Elation ACL 360i provides the visual and scenic design on the Pentatonix tour29 July 2016 Para los conciertos de este grupo vocal, se montan 72 de estas cabezas móviles consiguiendo todo tipo de atmósferas y ambientes, siendo un elemento clave en el aspecto visual de la gira ...
The Padres Blancos school in Seville updates the audio and lighting system of its theater22 July 2016 Tras realizar un estudio acústico-arquitectónico, Mimmo decidió optimizar la infraestructura del centro docente utilizando la tecnología de Work Pro y Mark Pro. La empresa sevillana Mimmo Diseño y Eventos ha optimizado ...
Josep Martínez assumes the direction of Philips Lighting for the Iberian Peninsula18 July 2016 In his position as president and ceo for Spain and Portugal comes to replace Eduardo Mataix, who will move to the United States assuming the direction of Professional Lighting ...
The work of Asier Etxeandia, 'The Interpreter', goes on tour with ETC18 July 2016 Madrid, Tenerife, Badajoz y Murcia son algunas de las ciudades en la que se representará este musical en el que la consola ION ha tenido un papel protagonista para hacer ...
Elation Platinum FLX acompaña a Alan Jackson en su gira por Estados Unidos15 July 2016 Para la iluminación de los conciertos se han utilizado numerosas de estas unidades ya que permiten utilizar gobos, CMY color mix, además de efectos Beam. También se ha hecho ...
Sonoidea celebrates three decades of AV experience, quality and unique projects14 July 2016 Responsible for emblematic projects such as the equipment of the Berklee campus in Valencia or the subtitling system of the Palace of Arts among many others, this Valencian company celebrates ...
WIcreations automates the scenario of Malú's 'Chaos' tour13 July 2016 The Belgian engineering company has designed and manufactured a rotary system to hold and move five large automated systems on the stage of the 'Chaos' tour, with which the Spanish singer ...
Clay Paky and MA Lighting fill Rozalén's concert in Barcelona with light and color11 July 2016 The combination of Clay Paky's A.leda B-Eye K20 and Mythos lighting systems, controlled by the grandMA2 Light console have been the perfect complement to the recent concert ...
Torre Cepsa Madrid entrusts its auditorium's AV project to Tower TBA in collaboration with Earpro30 June 2016 With the aim of technologically renewing and giving new uses to its auditorium, those responsible for this Madrid skyscraper have entrusted the supply, equipment, audio system integration and execution, video ...
SheperdLed presents its new line of lighting Madrid Series for large installations28 June 2016 La marca española ha presentado esta nueva gama con tecnología Led nacional especialmente indicada para estadios, iluminación pública y urbana, naves industriales, Etc. que ofrece un ahorro energético de hasta ...
The Alfa Romeo historical museum enhances its exhibitions with Work Pro and Mark Pro solutions27 June 2016 La instalación de iluminación está compuesta por 4 unidades WD 2012 DMX, que se encargan de alimentar los 44 Spotlight Theatre 650-1000 y Spotlight Multiprofile Spot R26 y que son controlados ...
Elation Emotion Offers New Lighting Options on Almost Dead Tour23 June 2016 La cabeza móvil con proyección digital Emotion de este fabricante, en colaboración con High End Systems, ha sido un elemento protagonista en la iluminación de gira del grupo americano de ...
EES will teach how to safely use truss systems on its Prolyte Campus22 June 2016 The theme of these seminars, whose first calls will be in Madrid and Barcelona on 6 and 7 July, respectively, proporcionará el conocimiento y herramientas necesarias para utilizar de forma ...
Salamanca transforms its buildings into a visual spectacle during the Festival of Light and Vanguards20 June 2016 The city of Salamanca has been transformed for its citizens and visitors into a spectacular lighting show, audiovisual pieces and projections on the facades of its many historic buildings ...
Raphael Sinphonic tour lights up with Robe and Vari-Lite teams20 June 2016 For the staging of concerts held in Mexico has been used for lighting design 23 Pointe de Robe, as well as 20 VL3500 Wash and 14 ...
Light and image flood the squares and streets of Salamanca16 June 2016 From today until next Sunday the squares and streets of Salamanca will be bathed in light and color on the occasion of the first edition of the Festival Luz y Vanguardias. ...
Lasergraph DSP renews its interface to optimize its functions and facilitate its handling14 June 2016 La nueva versión de este controlador de espectáculos láser introduce nuevas configuraciones de color para una apariencia más moderna, más puntos en el Piced para manejar las imágenes ampliadas, marcadores ...
Dot2 and grandMA2, now compatible with the new MA Lighting software13 June 2016 La nueva actualización del software de MA Lighting cuenta con este gran avance que permite la compatibilidad de estas dos consolas, lo que implica un importante ahorro de tiempo para ...
The European roadshow 'Connect with Harman' arrives on 22 of June in Madrid9 June 2016 El proveedor de soluciones AV profesionales mostrará en esta serie de eventos por distintas ciudades europeas -que se inician el presente mes de junio, y que en Madrid tendrá lugar el ...
The Isla de la Cartuja Scientific Research Centre optimises its AV infrastructure with Vitelsa8 June 2016 El equipamiento audiovisual proporcionado para el salón de actos, la sala de reuniones, la de control y las aulas de formación permite a los equipos multidisciplinares del CSIC y la ...