InfoComm announces the first avt certificate exam in Spain23 May 2016 El Consejo de Asesores en España de esta asociación comercial internacional ha convocado para el próximo 31 May, from the 11:00h la prueba AVT en español, What ...
AMD, D/Labs and Dell put their technology at the service of virtual theatrical scenography in 3D23 May 2016 'The Legend of Arthur', the musical show of reference currently in France, utiliza la tecnología digital para crear efectos mágicos y escenografía virtual en 3D y brindar a los espectadores ...
The BIT Innova gallery shows the most cutting-edge audiovisual solutions on the market20 May 2016 This initiative is shaping up to support the communication and promotion of new products and services that will be shown at BIT 2016. A jury of experts have selected ...
bit 2016: AV industry experts will analyze and debate the key issues of a sector in transformation19 May 2016 A pocos días de que el Salón Profesional de la Tecnología Audiovisual -BIT Broadcast 2016-, abra sus puertas en Ifema - Feria de Madrid del 24 to the 26 May, ...
Crosspoint will focus its presence on BIT 2016 in the 4K format and the IP environment19 May 2016 The latest news of its brands represented as Lawo, Riedel, Jünger Audio, Digigram, Hi Tech Systems, AJA and Grass Valley will be present at its stand to show its commitment to ...
The Linc worship center uses audiovisual technology as a means of communication with its faithful18 May 2016 The distribution of signals within the complex is based on an SDI network equipped with a Blackmagic Smart Videohub 20x20 device that, In addition to sending content to the two projectors ...
Panorama entrusts Elenco with the technical deployment of the Panorama Awards gala17 May 2016 Panorama Audiovisual has entrusted the execution of the project and integration of the Panorama Awards gala 2016 to cast Audiovision. Jose Alberto Aleixo, Ferdinand V. Mourelo, Alain-Michel Claessens and ...
Led screens, projectors with moving mirrors and optical effects, the other Eurovision players 201617 May 2016 The Ericcson Globen Arena in Stockholm, venue of the recent Eurovision Song Contest 2016, with capacity for more than 16.000 people and a height of 85 metre, It's been an excellent ...
Panorama Awards 2016: The jury votes in secret and before a notary the finalists13 May 2016 José Luis Gacal, Ricardo Medina, Sergi Ovide, Angel Pacho, Jerónimo Retamal, Jose Maria Rosillo, Jorge de la Torre, Tote Trenas, Maria Valcarce, Ana Sanz y Antonio Castillo conforman el jurado ...
'Imperdible_01' will offer in Madrid a unique experience in innovation and 3D music11 May 2016 The Cotec Foundation, with the collaboration of Sónar+D and Madrid City Council, organizes the first installment of its 'Must-sees', A collection of unique experiences around innovation, ...
Valencia CF creates an audiovisual system in Mestalla to improve the fan experience9 May 2016 The Spanish sports club has modernized the audiovisual production system of the Mestalla stadium to offer fans a better experience in information and spectacle before and during ...
The University of Alcalá de Henares entrusts Vitelsa with the AV and communications equipment of the CRAI5 May 2016 The Learning and Research Resource Center (CRAI) de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares ha confiado en este integrador el equipamiento audiovisual y de comunicaciones de ...
The immersive work 'Earthworks' will be the protagonist of SonarPlanta 20164 May 2016 For its realization, The British studio Semiconductor has used five screens of 5,5 metre, arranged in zig-zag, supporting this multi-channel video installation, donde los gráficos animados ...
SEAT rewards professional excellence under the umbrella of audiovisual techniques29 April 2016 One more year, Sono ha sido la empresa encargada de proporcionar el equipamiento técnico que se ha precisado para la celebración de los Top Seat People. Un evento que se ...
Alfalite focuses its participation on Afial 2016 on the Micropix modular Led display28 April 2016 Technology 100% Spaniard, con la puesta en marcha de la primera fábrica europea de pantallas Led, ubicada en Jerez de la Frontera, son los elementos que han marcado el desarrollo ...
Readers have already chosen the finalists of the Panorama Awards 201627 April 2016 After a first phase, where a total of 6.227 Audiovisual Panorama readers have chosen the third finalist in each category, among the five proposals by the drafting, ...
Sónar+D lands in Madrid with innovative and creative Spanish projects25 April 2016 For the first time, el festival llega a la capital de la mano de su MarketLab en el que se exhibirán una selección de los proyectos españoles de creatividad y tecnología ...
Albalá's technology helps the live and 4K broadcast of the opera Parsifal21 April 2016 El equipamiento para la producción en ultra alta resolución que Albala Ingenieros ha suministrado integra puertos electroópticos EOP2000 y preselectores HVP3000, que facilitarán el transporte de las señales entre la ...
The Teatro Real takes its sets to a new dimension with Christie's projectors18 April 2016 Las imágenes en alta definición proporcionadas por los proyectores Roadster HD20K-J han tenido un papel estelar en la ópera Fidelio, that has been represented for one month, creando unos espectaculares ...
NBC Olympics will use Leyard's video walls in the production of the Rio Olympic Games14 April 2016 Cuatro videowalls, configurados con pantallas Led Leyard TVH, de pixel pitch reducido y alta resolución, serán utilizados para ofrecer la cobertura del evento deportivo más grande del mundo, la XXXI Olimpiada. NBC Olympics, ...