Earpro analyzes at SIA 2015 the evolution and convergence of the AV and IT sector26 November 2015 Within the framework of the Earpro event, SIA 2015, Plenary sessions and specialized workshops were held, whose common denominator was to share knowledge and present solutions to face new trends ...
Elation Professional desplegó 85.000 vatios con sus sistemas de iluminación en LDI Las Vegas 201523 November 2015 more than 240 sistemas de iluminación y vídeo, para lo cual se necesitaron 85.000 watts of power, han dado forma al stand de 185 metros cuadrados de Elation Professional durante ...
I2Cat develops a sensor that works with solar energy and artificial light20 November 2015 En colaboración con Orange, la Fundación i2CAT ha desarrollado un sensor autónomo, que funciona con luz solar y artificial, que puede ser utilizado en aplicaciones como la monitorización de mobiliario urbano o ...
light, design and show in the Masterclass of Al Gurdon and Peter Canning organized by Stonex20 November 2015 La Sala Fernando Arrabal de las Naves del Español ha acogido la primera Masterclass en España, organizada por Stonex, de los diseñadores de iluminación Al Gurdon y Peter Canning, quienes ...
Spectacular lighting for Pablo Alborán's 'Terral' tour with Cuepix Panel systems17 November 2015 El diseño de iluminación realizado para los conciertos que Pablo Alborán ha celebrado en su gira ‘Terral’, ha integrado 12 sistemas Elation Cuepix Panel. Unos equipos que se han instalado ...
Telefónica will show at Smart City Expo 2015 how to transform a city into a connected city16 November 2015 Movilidad, sustainability, government, ciudadanía, economía y educación son las seis áreas en las que Telefónica centrará su asistencia al Smart City Expo World Congress 2015 y que buscan facilitar la ...
MIRA Festival closes its fifth edition with an attendance of 4.700 Spectators and students13 November 2015 Among the spectators who attended the Arts Santa Mònica and the Fabra i Coats Factory, as well as the students who attended the Fulldome workshop, the fifth edition of MIRA ...
Stonex organizes a Masterclass with lighting designers Al Gurdon and Peter Canning13 November 2015 The next 18 November, ambos diseñadores de iluminación de espectáculos internacionales, como el descanso de la Superbowl, Eurovisión o los Juegos Olímpicos de Sochi, ofrecerán por primera vez en ...
The Castle of Gradara envelops with its medieval magic and DTS in the Notte Rosa11 November 2015 Para conseguir el efecto de color deseado en el exterior del Castillo de Gradara para la Notte Rosa se utilizaron los proyectores de DTS. Las barras FOS100 para iluminar las paredes, ...
Elation Platinum FLX ilumina la primera edición del festival de música Kaaboo Del Mar11 November 2015 La cabeza móvil híbrida Platinum FLX ha protagonizado el sistema de iluminación de la primera edición del festival Kaaboo Del Mar, celebrado recientemente en la ciudad californiana de Del Mar ...
AF Lighting wraps Copenhagen Culture Night in a light show 20156 November 2015 Lighting design specialist ÅF Lighting has once again created the atmosphere of the Culture Night 2015 Copenhagen, through eleven different installations, ...
G-Spot achieves a spectacular lighting effect at the closing of the African Games in Brazzaville5 November 2015 For the celebration of XI edition of the African Games, a large portable cube was installed in the center of the Brazzaville stadium, submerged in a pool, which functioned as ...
The television show 'America's Best Dance Crew' lights up on every show with Elation systems5 November 2015 The new season of MTV's television show 'America's Best Dance Crew', broadcast in the United States, has had a lighting design by Victor Fable ...
The Eiffel Tower will become a great virtual artistic manifestation to safeguard the environment3 November 2015 On the occasion of COP21, of the 28 from November to 3 December Eiffel Tower will launch the 'One Heart one Tree' initiative. Todo aquel que acuda a ...
The Heritage House-Museums show the history of Qatar through AV techniques27 October 2015 El desarrollo técnico y ejecución del proyecto museístico de las Casas-Museo del Patrimonio en Doha ha sido realizado por Acciona Producciones y Diseño que ha dotado a los cuatro edificios ...
Elation ACL 360 Bar makes its debut at the Electric Zoo festival in New York27 October 2015 The electronic music festival Electric Zoo, which was held last September in New York, was the occasion to show on stage the mobile Led bar with rotation ...
Jung confirms its commitment to KNX solutions for the hotel sector26 October 2015 La asistencia de Jung a la feria InteriHotel ha confirmado la apuesta del fabricante alemán por el sector hotelero. En su stand se realizaron demostraciones de sus últimas soluciones basadas ...
Razzmatazz Barcelona lights up electronic music concerts with Elation Cuepix Panel22 October 2015 The Led lighting technology of this manufacturer has provided new visual and creative possibilities in the different rooms of Razzmatazz, uno de los destinos de ocio nocturno más populares ...
IP+D will offer the hospitality sector Philips TV equipment with improved Ambilight technology20 October 2015 Philips TV has improved its Ambilight technology in television equipment as the new AmbiLux, that increases the visual impact and expands the colors of the image throughout ...
The Volkswagen Forum Drive in Berlin welcomes visitors with an eyevis video wall19 October 2015 En la zona de entrada del Volkswagen Group Forum Drive, los visitantes son recibidos por pantallas de 40 Inch, instaladas verticalmente en seis pilares, y un videowall Led de eyevis ...