Mexico participates for the first time with dynamic projections in the Festival of Light and Vanguards of Salamanca15 June 2017 Además de volver a contar con un robot español como pregonero, el festival cuenta por primera vez con la participación internacional del artista audiovisual mexicano Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, además del videomapping ...
A spectacular AV staging of light and color accompanied the event of the pharmaceutical Libbs14 June 2017 La convención anual de esta multinacional se desarrolló en un entorno donde primaron los elementos audiovisuales entre los que destacó una proyección de más de 40 metros y un espectacular ...
ClayPaky ilumina la obra Niebo, que pone el cierre a Breslavia como Capital Europea de la Cultura14 June 2017 Para la puesta en escena de esta producción teatral se utilizaron cerca de 100 focos móviles Mythos, Sharpy y A.leda B-Eye K20, con los que se creó una espectacular combinación ...
Equipson to attend InfoComm 2017 with the latest AV developments from Work Pro12 June 2017 LightShark lighting software, the new elevator tower concept developed by Work Lifters and the WorkCAD3 AV platform are the main novelties that can be seen in Orlando. At InfoComm ...
The Palacio de Congresos de Valencia presents the AV potential of its technological transformation9 June 2017 The Valencian venue has completed its technological renovation, carried out in two phases, which has culminated in an innovative provision of audiovisual equipment in the auditoriums and rooms that compose it, ...
The Dubai Festival City gets its second Guinness with the screening 'A child's dream’7 June 2017 The first was for the largest water projection in the world, Now for the largest permanent mapping. For the staging of the latter have been used ...
Claypaky's mobile spotlights illuminate TV3's 'Oh Happy Day' show31 May 2017 Broadcast on Saturday nights on the Catalan channel TV3, The scenario of the program uses the lighting systems of this Italian manufacturer as essential elements for the development ...
Claypaky illuminates the historic Capitol Theatre on Madrid's Gran Vía29 May 2017 Para el escenario de la sala más grande de este emblemático espacio se han utilizado ocho Scenius Profile, mientras que en su entrada se han ubicado seis focos móviles A.Leda ...
Afial Ibérico closes its first edition in Lisbon with positive results24 May 2017 La organización subraya la importancia del certamen de servir como punto de encuentro para los profesionales del sector de sonido, iluminación y tecnologías audiovisuales en España y Portugal, que constituyen ...
MediaMarkt Eindhoven implements an app to locate products using Led lighting23 May 2017 La aplicación Store Guide Philips Lighting hace uso de la iluminación Led instalada en la tienda y la cartografía de Aisle411 como sistema de posicionamiento para que los clientes puedan, to ...
The new IoT-Ready alliance seeks a standard for the installation of IoT sensors in Led lighting systems17 May 2017 This partnership aims to drive the future of IoT technology and smart buildings and is working on the development of a standard that allows easy updating, rápida ...
The Festival of Light and Vanguards returns to Salamanca with the new +Luz section16 May 2017 of the 15 to the 18 next June, la segunda edición de este evento llenará de luz y arte la ciudad castellano-leonesa, que añade este año la sección cultural ...
Food Market Barceló dresses its facilities with digital solutions from Crambo and SDI Consultores16 May 2017 This innovative gastronomic space in Madrid now has equipment, sistemas y aplicaciones de última generación para ofrecer a sus clientes una experiencia acorde a la propuesta de cada uno ...
Joan of Arc comes to life at the Newman Theatre illuminated with Elation's teams15 May 2017 En el musical Joan of Arc: Into the Fire se utilizaron las unidades Satura Profile para la iluminación frontal cenital de los actores y las funciones de cañón de seguimiento. by ...
Zuckerberg's hospital installs a videowall to pay tribute to all those who have made his project possible10 May 2017 An interactive video wall configured with the Christie MicroTiles solution has been installed in the centre's hall, enhancing its dynamism with PowerGraze LED luminaires that are integrated with the system ...
Osram returns to Eurovision 2017 to offer spectacular lighting in the performances10 May 2017 For staging, the German company has returned to bet on the technology of Clay Paky, highlighting the 150 cabezas móviles Scenius Unico que se han instalado en ...
Disney Research develops Makeup Lamps, a projector of images and light in real time on the face5 May 2017 Components of this laboratory, in collaboration with technicians from other universities, have presented the details of this prototype that allows actors not to have to put on makeup thanks to the ...
Switzerland celebrates its Music Awards 2017 with a spectacular lighting design4 May 2017 For the lighting of this gala have been used hybrid moving heads and Wash Led, as well as effects with continuous 360º rotation of the specialist Elation Professional, according to the project designed ...
Stonex will offer in its showroom a masterclass given by Ziggy Jacobs2 May 2017 Esta jornada tendrá lugar el próximo martes 9 de mayo y está orientada a los profesionales familiarizados con las mesas de iluminación EOS de ETC. Stonex acogerá el próximo martes 9 of ...
Work Pro introduces a new lighting console concept with the LightShark range26 April 2017 Considered by the company as "its best innovation in the world of lighting" and presented at the recent celebration of Prolight+Sound 2017, The company has presented the first systems ...