Beabloo Wi-Fi Customer Insight analyzes customers' online interactions in the store17 August 2018 This new tool, incorporating Aruba components, is part of Active Customer Intelligence Suite, Beabloo's retail solution suite. According to the recent Consumer Insights Survey, elaborate ...
Crestron and Powersoft collaborate on Vector Performance speakers for fixed installations14 August 2018 Crestron's Vector Performance speaker series features Powersoft's Duecanali and Quattrocanali amplification platforms as an option for flexible integration. The manufacturer of professional power amplifiers Powersoft ...
Meyer Sound creates a new sound paradigm at the Roskilde Festival 201826 July 2018 The collaboration initiated between Meyer Sound and the organization of the event in Denmark has allowed to undertake innovative programs in education and training, as well as scientific research and development, with ...
Ingram Micro opens the online registration to the 17th edition of its Symposium in Barcelona25 July 2018 Attendees who want to attend the annual meeting and networking event for the wholesaler's IT channel, to be held next year 8 November in Barcelona, they can ...
Iiyama International consolidates its position in the Iberian market with Tech Data25 July 2018 The wholesaler has announced the extension of its distribution agreement to the markets of Spain and Portugal, bringing to seventeen the number of European countries where both companies collaborate. Thank you ...
Ise 2021 will turn Barcelona into the AV world capital and generate 400 millions of euros20 July 2018 of the 2 to the 5 February 2021, Integrated Systems Europe (Ise) will celebrate its first edition at the Gran Via venue of Fira de Barcelona, generating an economic impact of ...
MCR adds kramer Electronics' range of AV over IP solutions to its portfolio19 July 2018 El mayorista tecnológico ha firmado un acuerdo con Kramer Electronics para distribuir sus productos en el mercado español, con el que refuerza la gestión de grandes instalaciones de audio y ...
Philips Professional Display adds Telenor Connexion IoT technology to its screens18 July 2018 The possibilities of this commercial agreement to create unique points of sale, with Philips Professional digital signage solutions and Telenor IoT connectivity, They can be found at ...
Trison brings av and interactive experience to Pull's largest store&Bear in Spain18 July 2018 The fashion brand of Grupo Inditex has in its new store in Madrid with large transparent Led screens on the façade and interactive systems inside, integrated by Trison. the ...
EET Europarts strengthens its offer for the point of sale with the purchase of Janipos18 July 2018 El distribuidor de soluciones POS y Auto ID supone la tercera adquisición estratégica de EET Europarts de este año para liderar el mercado mayorista tecnológico europeo. El mayorista escandinavo EET Europarts ...
Maverick AV Solutions signs global agreement with collaboration specialist Zoom Video17 July 2018 La división AV profesional de Tech Data ayudará a ampliar la presencia internacional de Zoom Video, comenzando por los mercados de Norteamérica y Europa. Crecer en nuevos segmentos de clientes e ...
Integrated Systems Europe chooses Barcelona as its new permanent headquarters in 202112 July 2018 Barcelona, and specifically the fairgrounds of this city Fira - Gran Via, will be the new permanent headquarters of ISE in the edition 2021, as confirmed ...
Daktronics acquires interactive control technology from AJT Systems12 July 2018 Los servicios y tecnologías de AJT Systems se suman así a la propuesta de soluciones de entretenimiento en eventos en vivo de Daktronics. La adquisición de los servicios y tecnologías de ...
"From Maverick AV we observe a strong shift towards the interactive panel in the classrooms", Pablo Doblado10 July 2018 BDM de Maverick AV Solutions, Pablo Doblado answers twelve questions about the education vertical, una de las áreas de negocio que más interés despierta en esta época del ...
Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions unveils its comprehensive platform to transform the retail sector6 July 2018 TCxElevate es la plataforma tecnológica para retail de Toshiba, que no solo combina el entorno virtual y físico, sino que aúna procesos de ecommerce, mobility, digital signage, point of sale,... ...
Fluge acquires the new Digital system 6000 of Sennheiser for your events6 July 2018 In addition to other systems, Fluge has once again relied on Sennheiser's audio technology to tackle this summer's and future projects. Los sistemas de microfonía inalámbrica de ...
Smart AV introduce la pantalla Led Unano 1.8 de Unilumin en el mercado de alquiler4 July 2018 El especialista audiovisual ha invertido en un lote de 200 m2 de este sistema Led de alta resolución de Unilumin, especialmente indicado para aplicaciones de alquiler en eventos y exposiciones. of ...
Feria de Madrid diversifies its activity with a commercial address for musical and cultural events3 July 2018 With the hosting of two festivals in this month of July, along with the deployment of 'ephemeral pavilions', mark IFEMA's organizational and growth projects. La inminente celebración de ...
EET Europarts appoints Henrik Breda commercial director of Pro AV and digital signage2 July 2018 Con esta nueva incorporación, EET Europarts continúa con la estrategia para reforzar su posicionamiento en el mercado paneuropeo del área de Pro AV y digital signage. El distribuidor de productos TI, ...
Oath Showcases New Extended Reality Experiences in Advertising at Cannes Lions2 July 2018 La compañía subsidiaria de Verizon presentó en este reciente certamen publicitarios nuevos formatos 3D y la primera oferta programática en realidad virtual actualmente en el mercado. En el marco de la ...