Audiovisual manufacturers join forces to offer an online training platform28 April 2020 Peerless-AV, Datapath, Tripleplay and Onelan are the brands that have teamed up to offer, in the remainder of April and during May, a series of webinars ...
Sono assists IESE in developing its online training sessions24 April 2020 Con objeto de facilitar la disponibilidad de contenidos lectivos durante estas semanas de confinamiento, que está viviendo el país por causa del coronavirus, este centro docente ha puesto en marcha ...
How to Build a Remote Work Infrastructure with Synology22 April 2020 Con este título, el fabricante ofrece mañana, 23 April, un webinar gratuito sobre las soluciones que ha desarrollado para teletrabajar en este periodo de confinamiento y después con todas ...
Martin Audio organiza un show virtual para mostrar sus novedades22 April 2020 At this event, que se celebrará el miércoles 20 de mayo en varías franjas horarias, se ofrecerá una visión general de las soluciones de la compañía para usuarios finales, Distributors, ...
Absen offers two webinars on fixed installations and applications of its Led screens22 April 2020 The manufacturer continues with its series of webinars, with one dedicated to corporate and retail environments, and another to offer basic technical knowledge about their Led screens to the ...
Genelec G SongLab boosts musical creativity in young people21 April 2020 Esta iniciativa ofrece una comunidad online de aprendizaje internacional para todos los jóvenes compositores de entre 13 and 29 years, para que puedan trabajar desde su casa y compartir sus ...
Cisco adds support from major streaming platforms to Webex Meetings20 April 2020 Meetings version offers YouTube support, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and any live streaming that supports the real-time messaging protocol (RTMP or RTMPS). With the ...
Bose Professional discusses the value of audio in places of worship during the pandemic20 April 2020 The company has created the Bose Church microsite and podcast to provide ideas and tools for the correct use of audio in temples and stay connected with your congregation while ...
AMX makes 3M Philippines' meeting space more flexible and enables highly dynamic sound17 April 2020 With a new Networked AV system, your meeting space in Bonifacio Global City has complete flexibility through DVX Presentation Switchers and Ethernet Keypad ...
5G leaders meet at 5GForum Virtual 202017 April 2020 Registration for this meeting has already been opened, to be held on 6 and 7 May, and that will bring together the main experts, multinationals and operators to make a ...
Avixa anuncia la celebración de InfoComm 2020 Connected en junio16 April 2020 El evento organizado por esta asociación audiovisual será virtual y se llevará a cabo del 16 to the 18 next June, con un programa en el que los ...
La Xunta de Galicia deploys a tele-education platform during the Covid-19 crisis16 April 2020 La plataforma desplegada proporciona acceso al servicio educativo en remoto a más de 30.000 teachers and more than 300.000 Students. Operativa con la tecnología Cisco Webex Meetings ha sido implementada ...
Maverick AV and Promethean organize three virtual events for the channel15 April 2020 Bajo el nombre 'Promethean Days at Home Edition', estas sesiones se celebrarán el 21, 22 and 23 April. Unos encuentros online en los que se mostrarán las novedades de ...
The Radiance Led videowall enriches the new multipurpose space of the Westport Library15 April 2020 After a complete transformation of the center, Digital Projection's display technology has created an innovative environment, Educational and interactive for this North American colonial city. On the shores of Long Island ...
Brainstorm organizes a 'Virtual Week' to show its latest news14 April 2020 This event, one hundred percent online, will consist of a series of public and private meetings to be held between Monday 20 and Friday 24 April, with dozens ...
Aten presents solutions for remote work in business and education13 April 2020 Los conmutadores de presentación, KVM sobre IP y los que permiten compartir información, así como los periféricos de creación de contenido son algunas de las soluciones que propone este fabricante ...
The EVO Audio Interface 4 helps maintain online teaching at Tileyard Education13 April 2020 The coronavirus pandemic has forced many schools to find a way to organize themselves to continue teaching their students. Ciarán Robinson, Academic Director of Tileyard ...
MCR incorporates Sony's professional solutions into its portfolio8 April 2020 A través de su división MCR Pro comercializará su gama de proyectores, monitores y cámaras de red, así como soluciones de integración para entornos de negocio y entornos educativos. MCR ha ...
Mersive develops an active learning system and a cloud-based management portal8 April 2020 Solstice Cloud y Solstice Active Learning son los nuevos sistemas que se añaden a la cartera de soluciones de este fabricante. El fabricante de soluciones de colaboración Mersive Technologies ha presentado ...
ACE empowers and unites the DooH ecosystem to raise awareness and fight against Covid-197 April 2020 Advocates for Connected Experiences (ACE) es una nueva formación que tiene como objetivo unir y potenciar a todos los agentes involucrados en la industria DooH, venta al por menor y ...