BrightSign and 22Miles solutions improve Georgia Tech University connectivity26 June 2020 Para optimizar y gestionar la infraestructura de digital signage del campus, composed of more than 70 soportes de visualización, se ha unido el motor de 22Miles con los reproductores de ...
Domo is presented as an immersive space for events of high emotional impact25 June 2020 Located in the center of Madrid, this geodesic structure of 22 meters in diameter has been created by the company NewMedia Creative Technology Studio together with the Polytechnic University. Dome is ...
Digital Signage Expo 2020 Open registration to attend the exhibition area25 June 2020 more than 150 AV and digital signage exhibitors support this event to show their advances in products and services, that will take place on 16 and 17 of September in ...
CTouch creates a virtual training room in its Eindhoven office25 June 2020 For your design, the company has used Barco's weConnect SaaS solution as the backbone, as well as Christie UHD551-L displays, a Logitech MeetUp camera and another Panasonic AW-HE60. in ...
ISE looks forward to its release in the edition with enthusiasm and maximum security 2021 in Barcelona19 June 2020 The organization has advanced some details of the planning, safety measures and novelties to design "an exciting and safe exhibition for everyone", with a more diverse conference program ...
TD Ameritrade adopts virtual format for its events with InfinitySet19 June 2020 Esta compañía cuenta con un segundo estudio virtual gracias al sistema de Brainstorm y a su distribuidor BMG, para migrar sus eventos físicos Market Drive al entorno online. Brainstorm, manufacturer of ...
ViewSonic relies on InfoComm Connected to introduce its AV systems for collaboration18 June 2020 With a new line of products designed to offer more functions and applications to the professional audiovisual industry. Organized by Avixa (Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association), the InfoComm virtual fair 2020 Connected that ...
Absen debuts with its Led screens at the virtual fair Canton Fair 202018 June 2020 The manufacturer shows visitors online, of the 15 to the 24 of this month, its innovations in Led display, virtual tours of its headquarters and factory in China, Like this ...
Samsung promotes AI training for young Spaniards18 June 2020 Under the educational strategy of the global Corporate Citizenship program, the company has launched Samsung Innovation Campus, for young people from among 18 and 25 years who have knowledge in programming, ...
Tripp Lite Mobile Interactive Display Promotes Collaboration and Communication16 June 2020 Este equipo integra una pantalla 4K de 65 inches and 20 simultaneous touches, a Windows PC 10, una cámara web desmontable de 1080p y una batería recargable con autonomía ...
BrightSign creates a virtual Pavilion to showcase CMS developments on its platform15 June 2020 Diseñado para la feria DSE 2020 (cancelada por la pandemia), con la denominación ‘Live Pavilion’, el fabricante lo ha transformado como un portal online para mostrar al mercado la integración ...
University of Connecticut Updates Stadium Sound with Bose ShowMatch12 June 2020 Esta solución de audio consta de 48 Speakers, ocho subwoofers RoomMatch RMS218 y 26 amplificadores en red PowerMatch PM8500N. In this way, se convierte en una de las más grandes ...
TIG creates Virtual Experience Space to showcase its portfolio of AV/IT and UC solutions12 June 2020 Consultants, integrators, precriptores y usuarios finales de múltiples sectores tienen en este espacio inmersivo el asesoramiento del equipo técnico de la compañía para transformar sus espacios tecnológicamente con las soluciones ...
UCL encourages interactive distance learning with Barco weConnect12 June 2020 This important academic institution in London uses this virtual classroom platform for distance and real-time education of doctors in its area of Surgery and ...
Yamaha expands its online training offer of Rivage PM digital mixing systems11 June 2020 Produced by its three main technical centres in the UK, Japan and the United States, Live webinars are broadcast globally and many are presented twice. During ...
Cedia Expo 2020 cancels its face-to-face call and advocates for the virtual4 June 2020 As has happened with other contests of international reference, those responsible for this technological event, foreseen of the 8 to the 12 of septiempre in Denver (Usa. USA), propose to offer exhibitors and ...
AJA Helo helps 'transport' professionals to the Salesforce virtual tour3 June 2020 The world tour organized every year by this CRM software developer has adapted due to the pandemic to the virtual format in its Australian stage, thanks to the power of ...
Panasonic integrates InfraRed touch technology into its EQ1 interactive displays1 June 2020 Plus a new whiteboard app, this range of visual systems will incorporate from next July the InGlass functionality to improve collaboration. Compact design ...
Charmex offers a complete solution to promote distance education29 May 2020 The bundle is composed of a Traulux interactive monitor from 65 or 75 inches and Android 8.0 Embedded; a PC-OPS i5 module with 8 Gb of RAM, 256 Gb SSD ...
Panasonic Begins Commercialization of PT-LB426 and PT-TW381R LCD Projectors28 May 2020 Los seis modelos portátiles de la serie PT-LB426 y los cuatro de corta distancia PT-TW381R mejoran el contraste, la conectividad y la flexibilidad. Son idóneos para el entorno corporativo y ...