with videoconferencing and space reservation13 October 2020 De carácter gratuito y de una hora de duración, el primer seminario online será el próximo 14 de octubre centrado en los sistemas de Biamp, y el de gestión de ...
Daktronics organizes a series of seminars focused on Direct-View Led technology13 October 2020 Even the 22 de octubre el evento 'Innovate Series', organizado por Daktronics, abordará las ventajas de la tecnología Direct-View Led en diferentes ámbitos de aplicación. Las pantallas con tecnología Direct-View Led ...
Genelec monitors create a stereo and immersive environment at tokyo School of Music7 October 2020 In the studio of the new campus, the 1234A models have been installed, 1238AC and 1238DF in an immersive setup 5.1.2, with 8351A coaxial systems for stereo monitoring. Monitors ...
Biamp combines with Crowd Mics 2.2 the best of face-to-face events with the remotes5 October 2020 La nueva versión ya esta disponible, también en español, e incluye traducciones de las aplicaciones para asistentes y moderadores, among other advantages. Disponible para su descarga en más de veinte idiomas, ...
4K HDR Summit opens registration to participate in its sixth edition2 October 2020 The main international summit on Ultra High Definition (UHD), organized by Medina Media Events, will take place from the 17 to the 19 November in virtual format. La 4K-HDR Summit 2020 has ...
EnlightED 2020 reinvents itself to a virtual and more global format in the post-COVID era2 October 2020 Organizada por Fundación Telefónica, IE University, Fundación Santillana y South Summit del 19 to 23 of the current month of October, la tercera edición de esta conferencia mundial de educación, technology ...
Sennheiser, Audinate develop guide to improving meetings and distance learning2 October 2020 At a time when companies and higher education institutions have had to rapidly change the way they meet and impart knowledge., both companies help these sectors with ...