LG reinforces its OLED TV proposal with a compatible HDR range and immersive sound31 May 2017 El fabricante ha presentado su nueva gama de televisores OLED y Super UHD y barras de sonido, calificada como “la tecnología en televisión más avanzada de LG hasta la fecha”, ...
Claypaky's mobile spotlights illuminate TV3's 'Oh Happy Day' show31 May 2017 Broadcast on Saturday nights on the Catalan channel TV3, The scenario of the program uses the lighting systems of this Italian manufacturer as essential elements for the development ...
Samsung ofrece resolución y grabación en UHD en la versión 2017 de su cámara Gear 36031 May 2017 Available now in the Spanish market, este compacto dispositivo permite ahora grabar vídeos en ultra alta definición - 4K; retransmitir en streaming y compartir fácilmente contenidos inmersivos de alta calidad. the ...
Cubensis Project turns flat surfaces into touch and interactive with Touch Wall29 May 2017 The company has shown the possibilities offered by this touch video wall, that allows access to all previously programmed content in an interactive way, durante un evento realizado por Mouse Producción ...
Avit Vision brings the first portable media station from Arec for streaming AV content18 May 2017 La unidad Arec KL-3W es una solución todo-en-uno, equipada con una pantalla LCD de 7 Inch, disco duro de 1 TB y router WiFi con tres antenas para captar, mix, ...
The Festival of Light and Vanguards returns to Salamanca with the new +Luz section16 May 2017 of the 15 to the 18 next June, la segunda edición de este evento llenará de luz y arte la ciudad castellano-leonesa, que añade este año la sección cultural ...
Joan of Arc comes to life at the Newman Theatre illuminated with Elation's teams15 May 2017 En el musical Joan of Arc: Into the Fire se utilizaron las unidades Satura Profile para la iluminación frontal cenital de los actores y las funciones de cañón de seguimiento. by ...
YI Halo: stereoscopic virtual reality and Jump technology for creative professionals28 April 2017 Developed by Yi Technolgy, this 360º camera that has just been presented at NAB Show 2017 offers creatives, editors and producers the possibility to create stories and experiences of ...
Callao City Lights and Wildbytes bring augmented reality permanently to the Plaza del Callao26 April 2017 Las dos pantallas digitales exteriores de Cines Callao mostrarán a partir de hoy en Madrid las posibilidades que ofrece la primera plataforma permanente de realidad aumentada de España para crear ...
virtual reality, security and mobility for digital creators on HP's new workstations25 April 2017 Los cuatro nuevos modelos de estaciones de trabajo móviles ZBook que acaba de presentar el fabricante ofrecen la máxima seguridad para proteger la propiedad intelectual de los profesionales y la ...
BIT Experience 2017 will drive the transformation of the AV industry in Europe20 April 2017 La nueva edición de estas reconocidas jornadas profesionales, que organiza IFEMA los días 4 and 5 de octubre en Feria de Madrid, se presenta con un planteamiento renovado y una ...
Binci seeks new horizons for immersive 3D sound content18 April 2017 This European project studies the possibilities of binaural audio in virtual reality applications, music and video games. La investigación proporcionará una solución completa de software y hardware para diseñadores de ...
The ballet 'Alice in Wonderland' offered a modern and dynamic staging with Elation29 March 2017 The narrative development of the story, produced by the Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, has had 26 Colour units 5 Profile that have been distributed with 24 unidades localizadas en ...
Sono provides AV technology for the scenography of Antena's new talent show 323 March 2017 ‘Tu cara no me suena’ es el nuevo programa que Antena 3 ha estrenado en marzo. Para su puesta en escena se utiliza un escenario dotado diferentes elementos audiovisuales como ...
Live video transmission of fires and drones to train and improve decision-making20 March 2017 The New York Fire Department (the largest in the United States), has recently deployed a live video streaming platform to help professionals in ...
Isoluz opens an office in Madrid to offer its AV events and equipment rental services20 March 2017 The Malaga specialist has from the past 1 de marzo con una sede en el centro de la capital para dar respuesta a la demanda de sus servicios de asesoría ...
Brainstorm to take NAB 2017 your advances in real-time 3D graphics and augmented reality15 March 2017 The new versions of its augmented reality solutions, virtual studies graphic capacity mark the proposal of the company in this important contest of the audiovisual industry, to be held ...
A spectacular staging with Led technology accompanied the Viña del Mar Festival15 March 2017 Madis has been the company in charge of designing and assembling the scenery for the realization of the event, where more than 2.500 Led modules to configure near 1.300 ...
Videoreport brings the thrill of horse racing to the screens of the Zarzuela Racecourse23 February 2017 La empresa se encargará de la realización y datos gráficos de las carreras de caballos, así como de su distribución y retransmisión a monitores de vídeo y pantallas Led conectados ...
MWC 2017: Watchity will broadcast in live streaming through collaborative recording the 4YFN event23 February 2017 The global business meeting 4 Years From Now (4YFN), created for the community of technological startups promoted by Mobile World Capital Barcelona, will be the first broadcast in live streaming through ...