Blustream chooses Broadcast Video Technology as a partner in Spain30 June 2015 El fabricante australiano de sistemas HDMI ha seleccionado a Broadcast Video Technology como distribuidor en exclusiva para el mercado español de toda su gama de productos. Tras la reciente apertura de ...
German band PUR bets on ArrayCalc for their concert at Veltins Arena24 June 2015 The concert held this year by the German band PUR at germany's Veltins Arena has counted on their sound infrastructure with the V Series of d&B, Using ...
La Iglesia Sacramento Central renueva su iluminación con tecnología Led de Elation24 June 2015 El centro religioso Adventista Sacramento Central ha renovado la iluminación de su recinto con aparatos Led de luz blanca y temperatura de color variable de Elation Professional, proporcionando un nivel ...
Sony Professional creates a business unit for the corporate and education sectors24 June 2015 La nueva unidad de negocio para los sectores educativo y corporativo, que tendrá como responsable a Damien Weissenburger, incluirá también la propuesta de productos y soluciones de videovigilancia de la ...
Eyevis, protagonist of the videowalls that integrate the new television studio OTE Sport22 June 2015 El nuevo estudio de la cadena griega OTE Sport está dotado de seis videowalls en diferentes configuraciones que han sido diseñados con los monitores EYE-LCD-5500-XSN-LD de eyevis. OTE TV es una emisora ...
All BIT Experience Broadcast and AV 2015 in a special audiovisual panorama17 June 2015 Panorama Audiovisual edita un Especial que recoge cuanto sucede en las jornadas profesionales Bit Experience 2015 que se están celebrando en IFEMA. Con motivo de la celebración en Madrid de BIT ...
BIT Experience 2015 brings together in two days to 72 speakers from the audiovisual industry17 June 2015 La que ya se ha convertido en la cita más importante para el debate y el conocimiento del sector audiovisual en el Sur de Europa, BIT Experience, ha arrancado este ...
PRG buys XL Video and they create a giant for the audiovisual shows market15 June 2015 XL Video will be integrated into the PRG network, which has more than 40 Offices worldwide, and combine synergies to produce innovative and creative audiovisual shows. Production ...
The new MUHBA Oliva Artés space relies on the audiovisual engineering of Mediapro and Unitecnic12 June 2015 The recently opened sub-ede of the Museum of History of the City of Barcelona (MUHBA), Oliva Artés, has had the experience in AV engineering of Unitecnic and the production of the ...
Eikonos once again offers its AV experience in the Len Final Six Cup 2015 of water polo11 June 2015 For the second year in a row, the specialist in audiovisual events and equipment rental Eikonos Servicios Audiovisuales has collaborated with its technological experience in the Len Final Six Cup of water polo, ...
The Abbey Theatre is illuminated with ETC systems for the 'City Theatre' project10 June 2015 Tres producciones de la iniciativa 'Teatro de la Ciudad', which are performed at the Teatro de la Abadía in Madrid, have relied on ETC's lighting systems to deliver ...
Riedel MediorNet and Artist, technological protagonists of the British electoral debate10 June 2015 The recent British elections and, specifically, the live debate of the main political leaders who attended them, has relied on the MediorNet networks and the ...
Paolo Conte's European tour lights up with DTS Max systems9 June 2015 La cabeza móvil DTS Max incorpora un grupo óptico que permite 4 tipos de proyección desde un mismo equipo. Es compacta, fácil de transportar e instalar, ligera y sencilla, características ...
Videomapper and 3D modeler Manuel Horischnik to lead workshop at BIT Experience 20158 June 2015 El CEO de Ibercover, Manuel Horischnik, dirigirá el workshop ‘Videomapping: el arte de la proyección’ que tendrá lugar el 18 de junio dentro de las jornadas Bit Experience 2015. event ...
Sommer Cable will participate for the first time in InfoComm 2015 with its new Cardinal DVM line5 June 2015 In his first intervention as an exhibitor at InfoComm 2015 in Orlando (Florida), The German manufacturer will show its new line of audiovisual electronics, called Cardinal DVM, to support 4K resolution and ...
'Gaudi's Pedrera: The Origins', a pioneering immersive experience to know its essence5 June 2015 Una nueva experiencia en la azotea del emblemático edificio de Gaudí de La Pedrera o Casa Milá de Barcelona, protagoniza las noches barcelonesas hasta el próximo mes de octubre. with ...
The Austrian city of Schärding is illuminated with a spectacular multimedia installation5 June 2015 Last Winter, in the Austrian city of Schärding, a complete multimedia project was staged, including video mapping and laser projections. A spectacular experience that has been realized ...
BIT Experience 2015 abordará el uso de drones en aplicaciones audiovisuales3 June 2015 Salvador Bellver, presidente de la Asociación Española de Drones (Aedron), intervendrá el próximo 17 June, dentro de las jornadas BIT Experience 2015, en una ponencia sobre el uso de ...
Tarragona promotes its archaeological heritage with augmented reality and audiovisual techniques2 June 2015 La Fundación Tarragona Smart Mediterranean City y Digivision están realizando un proyecto de reconstrucción histórica que tiene como objetivo promocionar el patrimonio arqueológico de la ciudad utilizando técnicas audiovisuales y ...
SSL adds power and features in V3 version of the software for its Live consoles25 May 2015 Esta nueva versión de Solid State Logic añade más de cuarenta nuevas prestaciones de software y hardware y más potencia a su gama de mesa de mezclas digital para directo. the ...