TheMotion introduces its automatic video advertising platform30 August 2016 The Spanish company helps companies break down barriers to video ad production with a solution that automates the creation of video-ads in a way ...
Panasonic, Sony and NHK: Japanese alliance to promote 8K technology before Tokyo 202029 August 2016 The announcement by Japanese public television that the next Olympic Games, to be held in the Japanese capital, will be broadcast with resolution Super Hi-Vision/8K has given way to ...
Leyard's Led video screens, protagonists of the NBC Olympics set in Rio 201626 August 2016 NBC Olympics, división del Grupo NBC Sports, seleccionó las pantallas de visualización Led de Leyard de la serie TVH para configurar los videowalls, with pixel pich of 1,9 Mm, como plataforma ...
Brainstorm Multimedia will virtually revolutionize IBC 2016 with its graphic innovations25 August 2016 La tecnología de realidad aumentada, las funcionalidades TeleTransporter y Presentador 3D, así como el nuevo HandTracking y la iluminación volumétrica serán los puntos destacados de la compañía española en el ...
Sony MCX-500: All-in-one video mixer for educational and business productions25 August 2016 Alto rendimiento y facilidad de manejo a un precio asequible son algunas de las características de este ‘productor en directo’, especialmente indicado para usuarios que trabajan con sistemas multicámara a ...
The Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia recovers virtually in 3D the Iberian city of Ullastret23 August 2016 Produced by the Catalan Agency for Cultural Heritage and the Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia-Ullastret, the recreation project of this Iberian city has an immersive projection room ...
Leyard expands its investment in Europe with a new factory in Slovakia18 August 2016 The manufacturer of digital screens wants to strengthen its European presence and international expansion with the construction of this facility, located near Prešov, which will also have a large room of ...
River 2016: the Spanish joint venture MoveWild creates the interactive space for the candidacy of Los Angeles18 August 2016 Este grupo de empresas españolas han desarrollado el concepto y producción de un innovador espacio de proyección interactiva e inmersiva que puede visitarse durante los actuales Juegos Olímpicos para conocer ...
Eikonos provided the audiovisual equipment for the delivery of the Marketing Leaders Awards15 July 2016 In this event held in Barcelona, a Christie Boxer 4K was used 30.000 lumens to make the projections of the main screen, coordinated with Spyder video control, ...
Eizo CG247X: 24 monitor″ with color management for video editing14 July 2016 Con una resolución nativa de 1.920x1.200 y un ratio de contraste de 1.500:11, este equipo LCD de la línea ColorEdge está dotado de un sensor que elimina la necesidad de contar ...
WIcreations automates the scenario of Malú's 'Chaos' tour13 July 2016 The Belgian engineering company has designed and manufactured a rotary system to hold and move five large automated systems on the stage of the 'Chaos' tour, with which the Spanish singer ...
Brainstorm allows you to 'transport' a presenter from the TVE1 studio to the Congress of Deputies6 July 2016 During election night, Spanish Television used its TeleTransporter technology to 'move' the presenter from the studios to the interior of the Congress of Deputies, where it was used ...
Torre Cepsa Madrid entrusts its auditorium's AV project to Tower TBA in collaboration with Earpro30 June 2016 With the aim of technologically renewing and giving new uses to its auditorium, those responsible for this Madrid skyscraper have entrusted the supply, equipment, audio system integration and execution, video ...
Genelec brings to the present the audio over IP with the SAM studio monitor 843030 June 2016 This equipment is set to become the ideal tool for AoIP systems in recording studios, Post, Digital editing rooms, Radio and television broadcasting. the 8430 is the culmination of ...
Harman shows in Madrid its solution to bring 4K over IP networks of 1 Gbps27 June 2016 Durante roadshow europeo ‘Connect with Harman’, que recaló en Madrid el pasado 22 June, el fabricante presentó sus últimas innovaciones tecnológicas en el campo de la transmisión de AV ...
Shooting Arts 360o records the first surgical operation in Spain in virtual reality24 June 2016 Seventeen cameras, and twelve hours of surgical operation by the doctors, han sido necesarias para realizar la primera grabación de este tipo realizada en España por la división ...
super 8, the new DooH brand of cinematographic exhibition, events and culture in the Gran Vía axis of Madrid15 June 2016 A new brand to offer 360º experiences in cinema, Digital Advertising Out of Home, event production and culture define the proposal of the City Lights team, now Super ...
Panasonic will participate in the Rio Olympics 2016 with its AV solutions10 June 2016 Among other solutions, instalará 72 pantallas gigantes Led, with almost 2.000 metros cuadrados de paneles, 15.600 Displays, 210 videoproyectores DLP, sistemas profesionales de audio y 70 mezcladores de la serie ...
LG offers full HDR in its new range of 4K Oled and Super UHD TVs27 May 2016 El fabricante ha presentado su evolucionada propuesta de televisores con estas tecnologías y la única del mercado español hasta ahora con HDR Dolby Vision y total compatibilidad con estándares HDR, ...
The Panorama Awards bring together the entire audiovisual industry in a unique night25 May 2016 La masiva participación de los lectores del diario Panorama Audiovisual, quienes eligieron la terna finalista de cada una de las trece categorías, y un jurado formado por destacados profesionales del ...