Led video panels and hybrid moving heads cover the stage of slipknot's tour1 December 2016 La gira americana de este grupo de metal con Marilyn Manson ha contado para su espectacular puesta en escena con cabezas móviles híbridas Platinum SBX y paneles Led de vídeo ...
IE creates WOW Room, an avant-garde space that proposes a futuristic formation30 November 2016 This virtual classroom revolutionizes the way of learning through artificial intelligence, real-time simulations, big data analytics on big screens, interactive robots, emotional recognition systems, presencia ...
Fluge brings the AV sector the most innovative technologies on the market in an open day25 November 2016 Virtual and augmented reality, videomapping, robotics and the latest developments in visualization, lighting and sound have been the protagonists of the event that has organized in Madrid aimed at customers, Suppliers ...
Panasonic shows its concept of smart city and launches a new project in Berlin21 November 2016 Denver, Singapore and Lyon are some of the projects in which the company has participated to turn them into smart cities. However, Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town es el más emblemático ...
Smart Boutique: a digital innovation lab focused on the omnichannel experience18 November 2016 La Roca Village ha puesto en marcha este proyecto pionero en el que los últimos avances en sistemas visuales, virtual reality, wireless communications, herramientas analíticas o robóticas, por citar algunas, ...
Torre Europa becomes a smart building with Philips PoE lighting system18 November 2016 This Madrid skyscraper of 121 meters high has equipped, to 14 of the 32 flats you have, with 5.400 luminarias y ha implementado el sistema Power-over-Ethernet para conectarlas a ...
The Television Channel Audience AT&T uses more than a hundred Elation equipment for his concerts14 November 2016 Para su grabación en los estudios Red de Hollywood, have been used 24 cabezas móviles Fuze Wash Z120 y otras 24 unidades de la híbrida FLX, además de sistemas Platinum ...
Equipson markets in Spain the lighting solutions of High End Systems9 November 2016 Los productos de esta empresa americana son desarrollados para una variedad de aplicaciones en la industria del entretenimiento como alquiler, teatro o escenarios. Equipson ha firmado un acuerdo con AED Group ...
Elation Proteus Beam: new IP65 moving head for fixed outdoor installations9 November 2016 Presented globally during the recent LDI trade show 2016 in Las Vegas, where it has won the award for the best innovation in lighting, This head ...
With the Shooting Star drone, Intel creates choreographies of lights in the night sky8 November 2016 Utilizando este vehículo aéreo sin pilotar, la compañía ha logrado un nuevo Guinness World Record, al elevar 500 equipos de forma simultánea en el cielo de la noche. Un récord ...
Stonex's performances came to LDI 2016 with its professional lighting news8 November 2016 At the Las Vegas event it could be seen from the Scenius Un1Co of Clay Paky to the latest software of MA Lighting, through the Gio@5 console of ETC and the ...
Robe BMFL illuminates in Santiago de Chile the tallest tower in Latin America8 November 2016 These wash/beam luminaires have been used to project graphic material, logos and commercial slogans on one side of the Gran Torre Santiago, located in the Costanero Center of Santiago de ...
Panasonic offers new commercial possibilities and greater visual impact with PT-JX2004 November 2016 This hybrid lighting and projection spotlight solution opens up new and versatile possibilities in stores, exhibitions, museums or shows to generate greater impact and attract the user's attention. the ...
Martin Rush Scanner 1 LED: lighting equipment that offers high-speed mid-air effects3 November 2016 Las capacidades de movimientos pan y tilt lo convierten en una solución idónea para la creación de impactante efectos y aumentar la energía en pistas de baile, cruceros y otros ...
A comprehensive AV solution brings rock and pop culture to life at The Ragnarock Museum28 October 2016 The permanent exhibition uses 15 projectors and 3 screens of 55 Panasonic inches, while at the entrance four laser projectors PT-RW630 DLP have been installed. It also has ...
Kuchem Konferenz Technik invests in Elation multipurpose lighting for its projects28 October 2016 El integrador audiovisual aleman ha adquirido 110 unidades de SixBar 1000 y otro centenar de SixPar 100 del fabricante de iluminación para dar servicio a más clientes y eventos. As part of ...
The program Verstehen Sie Spass of the German network ARD lights up with Elation26 October 2016 For their realization they have been used 12 efectos ACL 360 Roller y 32 cabezas móviles entre los modelos Satura Spot CMY Pro, Platinum SBX y Platinum Wash ZFX Pro XL. The designer ...
Atlantic Devices shows in SIMO Education its offer of digital signage and AV for centers20 October 2016 La pizarra multitáctil Led interactiva Triumphboard de 89 Inch, la serie Truetouch X para Huddle Room de Newline son algunas de las novedades de visualización que se pueden ver en ...
Christie's projection technology gives the musical 'Franciscus' visual poetry and a high level of production18 October 2016 For staging they have been used 8 proyectores D12WU-H y dos DXG1051-Q que generan sobre el escenario un total de 130.000 lúmenes y producen una resolución 20.000.000 of ...
Adidas Colombia makes an interactive experience to present its new line of sports shoes6 October 2016 Christie Pandoras Box was key to carry out this marketing action and tool, taking care of managing the different systems and synchronizing all the action. Se utilizó una combinación de Box ...