Kramer Electronics celebrates its professional audio roadshow in Madrid and Barcelona3 October 2018 Yuval Kramer, Director of the Audio Division of Kramer Electronics, is responsible for teaching this professional audio seminar held today and tomorrow. Como parte de la misión ...
La Paz implements a pioneering therapeutic virtual reality project for pediatric transplants1 October 2018 Virtual Transplant Reality es la plataforma de realidad virtual y aumentada, que se ha implantado en el hospital de La Paz para mejorar la calidad de vida y el bienestar ...
Stonex announces new courses for the lighting control of MA Lighting28 September 2018 The Stonex training program has organized two new courses, in October and November, focused on the control of the grandMA2 console. Estos se dirigen a técnicos y profesionales ...
Tech Data starts the countdown to its MMeNext event with its partners in Madrid27 September 2018 The next 14 November, en el estadio Wanda Metropolitano de Madrid, el mayorista Tech Data, con todas sus divisiones de negocio, celebrará la quinta edición de este evento especialista. with ...
The Colegio de México installs two Projectors Christie Series HS in its main auditorium26 September 2018 En el techo de la sala Alfonso Reyes se han ubicado dos proyectores láser Christie D13WU-HS, que muestran las imágenes en dos pantallas de 189 Inch. También se utiliza el ...
Earpro has available ricoh's new interactive displays for business and education26 September 2018 In sizes of 22, 55, 65 and 75 inches and with Full HD and 4K resolution, Ricoh interactive whiteboards and displays make it easy to exchange ideas and information ...
Digital signage and art come together to create a unique visual and creative museum environment25 September 2018 The Ottawa Museum of Science and Technology (Canada) receives its visitors with an amazing exterior visual piece created with Absen Led screens. design, Technology and art combine ...
Panasonic laser projection envelops visitors in the show 'Welcome to Rome'24 September 2018 Este innovador espacio multimedia, ubicado en un antiguo cine de la capital italiana, ofrece al visitante un recorrido por la historia de esta ciudad, en una experiencia inmersiva gracias a ...
Monash University installs the first Constellation system in a performing arts space24 September 2018 El sistema Constellation, instalado en el Alexander Theater, consta de tres elementos: detección de la acústica ambiental, procesamiento digital de alta resolución utilizando el algoritmo acústico patentado VRAS y distribución ...
MultiClass Touch Table: interactive professional collaboration, flexible and versatile20 September 2018 It is the manufacturer's first hybrid professional interactive table, to work in tabletop mode, lectern or screen, in up to 75" format and 4K resolution. Designed to offer the professional market ...
MCR starts with a positive participation its first day for the B2B market20 September 2018 The technological wholesaler has gathered on its first day, held in Madrid, to more than a hundred manufacturers and customers around the latest integration solutions, services ...
Audiovisual research arrives in Barcelona with the Visual Brasil festival 201819 September 2018 the 28 and 29 of this month of September, Barcelona hosts the sixteenth edition of this event on audiovisual research, con la participación de más de cuarenta artistas y ...
U-tad presents in Spain the magic magic reality glasses Magic Leap14 September 2018 Este centro docente ha organizado, de la mano de Edgar Martín, CEO de Virtual Voyagers, una máster class para dar a conocer en España las gafas Magic Leap y analizar ...
Icon Multimedia bets on Innotrans 2018 by the 'smart station' with its Deneva solution13 September 2018 The Spanish manufacturer will present an evolved digital signage platform both to inform travelers, as to show them the services offered around stations, Airports, Etc. the ...
CTouch encourages fun learning with laser nova interactive touchscreen12 September 2018 Diseñada especialmente para preparar a los estudiantes en un entorno digital, la pantalla Laser Nova combina tecnología interactiva con sonido envolvente y aplicaciones avanzadas. Tras la aceptación en el mercado educativo ...
Innovative audio system transforms training at Monash University11 September 2018 Monash University's new Clayton campus, in Australia, It has become an interactive and intuitive environment for students and teachers, where sound and intelligibility ...
Abtus AVS-320: HDMI multimedia control system for the classroom11 September 2018 This solution manages all input and output signals in a standard classroom and functions as a central control that makes it easier for teachers to manage resources. ...
MCR kicks off its B2B professional solutions conference program in Spain10 September 2018 Durante el presente mes de septiembre y en octubre, el mayorista MCR realizará su ronda de eventos profesionales con el objetivo de consolidar un canal de partners especializado. With the motto ...
Comm-Tec will discover the novelties in Barco projection in its open days7 September 2018 The next 12 and 13 September in Madrid, Comm-Tec will show Barco 4K laser projectors and video processing systems, así como equipos y soluciones para instalaciones ...
Logitech Video Collaboration to Support Training at the University of Michigan6 September 2018 Esta universidad pública estadounidense ha instalado en sus aulas cámaras web y sistemas de videocolaboración de Logitech que utilizan profesores y estudiantes para comunicarse con otros campus. El sistema de videoconferencia ...