Madatac celebrates ten years of digital culture and AV technology with a hundred creative works15 February 2019 Until next time 24 of February and with the slogan of 'Post digital star', to show everything that happens in video art and newmedia from all points of view, ...
APG entrusts the development of its audio brand in Spain to the specialist Zero Dbs14 February 2019 The French manufacturer of professional speakers, and pioneer of the modular line array, has signed an agreement with this professional audio specialist to promote and market its products in the ...
Sony, UbiCast boost interactive learning with a networked class capture solution12 February 2019 Named Miris Netcapture, this solution integrates with Vision Exchange to offer the educational environment the capture of networked content in a flexible way, scalable and cost-effective. The new solution of ...
UPV encourages communication with students with a large-format display12 February 2019 At the entrance of the Vera campus, a banner screen has been installed 22,5 square meters. In addition, LED&Go has carried out its first monoposte project in Palencia. The Polytechnic University ...
Barcelona is the first destination of the SeeSound SeeYou tour! starting today12 February 2019 In these meetings in Barcelona, Madrid, Bilbao, Santiago de Compostela, Seville and Malaga, SeeSound will show the sector the latest professional sound and lighting innovations from the brands it represents. today ...
Meyer Sound chooses ISE 2019 to showcase the advantages of your new point source speaker8 February 2019 With a wider stand, the manufacturer bets on this event to present the updates in the series of UPQ enclosures, its new point source speaker design and ...
Ise 2019: Sony brings vision to create solutions that transform education and business6 February 2019 With audiovisual and IT solutions, designed to promote collaboration in educational and corporate environments, improve efficiency and create unique experiences. "We are delighted to offer attendees a ...
Bose Professional shows its audio platform for commercial environments at ISE 20196 February 2019 The American manufacturer has expanded its portfolio for this market with a comprehensive platform consisting of advanced speakers, Amplifiers, Dsp, Redesigned drivers and software products. The new and modern line ...
Christie MicroTiles Led debuts at ISE 2019 To mark the future in visualization6 February 2019 This revolutionary technological system supposes the passage of the cube to the Led of pixel pitch narrow and without divisions, that meets the HDR-10 standard, It has an advanced calibration software ...
Sharp encourages ISE visitors 2019 to experience the future with its technology5 February 2019 Collaboration in meeting rooms with large format screens, interactive and easy to use is the proposal of the manufacturer and its new solution Sharp Window Collaboration Display. As already ...
Ise 2019 welcomes the global AV industry in the largest and most spectacular edition in its history5 February 2019 From the 10:00H, the RAI Amsterdam convention centre has its doors open to receive and show, until next time 8 February, innovation in 360 degrees of the ...
Charmex incorporates to its catalog the AV solutions of Kramer Electronics5 February 2019 El acuerdo firmado permitirá al proveedor B2B comercializar en el mercado español la amplia gama de productos que Kramer ofrece en sus cinco áreas de negocio: audio, collaboration, connectivity, management ...
InFocus expands its line of Led and laser projection for business and education4 February 2019 Las series IN1100 e INL3100 están equipadas con tecnología de estado sólido y el IN119HDG incorpora características clave para adaptarse a instalaciones comerciales. Una solución idónea para profesionales en movilidad. InFocus ...
Promethean's interactive technology improves communication and training in the classroom4 February 2019 Los monitores multitáctiles i-series de este fabricante son una herramienta imprescindible de formación en Innováticos, especializado en la preparación de oposiciones. Innováticos, centro de formación y preparación de oposiciones ubicado en ...
Panasonic helps create the store of the future in Dublin, based on sustainability4 February 2019 Localizada en luna de las universidades más jóvenes de Dublín, la tienda Londis DCU se ha diseñado para ser el supermercado sostenible más avanzado de Irlanda. and, for that purpose, herself ...
Tripleplay invita a conocer el futuro de IPTV y digital signage en su ‘sala verde’ durante ISE 20191 February 2019 El fabricante realizará demostraciones y debates sobre la próxima evolución de su plataforma digital en The Green Room, además de ser un espacio para relajarse. Conocer de forma diferente las nuevas ...
Production alumni and actors interact live from college with Quicklink TX31 January 2019 Este sistema de gestión de videollamada se ha utilizado para las sesiones de preguntas y respuestas en directo entre los estudiantes de la Universidad de Ravensbourne y los actores de ...
Digital Projection invita a los visitantes de ISE 2019 a ‘experimentar el poder’ con su tecnología28 January 2019 El fabricante de proyección láser vuelve en la edición 2019 al RAI Ámsterdam con su última gama de productos y soluciones, cuya innovación como diferencial en el mercado protagoniza su ...
Casio brings the use of ICT to the classroom with the projectors S400U and S400UN28 January 2019 Estos equipos sin lámpara WUXGA de 4.000 lúmenes forman parte de la Serie Superior e incorporan una serie de funciones pensadas para facilitar la introducción de las TIC en el ...
Waapiti offers its partners a program of tailor-made functionalities and services24 January 2019 La plataforma de digital signage basada en la web ha desarrollado una solución completa y a largo plazo para integradores de AV, proveedores de hardware y prescriptores. El nuevo programa partner ...