Avixa Live: online training in Spanish during the Covid-19 crisis7 April 2020 This free program of online courses and presentations in Spanish will be taught by professionals and trainers from the AV world. They will be done through the Zoom video conferencing platform and ...
Philips Professional Display offers tailor-made online technical training for AV installers6 April 2020 El equipo de la compañía en Reino Unido está disponible en directo a través de Internet, ofreciendo sesiones de formación técnica online adaptadas a las necesidades de las empresas de ...
The eLive Events space offers state-of-the-art technology to continue holding events remotely3 April 2020 Creado por 4foreverythings, junto con su empresa tecnológica kuantiko studio, se trata de un espacio pionero para seguir compartiendo experiencias y conocimientos gracias a la tecnología. Totalmente aislado, eLive Events es ...
Maverick AV organizes webinar on Windows collaboration display and Sharp WorkSpaces1 April 2020 Webinar will take place today, at 16:00H, to know in detail the possibilities of this system to improve collaboration and productivity in meeting rooms. How to use ...
Stonex launches e-learning platform for lighting professionals27 March 2020 The company offers a cycle of webinars that will be taught by members of its represented brands, as MA Lighting, Claypaky, ETC or Ayrton. Stonex, In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, has launched ...
Yamaha bets with 'Audioversity' for proactive training in the face of the coronavirus27 March 2020 The audio manufacturer has made available to the community of professionals in this industry a varied proposal of training resources. The Covid-19 pandemic and the priority for ...
Covid-19: the hygiene factor to keep AV equipment free of contagion25 March 2020 Pantallas táctiles de todo tipo, equipos AV, mandos a distancia,... tienen que cumplir unas normas precisas higiénicas, libre de bacterias para mitigar al máximo la amenaza de gérmenes y reducir ...
Vaddio expands the NDI ecosystem with the RoboSHOT 12E camera24 March 2020 Idónea para utilizar en salas de reunión y aulas, esta solución de baja latencia y alto rendimiento ofrece zoom 12, visión horizontal de 70 grados y transmisión simultánea HDMI y ...
"The world's leading system integrators are members of Avixa", Yoav Slimobich24 March 2020 The head of this audiovisual association in Spain and Portugal, along with that of Latin America, analyze the activity carried out in the last edition of ISE, of which they are co-organizers, ...
AVPro Edge offers free online training on AV technology to professionals23 March 2020 The specialist in AV signal distribution offers, until next time 3 April, An extensive program of technical webinars so that professionals can continue training during the current ...
ViewSonic fomenta el aprendizaje a distancia durante el brote de coronavirus23 March 2020 To this end,, Offers, for free, a escuelas de primaria, secundaria y universidades su software myViewBoard, una herramienta que permite crear un entorno de aprendizaje virtual atractivo e interactivo. with ...
"Sony is positioned as an important player in education and business", Maxime Lemoine19 March 2020 To the ISE fair 2020, came with important solutions such as the version 2.2 by TEOS, the MAS-A100 IP-based multidirectional ceiling microphone and 3LCD projector ...
Avixa opens its online training catalog during the Covid-19 pandemic19 March 2020 Con objeto de apoyar a la industria AV, to the 12 June 2020, suspende sus tarifas de acceso al contenido online y las limitaciones de la membresía Elite. As part of ...
SMART Board 6086S: 4K interactive display with Learning Suite18 March 2020 El modelo SBID-6086S ofrece ultra calidad de imagen y amplios ángulos de visión para que los contenidos sean claramente visibles por todos los alumnos en el aula. El fabricante SMART Technologies ...
Ditec carries out the AV integration of the Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimaging of Catalonia16 March 2020 This company has deployed the ORisTIC solution in four operating rooms, together monitors, Video conferencing equipment and a touch control system, In addition to equipping an auditorium with posters ...
Beauty and technology join forces at Henkel's new facility16 March 2020 This beauty products company attracts the attention of professionals and hairdressing students with a large Led videowall of 4.8x2.7 meters, configured with Led Radiance panels ...
"One factor that contributes to the success of any business depends on whether employees work collaboratively or not"11 March 2020 Luisa Crespo, director Head of Iberia Sub-Saharan Africa Promethean, analyzes the latest technological and collaborative trends that help companies become more efficient. Reference manufacturer in interactive solutions, ...
Avixa creates an advisory committee of audiovisual integration companies in Spain10 March 2020 Twenty Spanish audiovisual integration companies have met, under the umbrella of this association with the aim of strengthening the value they play, in addition to analyzing the lack of ...
Ingram Micro summons the channel for its nineteenth Symposium9 March 2020 This year, el evento tendrá lugar el jueves 5 de noviembre y, as in previous editions, se celebrará en la Cúpula de las Arenas. La jornada será el marco idóneo ...
Philips PDS presents its visual innovation for companies to the Spanish market, hospitality and education4 March 2020 After a successful participation in ISE 2020, where he has exhibited his latest developments in screens, Monitors, professional TVs and communication solutions, its managers in the Iberian market explain this ...