Crestron finds the Internet of Things the perfect framework for easier total connectivity11 February 2016 Soluciones para colaboración, content distribution, control y automatización de iluminación y consumo energético, así como dispositivos de control y gestión de espacios empresariales son solo algunas de las propuestas ...
Harman offers at ISE 2016 an immersive experience through the integration of your brands9 February 2016 An immersive world in 4K resolution around your professional audio solutions, system control, audiovisual transmission, lighting applied to a club, hotel, boardroom, Hotels, ...
Fractalia integrates the concept of creative engineering in two centers in Peru8 February 2016 A través de su división Smart Projects, Fractalia ha implementado el concepto de ingeniería creativa, fusionado con la cartelería digital, en los proyectos que ha realizado en Lima para el ...
Atomic Strobe 3000 Martin Professional Led for creative lighting5 February 2016 After the success of the Atomic 3000 DMX, Martin Professional has unveiled a new model that combines the functionalities of a traditional strobe with the advantages of Led technology, ...
Boris Yeltsin Presidential Centre: interactive and immersive museum facility around former Russian president4 February 2016 The opening of this center dedicated to the figure of the first president of the Russian Federation and to the historical events of the decade of the 90 it has the ...
The Neushoorn nightclub installs more than 200 Elation equipment for your lighting design2 February 2016 After a remodeling process, Neushoorn nightclub, in the Dutch city of Leeuwarden, has made a complex lighting system in its two main rooms and on stage ...
Avcast completes the technical equipment of the EMU photo studio1 February 2016 This private academic institution has entrusted the technical equipment of the photographic studio used for teaching in one of the Degrees that are taught is this integrator of audiovisual projects. the ...
The Illuminations festival offered a spectacular mapping on the Blackpool tower29 January 2016 La producción del mapping proyectado durante el festival Blackpool Illuminations corrió a cargo de WarPro, cuya propuesta incluía tanto la experiencia de Ross Ashton y su equipo The Projection Studio como ...
Elation illuminated the spectacular structure created at Santa Monica Pier for The Twilight Concert27 January 2016 El conocido embarcadero y atracción turística de la ciudad de Santa Monica instaló 12 unidades del Par Led multi-chip para exteriores Elation SixPar 300IP para iluminar el diseño arquitectónico de ...
The cuts Source Four Led 2 of ETC illuminate theatrical production “40 Years of peace”26 January 2016 Representada en los Teatros del Canal de Madrid y dirigida por Pablo Remón, esta obra ha contado con varios recortes Source Four Led Series 2 de ETC, cedidos por Stonex, ...
Elation Platinum BX creates spectacular light effects to the rhythm of Banda La Trakalosa22 January 2016 A total of twenty-four Platinum BX beam moving heads offer spectacular lighting effects on the tour of the Mexican band La Trakalosa, compuesta por veinte músicos que combinan la ...
Rush MH-6 Wash: Martin's new Wash Led moving head for small rooms and clubs29 December 2015 La gama de sistemas de iluminación y de efectos atmosféricos Rush by Martin, especialmente ideada para salas, clubes y pubs de pequeño y mediano tamaño, incorpora ahora la cabeza móvil ...
Elation participates in the lighting design of the EDC Orlando festival 201528 December 2015 For the celebration of the EDC Orlando festival 2015 a large metal structure was installed on the Circuit Grounds stage that simulated an aviation hangar. Un espectáculo que contó para ...
Rosco continues to bet on its LitePad LED panels but now with high CRI output22 December 2015 Las nuevas mejoras que incorporan los paneles Led LitePad HO90 y LitePad Axicom 90 de Rosco conservan la misma salida de luz suave y uniforme, el mismo perfil delgado y ...
R5 Band offers spectacular visual effects with Elation Cuepix Panel in its concerts17 December 2015 The tour of the American boy band R5, who has toured different countries in Europe and other continents, ha utilizado los sistemas de iluminación de Elation Professional como un ...
Beachbody used Elation lighting for its annual convention in Nashville15 December 2015 La reunión anual que realiza la empresa de fitness Beachbody reunió en Nashville a más de 20.000 personas que disfrutaron de un espectacular evento en el que se utilizaron numerosas cabezas ...
The 'skyline'’ of Bristol lights up with SGM washes during the 'crane dance'’15 December 2015 Los washes IP65 del fabricante SGM, en concreto los modelos P-5 y P-2, se han enfrentado en Bristol a uno de los retos más difíciles durante la Crane Dance Bristol: ...
Elation provides lighting and Led screens to the luxury cruises of Royal Caribbean10 December 2015 El nuevo gran crucero ‘Anthem of the Seas’ de la empresa Royal Caribbean ha contado con una gran cantidad de diferentes aparatos de iluminación y vídeo de Elation Professional en ...
Laserworld Showeditor 2015: control tool for laser shows4 December 2015 A través de la interfaz ShowNET es posible manejar todas las funciones del programa para realizar espectáculos láser en directo y programados. El software de control ‘todo en uno’ para espectáculos ...
Elation provides the visual spectacularity that The District nightclub was looking for3 December 2015 In the lighting and video installation of the new nightclub The District in Phoenix have been used 112 eMAG4 video panels, along with other Elation Professional products, how ...