The Belgian CC theatre in Warandepoort will reopen its doors with Elation Fuze5 May 2020 These moving heads were acquired shortly before the pandemic forced the theatre to close. When it opens they will be used, normally, as an effect and backlight, and in ...
Instronic gives its own AV identity to the Rosa Center shopping center4 May 2020 The installed multimedia elements have been integrated into the architecture of the building, as a spectacular double-sided totem pole and 40 metros cuadrados o la pantalla Led que cubre toda ...
Elation desarrolla un nuevo concepto de luminaria con el modelo Fuze SFX Led Spot FX23 April 2020 Con un eficiente diseño óptico, more than 12.000 lúmenes de salida y un motor Led blanco de 300W, esta cabeza móvil es lo suficientemente potente y silenciosa para ser utilizada ...
Elation systems brighten and energize action at Wells Fargo Center17 April 2020 Este pabellón deportivo de Filadelfia (Pensilvania – EE.UU.) cuenta con un sistema de iluminación inteligente de este fabricante, diseñado e instalado por Light Action, junto con un gran marcador con ...
'LightTheSky’ lights up the sky to support heroes fighting coronavirus1 April 2020 For half an hour, lighting systems companies like Elation, Steal, and more have participated in the initiative #LightTheSky, en apoyo de todos los trabajadores clave que ...
Stonex launches e-learning platform for lighting professionals27 March 2020 The company offers a cycle of webinars that will be taught by members of its represented brands, as MA Lighting, Claypaky, ETC or Ayrton. Stonex, In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, has launched ...
The Irish production company PSI completes its equipment with Elation luminaires25 March 2020 The investment made has included the moving heads of Led Artiste Picasso profile, IP65 Proteus Hybrid rated, the narrow-beam Dartz 360 and the Pixel Bar 60IP. ...
Elation develops a hanging and energy-efficient version of its Fuze Led luminaire19 March 2020 El modelo Fuze Pendant ofrece un diseño flexible y para colgar con una iluminación potente, con colores vibrantes y luz de lavado para aplicaciones permanentes y temporales. Iluminación Led inteligente, versátil ...
AV Stumpfl integrates into the dome of 'La Maison du Kamouraska'17 March 2020 For the 360° projection of this dome, of almost 11 metre, the Pixera media server and eight Christie DWU1075-GS projectors have been used to map the surface. A camera ...
Mecano's music returns to the stage with a spectacular AV display11 March 2020 El musical 'Cruz de Navajas', that pays tribute to the mythical Spanish musical group, It has been staged with an extensive infrastructure of lighting equipment, sound and video. After his ...
Elation shares the magic of Dollywood Wildwood Grove6 March 2020 En el corazón de esta atracción, situada en el parque temático de las Great Smoky Mountains, se encuentra el árbol de Wildwood que cobra vida todas las noches, thanks to ...
Malaga's new Soho Theatre uses Adamson and Martin technology6 March 2020 For the sound project, the following have been used: 16 S7 enclosures with Adamson S119 subwoofer, while for microphones, DPA and Wisycom equipment have been chosen. ...
The Vinaroz Carnival lights up with Ayrton's systems, Claypaky and MA Lighting26 February 2020 The company Producciones TS has been responsible for making the event of this Castellón town a reality, with a lighting design by Carlos Rubert, and the systems of the ...
The Colsubsidio Theater in Bogotá modernizes its lighting system with Robe19 February 2020 the 10 Pointe luminaires and 10 Spiider que se han instalado han marcado una gran diferencia en la iluminación y la presentación visual de los espectáculos que se realizan en ...
Maluma begins its world tour with a great display of sound, Led screens and lighting18 February 2020 The specialist Fluge Audiovisuales is supplier of the sound equipment, lighting, video and audiovisual technical staff of the European dates of the artist's tour. Considered one of the referents of the ...
Stonex's representatives came to ISE with innovative rigging and lighting solutions17 February 2020 Ayrton, Etc, MA Lighting, Movecat and Sixty82 are some of the brands it markets and that were present in Amsterdam to showcase the most innovative in rigging and trussing, Like this ...
Elation illuminates its space in ISE 2020 with their new moving heads Artiste and Fuze13 February 2020 Artiste series of moving heads expands with the new Mondrian and Rembrant, they offer up to 50.000 lumens from a 950W Led engine, as shown in the contest. Elation ...
The spectacular lighting of the Super Bowl 2020 counted on Ayrton and Claypaky's teams7 February 2020 In this multitudinous sporting event a total of 113 Ayrton Perseus and 60 Claypaky Xtylos laser source beam units, as well as 12 moving heads ...
Stonex starts a new training cycle for lighting control with ETC consoles30 January 2020 The new ETC EOS courses will begin next February and will be divided into two levels, to respond to the needs of both professionals and non-professionals. ...
Stonex announces new lighting control courses with MA Lighting22 January 2020 Estas jornadas de formación están orientadas a técnicos y profesionales del sector que desean ampliar sus conocimientos de GrandMA2. Como distribuidor oficial en España de MA Lighting, fabricante de soluciones y ...