AMX Iberia changes its name to AVIT Vision1 April 2016 The new choice of name responds to the company's vision of showing the Spanish and Portuguese market its willingness to offer solutions where audio and ...
The LCT ONE project is dassault Systèmes' latest 3DExperiencity initiative1 April 2016 This platform provides real-time data on building use and technical aspects to optimize energy efficiency and occupancy. This initiative covers architecture, Infrastructure, ...
TBWA Spain renews the audiovisual equipment of its headquarters in Madrid with Vitelsa28 March 2016 The project carried out in the main room combines a Full HD projection solution of high luminosity on a large format electric screen with a large Led monitor. ...
Anfalum triples the number of visits to its stand during Light & Building 201628 March 2016 La Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Iluminación ha participado de nuevo en Light & Building 2016, que se celebró recientemente en Messe Frankfurt, acompañando a más de 35 empresas españolas ...
IoT lighting for smart cities, the commitment of networking and lighting manufacturers21 March 2016 Muchas han sido las soluciones de alumbrado público inteligente IoT presentadas en los últimos meses por fabricantes de networking y telecomunicaciones junto a empresas de iluminación para fomentar el ahorro ...
UNESCO's Paris Headquarters Adds Panasonic's AV Technology to Its Conference Room16 March 2016 Para optimizar las funciones que se realizan en la sala más grande de esta sede se ha instalado el proyector DLP de 3 chip and 20.000 lúmenes PT-DZ21KEJ, the camera ...
The countdown of La Hora del Planeta starts in the videowalls of Spanish train stations15 March 2016 WWF Earth Hour, that will take place around the world next 19 March, It has started the 'countdown' to the blackout in the seven videowall ...
The electronic music festival Nocturnal Wonderland illuminates its XX anniversary with Elation15 March 2016 More than five hundred units of different lighting fixtures from Elation Professional have formed the lighting system of the recent edition of the nocturnal Wonderland electronic music festival, What ...
Zumtobel and Bosch Software develop IoT solutions for smart building lighting14 March 2016 At first, these solutions are designed for the monitoring and management of spaces and have been implemented as a pilot project in the Austrian building of Life Cycle ...
Philips ActiveSite manages the architectural lighting of the Cepsa Tower and the Toledo Baño de la Cava10 March 2016 The cloud lighting management platform has been the solution used in these iconic Spanish buildings, as it allows remote management of the infrastructure, both for ...
AGC will present at Light & Building 2016 expanding its Glassiled range10 March 2016 Motion y Smart son los nuevos sistemas de diodos electroluminiscentes integrados en vidrio que este fabricante ha incorporado a su gama Glassiled y que presentará en este certamen de iluminación ...
Riedel connects av equipment used by athem of the Seas cruiser for his shows9 March 2016 An all-in-one solution allows connection, management and distribution of multimedia signals that affect both the IPTV services of this great Royal Caribbean ocean liner and ...
Stonex organises new training courses with MA Lighting control systems8 March 2016 La compañía abre una nueva convocatoria de cursos para profesionales de iluminación en torno a los sistemas de control Command Wing y GrandMA2 de MA Lighting, con nivel básico e ...
The television show Kim Komando entrusts its lighting system in Elation's technology3 March 2016 The Kim Komando TV Show, broadcast across the United States from Phoenix, ha renovado la instalación de iluminación de su estudio de grabación con un centenar de unidades de diferentes ...
Efficient Led lighting and visual systems in the new Philips Gran Vía Light Theatre2 March 2016 Efficient Led lighting solutions, segura y creativa de Philips Lighting dominan tanto el exterior como el interior del renovado y con nuevo nombre Teatro de la Luz Philips ...
Elation's systems provide a new architectural lighting design to the iStay hotel1 March 2016 Las unidades Elation SixPar 200IP han sido instaladas a nivel de suelo, en la fachada principal, las cornisas del primer piso y las columnas de entrada del vestíbulo cubierto para ...
Prilux will show its Led products 'made in Spain' at Light+Building 20161 March 2016 La empresa española Prilux asistirá, por primera vez con stand propio, a la feria bienal Light+Building 2016, of the 13 to the 18 de marzo en Messe Frankfurt (Germany), with a proposal ...
X Ambassadors uses Elation equipment for its U.S. tour24 February 2016 Para el diseño de iluminación se ha creado un sistema disparado por MIDI en el que se han utilizado 32 unidades Elation SixPar 200, unas montados en estructuras portátiles y ...
Lady Gaga performs to the rhythm of Intel technology during the Grammy Awards17 February 2016 Animaciones en 3D, Holograms, efectos luminosos, un gran mural led como telón de fondo, brazos robóticos que dan vida a instrumentos de música… fueron algunas de las técnicas utilizadas durante ...
Elation ACL 360 Bar Creates Futuristic Lighting Atmosphere on New Politics Tour17 February 2016 La gira del grupo danés New Politics por Estados Unidos ha incluido en su diseño de iluminación unidades de la nueva barra Led con giro continuo ACL 360 Bar y ...