NanoLumens appoints Ney Corsino CEO of the company26 March 2020 Este veterano de la industria, con más de dos décadas de experiencia, se ha marcado como reto liderar, in this 2020, la nueva línea de soluciones de visualización Led centradas ...
The Irish production company PSI completes its equipment with Elation luminaires25 March 2020 The investment made has included the moving heads of Led Artiste Picasso profile, IP65 Proteus Hybrid rated, the narrow-beam Dartz 360 and the Pixel Bar 60IP. ...
Sennheiser celebrates its 75 years in the world of audio25 March 2020 The multinational gives a voice to its team members and users of the brand to commemorate seven and a half decades in the market. In addition, along ...
"The world's leading system integrators are members of Avixa", Yoav Slimobich24 March 2020 The head of this audiovisual association in Spain and Portugal, along with that of Latin America, analyze the activity carried out in the last edition of ISE, of which they are co-organizers, ...
Ingram Micro and NEC Display Ibérica: a consolidated and growing alliance23 March 2020 For more than eight years, The audiovisual manufacturer has entrusted the marketing of its products and solutions to the technology wholesaler. This is what Alejandro Rincón assures us, Pro AV business manager ...
Digital Projection creates a table mapping show for a Dubai restaurant chain20 March 2020 Meshico Group has installed E-Vision Laser projectors 8500 in three of its restaurants, that display fully customizable and dynamic images and content on diners' tables. The chain of ...
VAV Group presents its new business unit for the audiovisual sector19 March 2020 From this new division, AV solutions for fixed installations will be provided, Temporary, of contents, Etc. and events, creating synergies with other business units of this Spanish company. The new unit ...
Ingram Micro develops a business management program in the face of Covid-1919 March 2020 The technology wholesaler has a program in place that includes business continuity plans (Bcp) and emergency action plans (EAP) que se han actualizado según la certificación ...
Fluge Audiovisuales dynamizes and modernizes its facilities in Arganda del Rey18 March 2020 To this end,, ha ampliado su sede con 7.000 metros cuadrados más, que se reparten entre almacenes de todas las áreas audiovisuales (sound, lighting and video), espacio de oficinas y ...
NanoLumens redesigns its Engage range with affordable Led panels that are easy to install16 March 2020 Esta línea de productos se ha desarrollado con cabinets más convencionales, con una relación de aspecto nativa de 16:9 y marco delgado, para ofrecer una accesible solución a nuevos compradores ...
Giles Wood takes over as head of services at Sony Professional Solutions Europe16 March 2020 Con este nombramiento, acelera el crecimiento de los servicios profesionales de empresa a empresa, negocio que proporciona la tercera parte de los ingresos por B2B de la compañía en Europa. Giles ...
Shure fortalece su presencia en México con la apertura de una oficina en la capital16 March 2020 El especialista en sistemas de audio y microfonía quiere potenciar su marca y relaciones con sus clientes en este creciente mercado, donde cuenta con una fábrica en Juárez desde hace ...
Philips PDS delivers AV innovation to collaborate, learning and improving business experience, classrooms and hotels13 March 2020 Focused on the corporate market, with the development of new ranges of screens for vertical sectors, Cesar Sanz, sales manager signage solutions of the company in Iberia, explains the complete ...
The merger of Lifesize and Serenova will integrate a CU and video conferencing platform in the cloud12 March 2020 The investment firm Marlin Equity Partners promotes this operation to create a company focused on the future of the workplace, with more than 10.000 Customers Worldwide. the ...
Technological Innovations Group partners with NFS to create smart spaces11 March 2020 Thanks to this initiative, los integradores de TIG pueden especificar el software de reserva de horarios Rendezvous de NFS como un complemento para los paneles de reserva de salas de ...
Avixa creates an advisory committee of audiovisual integration companies in Spain10 March 2020 Twenty Spanish audiovisual integration companies have met, under the umbrella of this association with the aim of strengthening the value they play, in addition to analyzing the lack of ...
Tech Data summons the channel next 15 September to celebrate METIC202010 March 2020 Tras aplazarse por la situación de expansión del Covid-19, el evento anual con el canal del mayorista tecnológico tendrá lugar a mediados del próximo mes de septiembre. METIC2020, el evento anual ...
Ingram Micro summons the channel for its nineteenth Symposium9 March 2020 This year, el evento tendrá lugar el jueves 5 de noviembre y, as in previous editions, se celebrará en la Cúpula de las Arenas. La jornada será el marco idóneo ...
B-Tech partners with Italian AV distributor Ligra DS as its European expansion continues9 March 2020 The manufacturer of AV mounting solutions extends its products and solutions to new markets after signing an agreement with this Italian company, which becomes the new distributor ...
Ben Phelps returns to Absen to foster retail business9 March 2020 As director of this line of business he will be responsible for developing retail opportunities in Europe and supporting the company's sales teams and integrators of ...