Christie simplifies the creation of unique visual experiences with Mystique Install14 November 2016 In response to the complexity of visual systems, of its deployment and assembly, this global and customized solution provides automated alignment tools for multi-projection displays in ...
Panasonic projectors create an immersive scene for 'The Ring Cycle'11 November 2016 Esta obra épica se ha representado en la Ópera Nacional de Washington y para su puesta en escena se han utilizado 6 proyectores PT-DZ13K de 12.000 Lumens, que se montaron sobre el ...
Innovation and avant-garde mark the proposals presented at the Digital Hub Day10 November 2016 Virtual reality platforms, mobile applications or avant-garde documentaries have been some of the projects that have been announced in the Speed Pitching organized by Medina Media as ...
The Empire State becomes a huge news screen on election night10 November 2016 As it happened with the re-election of Barack Obama against Mitt Romney, this emblematic New York symbol has marked the night of the US presidential election, in this ...
Drax audio opens Skyline, your new sound room for AV production and post-production3 November 2016 Equipped with digital and analog technology in a completely remodeled and functional environment, the company has expanded its current portfolio with services for the advertising sector, cinematic, television and record. the ...
The program Verstehen Sie Spass of the German network ARD lights up with Elation26 October 2016 For their realization they have been used 12 efectos ACL 360 Roller y 32 cabezas móviles entre los modelos Satura Spot CMY Pro, Platinum SBX y Platinum Wash ZFX Pro XL. The designer ...
Radio City Rockettes recreates their productions with impressive live projection mapping25 October 2016 Specialist DWP Live has installed twenty-two Christie Boxer 4K30 projectors for the shows of this famous dance company of the iconic New York theater, haciendo vibrar al público con una ...
Christie's projection technology gives the musical 'Franciscus' visual poetry and a high level of production18 October 2016 For staging they have been used 8 proyectores D12WU-H y dos DXG1051-Q que generan sobre el escenario un total de 130.000 lúmenes y producen una resolución 20.000.000 of ...
The OnSport channel launches a television studio with 3mm Led screens14 October 2016 Especializado en deportes, este canal de televisión de Egipto ha instalado en su nuevo plató dos grandes pantallas de vídeo Led con píxel pich de 3mm, que envuelven todo el ...
Adidas Colombia makes an interactive experience to present its new line of sports shoes6 October 2016 Christie Pandoras Box was key to carry out this marketing action and tool, taking care of managing the different systems and synchronizing all the action. Se utilizó una combinación de Box ...
scope 2016 program three large immersive facilities and a digital art gallery6 October 2016 of the 10 to the 12 next November, Barcelona's digital art festival will offer more exhibition spaces in this edition, Three exclusive large-format immersive installations ...
The 'vintage' tour’ of Soulwax is accompanied by the dLive digital table6 October 2016 El sistema de Allen & Heath que se utiliza en estos conciertos consta de una superficie de control S7000, un rack de mezclas DM32 para el FOH, con Waves y ...
Festival Projector 2016 will turn Madrid into a city of video art experiences4 October 2016 From the 5 to the 9 October, twelve locations in five neighborhoods in the capital and twenty-four video art facilities set up as diptychs, Projections, Channel, Etc. conforman la selección de ...
Tres60 Grupo reorganizes its executive management and maintains its diversification strategy4 October 2016 El nombramiento de Juanjo García, hasta ahora director de desarrollo de negocio, da continuidad a la labor realizada en los últimos tres años por Giovanni Rier, tras su salida del ...
Samsung brings the immersive and virtual experience to the Sitges Film Festival28 September 2016 In this new cinema and virtual reality content, Spectators will be able to immerse themselves in an insane asylum, una casa encantada y una jaula llena de zombis hasta viajar ...
The XVI Encuentro de la Luz revolved around the contemporary play 'Estaciò Términus'26 September 2016 El diseñador de iluminación Pere Anglada y el director teatral Ramon Simó fueron los responsables de mostrar a los socios, colaboradores y patrocinadores de la AAI cómo se ha realizado ...
Euronews starts its proposal of 'immersive journalism' with Samsung Gear 36020 September 2016 Reportajes de vídeo interactivos, noticias y contenidos en 360º marcan la apuesta de este canal internacional para ofrecer a sus espectadores una experiencia inmersiva con esta plataforma. Los periodistas y red ...
Adobe potencia las tecnologías de realidad virtual, animación y 3D en sus desarrollos13 September 2016 Las innovaciones introducidas por este proveedor en sus soluciones, que presenta hasta hoy en IBC 2016, dan respuesta a la creciente demanda de creación y entrega de contenidos cada vez ...
MLB Network bets on Ericsson to bring augmented reality to its sports programs8 September 2016 El sistema implementado es Piero, un software gráfico que facilita la visualización de los datos y crea una experiencia más atractiva para la audiencia. Ofrece una amplia gama de efectos ...
IBC 2016: Christie will squander high projection technology, visualization and processing1 September 2016 The company celebrates its tenth anniversary as an official technical partner of this event not only with a wide deployment in its stand and in those of its cube partners ...