Interactive and virtual AV technology for an immersive tour of Gaudí's figure and work24 September 2015 Gaudí Barcelona Projects has relied on Samsung as a technology partner and has commissioned Sono to integrate the audiovisual systems for the new museum installation 'Walking with Gaudí', one ...
EES acude a las II Jornadas de Plástica Teatral con los focos DL de Robe24 September 2015 Los focos led de Robe para teatro y televisión, gama DL, han hecho su puesta en escena, de la mano de EES, en las II Jornadas de Plástica Teatral celebradas ...
Vitelsa technologically equips the new Faculty of Nursing of the University of Seville23 September 2015 Mejorar las infraestructuras y la calidad docente con nuevas tecnologías AV y de comunicaciones ha sido el objetivo del proyecto ‘llave en mano’ realizado por Vitelsa en la nueva Facultad ...
Virtual reality and fashion converge in the first Fashion Film 360º23 September 2015 The 'Fragments' project, by designer Sonia Carrasco and Exploradores15, presented at the Samsung EGO showroom as part of the recent edition of Mercedes Benz-Fashion Week Madrid (MBFWM), is ...
Brazilian televisions bet on Leyard to integrate videowalls into their studios21 September 2015 Globosat y EBC instalan en sus estudios videowalls, configurados con pantallas Led de Leyard, que ofrecen un pixel pitch reducido y una alta resolución. Leyard ha instalado varias pantallas Led de alta resolución ...
A rose-shaped structure illuminates the Hala Febrayer festival with its Led petals17 September 2015 Trescientas unidades del panel Led de vídeo Elation EZ6 fueron utilizadas para formar la estructura circular en forma de rosa que protagonizaba el escenario ubicado en la pista del Kuwait ...
IBC 2015 supera las cifras del año anterior con una asistencia de 55.000 Professional17 September 2015 Los nuevos entornos IP, las redes definidas por el usuario, la UHD y las posibilidades que brinda el uso de la nube para aplicaciones OTT y VoD han marcado IBC ...
Analog Way's LiveCore makes it easy to live stream Guus Meeuwis concert15 September 2015 El último concierto de Guus Meeuwis en el espectáculo Groots met een zachte G fue retransmitido en vivo por la televisión holandesa. Un evento que contó con la plataforma de ...
IBC 2015: the reference event to know the future of the audiovisual market10 September 2015 of the 10 to the 15 In September, the RAI Center in Amsterdam will be the meeting point for 55.000 professionals from 170 countries and more than 1.700 exhibitors from all over ...
Videoreport leaves in the hands of Pedro González the general direction of the company10 September 2015 Pedro Gómez has assumed the general direction of the Videoreport production company, while Luis Zurita will continue in his position as director. Pedro González Sánchez ha sido nombrado director general de Videoreport, ...
Sphericam 2: spherical camera to capture 360º images with 4K resolution7 September 2015 Composed of six micro-cameras, WiFi link, four microphones and six Micro SD card slots, Sphericam Camera 2, developed by the engineers of the Kickstarter platform. With a size of ...
Scope – Live Visual Arts Festival adds a new stage for immersive audiovisual shows2 September 2015 It is a space in the form of a geodesic dome dedicated to artistic projects with 360º surround projections and sound, called Mira Dome by adidas originals and located in ...
Animotion, the show where art and projection merge, returns to Edinburgh27 August 2015 Con motivo del Festival Edinburgh Fringe 2015, el espectáculo donde se fusiona la música, la pintura y la proyección de video, Animation, vuelve a ponerse en escena. This time ...
Phyto & Fitipaldis continues his tour 'Huyendo conmigo de mi' accompanied with Elation24 August 2015 The lighting design made for fito's 'Huyendo conmigo de mi' tour & Fitipaldis consists of three cross-shaped structures, composed of 39 Cuepix Panel, Located ...
Seville will host the first world summit that will unite content and technology around 4K20 August 2015 4K World Summit Seville will gather the days 5 and 6 of November in the Andalusian capital to professionals from all over the world to discuss and share experiences on production and ...
A Christie MicroTiles video wall enhances the live streams of the program 'Here in Madrid'17 August 2015 On the set of Telemadrid, where the magazine 'Here in Madrid' is broadcast, has been installed a videowall of 7x5 configured with modular cubes digital display Christie MicroTiles. the ...
XL Video turns the mythical 'Doctor Who' series into a synphonic and audiovisual show24 July 2015 Vision Nine Arts & Entertaiment y XL Video son los responsables de la realización y producción de la espectacular gira de conciertos en vivo con las composiciones de Murray Gold ...
Holo-Gauze system commemorates with 3D effects the centenary of Einstein's theory of relativity24 July 2015 Los efectos holográficos de esta solución de visualización 3D se han utilizado para realizar una performance de la historia de la teoría de la relatividad de Einstein para celebrar el ...
Broadcast Video Technology acquires an Ascender 32 4K de Analog Way23 July 2015 This AV processor that BVT now has to support, Training and demos is a powerful multi-screen seamless switchers with 32 Climbers, to handle any video source, ...
Navarra promotes tourism and cinema with an innovative augmented reality app22 July 2015 The application of 'The Route of Cinema', conceived exclusively by Reyno de Navarra with the technological development of CreativiTIC to view with augmented reality the scene of each film ...