MIRA Festival closes its fifth edition with an attendance of 4.700 Spectators and students13 November 2015 Among the spectators who attended the Arts Santa Mònica and the Fabra i Coats Factory, as well as the students who attended the Fulldome workshop, the fifth edition of MIRA ...
Yield, innovation and mobility: HP Inc Reinvents Professional Workstation Business12 November 2015 La multinacional ha mostrado durante el evento celebrado en Nueva York su claro compromiso con la innovación en workstations para el entorno profesional, con la presentación, among other new features, of ...
HP T730: first Thin Client with native support for four UHD/4K displays12 November 2015 This system, que la compañía ha presentado en un evento internacional en Nueva York, ofrece un rendimiento superior de gráficos y aplicaciones virtuales exigentes en entornos profesionales, gracias sus procesadores ...
Sono deployed a complete audiovisual system for the 4K Summit in Seville9 November 2015 A Christie Boxer 4K30 projector and a display distribution system based on Cat6 has allowed attendees of the 4K Summit in Seville to enjoy productions in ...
The new HP Inc is presented in partnership with the Complutense Dome with 360o projections6 November 2015 The creative studio NewMedia explains in a video video view for Digital AV Magazine how the 360o audiovisual projection of the Dome of the Complutense University of Madrid has been carried out, What ...
Christie's laser phosphor projection creates a futuristic look for the show 'TVEmos'4 November 2015 Five DWU555-GS projectors belonging to the GS Series with Christie 1DLP laser diode manage to create an interesting holographic effect in the scenery of the program. The summer program TVEmos produced ...
4K technology and Sony SRX-R320 dual projection system shine at the world premiere of 'Spectre'28 October 2015 La vigésimo cuarta aventura de James Bond, Spectre, se ha proyectado en 4K con el sistema de proyección dual SRX-R320 de Sony en el estreno mundial del filme, held in the ...
TVE uses Samsung's virtual reality in its production “Roman engineering”22 October 2015 Samsung has collaborated with Imageen in the development of an app for its Gear VR Innovator Edition that helps to experience the process of rebuilding buildings in an immersive way ...
Sono provides the AV equipment for the 4th edition of Antena's 'Tu cara me suena' 320 October 2015 En el plató de ‘Tu cara me suena’ se han instalado 9 tótems verticales configurados por pantallas Barco I6 XP, 2 grandes pantallas de Leds Absen A3 Pro y un ...
HP relies on Eikonos for AV realization of the presentation of its LaserJet printers19 October 2015 The manufacturer entrusted the AV realization of the presentation of its three new professional LaserJet printers, that provide greater protection against malicious attacks on PCs and peripherals, to the ...
Brainstorm Aston Elections: real-time 3D graphics solution for election periods15 October 2015 Esta solución de gráficos de gran impacto y fácil uso y creación está especialmente indicada para cubrir las elecciones en todo tipo de estaciones televisivas. Brainstorm Multimedia, especialista en desarrollo de ...
Fluge covers four concerts with audio systems on the same day, lighting, video and rigging8 October 2015 The same day and in four different scenarios, the company carried out an extensive technical and equipment deployment to supply sound systems, iluminación y vídeo en los conciertos de ...
New York CityFest uses Elation's Led panels for the stage7 October 2015 Led Elation EPT6IP panels were used for mounting screens located on both sides of the stage and those located in towers with delay speakers, posicionadas ...
The digital content sector begins to recover with revenues of 21.195 millions of euros6 October 2015 Tras una caída de un 18% between 2008 and 2013, durante el pasado año los resultados del sector TIC muestran un crecimiento del 2,1%, con una cifra de negocio de ...
AdHoc Studios bets on Sony's 4K digital projection for its post-production room6 October 2015 Cinematography Pereira, Sony Solutions Specialist en la Península Ibérica, ha suministrado e instalado el proyector de cine digital 4K SRX-R510P de Sony en la sala principal de mezclas de este ...
Albalá Ingenieros supplies its terminal equipment for the Parliament of Andalusia6 October 2015 Este equipamiento está destinado a la nueva infraestructura de televisión profesional de la institución andaluza para recibir la señal no solo de las sesiones parlamentarias, sino de los actos que ...
Cast bets on 4K events with NEC's large-format displays5 October 2015 With an eye on the production of audiovisual events and the rental of high-resolution solutions, Caverin has expanded the offer of Cast with screens 98 inches of ...
bit! 2016 summons the industry around IP and UHD as the main protagonists of the event5 October 2015 of the 24 to the 26 May 2016, The audiovisual and broadcast industry will show its latest innovations, services and trends at the International Professional Exhibition of Audiovisual Technology, organizado ...
Eyevis propone nuevos cubos de proyección trasera para el diseño de videowalls en estudios1 October 2015 Cubos de proyección trasera para la configuración de videowalls, pantallas táctiles y diferentes monitores con tecnología LCD son las propuestas de eyevis para los estudios de televisión, un entorno crítico ...
4K World Summit will bring together for the first time in Spain the world experts in UHD28 September 2015 The 4K World Summit, which will take place for the first time in Spain of the 5 to the 6 next November, will bring together in the city Seville world experts ...