Tecnoseñal and Admira develop a 360° solution for booking restaurants and hotels29 July 2020 Smart Breakfast is a platform that allows, from mobile devices, reserve table and select menu. This information is transferred to a digital medium, equipped with IoT technology and functions for ...
Anolis Eminere luminaires transform the underpass of Mirfield station22 July 2020 This is the first installation in the United Kingdom with these RGBW Led systems to boost this space, with color effects that change to celebrate special occasions, as it has ...
SeeSound distributes lighting projectors for ECLCYC Prolights scenarios15 July 2020 Designed to work on the front of the stage as a filler light, as 'lamps' and in the cyclorama for backlight, This range is available in two models: ECLCYC050 ...
GrandMA3 presents its new portable lighting console Command Wing XT15 July 2020 This long-awaited Command version of MA Lighting features 4.096 parameters and integrated MA3 software to illuminate all kinds of shows by adding a touchscreen monitor. En un momento ...
Brightline and Logitech add their lighting and AV solutions for video conferencing14 July 2020 Both companies have joined their technological know-how to combine professional Led lighting solutions with those of collaboration platforms for meeting rooms. El fabricante de sistemas de iluminación ...
Chauvet Professional incorporates Storm models to its Maverick line 1 Spot and Silens 2 Profile13 July 2020 Ip65 rated, the Moving Head Led CW Storm 1 Spot is ideal for outdoor use, while the Silens model 2 Profile se presenta como el más ...
Robe lights up Chicago skyscrapers in 'United at Night' pandemic initiative’10 July 2020 Este espectáculo nocturno de luces, que ha puesto en marcha el especialista Creative Live Control, con sede en esta ciudad estadounidense, tiene como objetivo mantener la energía positiva de la ...
Claypaky shows the market its lighting news through a virtual stand9 July 2020 El fabricante italiano ofrece una amplia variedad de productos ‘premium’ para la industria de entretenimiento y otros sectores que pueden conocerse online hasta el próximo 19 July. La potencia Led ...
Plasa Show postpones this year its meeting with the industry to the edition of 20217 July 2020 El Olympia de Londres acogerá el año que viene, of the 5 to the 7 September, una nueva edición de este certamen de audio e iluminación, que en el presente 2020 ...
The 'The Voice' program’ Ukraine bets on Robe's lighting2 July 2020 As a key part of the retransmission carried out in full confinement and with all the protections established, a spectacular lighting system was designed, based on MegaPointe and Spikies luminaires ...
Toucan pone en marcha la iniciativa Tienda Secreta utilizando la tecnología de iluminación29 June 2020 For their realization they have been used 24 cabezas móviles Led Elation Rayzor Q7, 8 híbridas Smarty Max y cuatro DaVinci's de suelo, así como Platinum Beam Extreme. La compañía Toucan Productions ...
Christie D4K40-RGB boosts mapping to commemorate Victory Day in Russia25 June 2020 With a much more limited and safe capacity, the huge statue 'The homeland calls you', one of the ten highest in the world, has starred in this projection show for ...
Necsum Trison pays tribute to COVID-19 victims with 'Requiem'’22 June 2020 In this light and sound show, the Bilbao Choir is wrapped to tour the 'Fauré Requiem' with visual effects, holograms and video art, in order to accompany ...
Steinerlive invests in Elation's Led technology for the production of its events15 June 2020 Esta empresa austriaca ha sustituido sus lámparas de tungsteno por las luminarias KL Fresnel Led, mucho más eficientes energéticamente en múltiples aplicaciones. Las ventajas del Led como sustituto del tungsteno son ...
Lux Partum: interactive and collaborative lighting installation against the pandemic2 June 2020 Created by lighting and show designer Chris Moylan and his team to fight COVID-19, this artistic creation has used the lighting devices and effects of ...
Mana's 'Scratching the Sun' Tour’ used Avolites technology to recall the 1990s2 June 2020 The staging showed a visual spectacle where PAR and conventional lights were combined to create a vintage look. To this were added automatic Led screens of ...
Elation lights up post-Covid-19-era drive-in concerts in The German city of Monheim25 May 2020 A total of 34 aparatos de este fabricante e igual número de cabezas móviles de ADJ componen el diseño de iluminación para estos conciertos, que los asistentes pueden disfrutar en ...
SeeSound expands its professional lighting offer with the Italian manufacturer Prolights21 May 2020 La firma de este acuerdo de distribución para el mercado español, que abarca sistemas para giras, Events, broadcast e instalaciones, tiene carácter de exclusividad y efecto inmediato. Los productos y sistemas ...
Magmatic Prisma: weatherproof LED UV lighting14 May 2020 La clasificación IP65 y el diseño robusto, fanless, de esta línea significa que se puede utilizar incluso en los entornos más desafiantes. Son equipos compactos, ligeros y fácil de ...
Castanea Forum installs an AV network based on the Q-SYS ecosystem13 May 2020 La infraestructura de extremo a extremo se ha diseñado en torno al procesador Core 510i e integra, among other elements, las pantallas táctiles Q-SYS y los amplificadores de red QSC ...