The Palais des Congres de Paris chooses SSL technology to renew its sound system22 May 2015 After two years of research, el Palacio de Congresos de París ha instalado la consola de audio Live L500 de Solid State Logic en su auditorio principal para optimizar las cerca ...
BIT Experience 2015 presents the panel of experts who will map the trends of the audiovisual sector21 May 2015 Organizadas por Ifema, en colaboración con el diario online Panorama Audiovisual, las Jornadas BIT Experience se han convertido en uno de los principales eventos europeos del sector audiovisual por el ...
Samson Conspiracy: Effects control surface for live performances and studio15 May 2015 Conspiracy is the new effects control surface for studio or live audio productions that Samson has developed. A compact and lightweight solution that includes the ...
Art+Com creates a large-scale kinetic installation of light and sound for SonarPlanta 201515 May 2015 Designed by the German studio Art+Com for SonarPlanta, joint initiative between Sónar and the Sorigué Foundation, the monumental audiovisual installation RGB|CMY Kinetic will be able to see from the 18 to the 19 June ...
The luxury cruise 'Quantum of the Seas' illuminates the ocean with Led technology from Elation14 May 2015 The new ship of the multinational luxury cruise royal royal caribbean, with the name of 'Quantum of the Seas', has relied on the technology of Elation Professional and Acclaim ...
Osram, through its subsidiary Clay Paky, will illuminate the Eurovision Song Contest 201513 May 2015 La tecnología de Osram proporcionará los efectos de luz y color al escenario de Eurovisión y, In addition, aprovechará el certamen para presentar su sistema Lightify que permite controlar la iluminación ...
The Void breaks down the barriers between the physical and virtual world to create an amusement park in Utah12 May 2015 La realidad virtual se fusiona con el mundo físico en el nuevo parque de atracciones que The Void está creando en Pleasant Grove. Una experiencia out-of-home donde se crearán espacios ...
Marco Brambilla's innovative video kinetic sculpture inspired by Samsung Galaxy S612 May 2015 Artist Marco Brambilla unveils his new video sculpture in a high-impact online experience, called 'Constellation' ('Constellation'), que forma parte de la campaña ‘Next is Now’ creada ...
FIMG 2015 presents the finalist AV projects of the International Mapping Competition8 May 2015 El comité de selección del Festival Internacional de Mapping de Gerona (FIMG) has chosen the 29 proyectos finalistas que participarán en la II edición del Concurso que se celebrará del ...
Datavideo facilitates two-way SDI/HDMI conversion in medium installations6 May 2015 Datavideo's DAC-70 two-way converter, marketed by Avacab, makes it easy to connect a VGA/HDMI output from the computer to SDI devices via long-distance SDI cable, ...
Aten VC480 converts high definition signals to HDMI in real time5 May 2015 El convertidor Aten VC480 está pensado para aplicaciones de monitorización, postproducción y difusión donde se precisa que las señales de audio y vídeo en alta definición puedan ser pasadas a ...
The Seven Kingdoms of 'Game of Thrones' turn Madrid into a fantastic universe with AV technology and interactive30 April 2015 The 'Game of Thrones' exhibition, organized by Canal+ and the Madrid City Council, has opened its doors until the next 3 at the Matadero in Madrid, with ...
GoPro bets on virtual reality technology with the purchase of Kolor30 April 2015 The acquisition of the French firm Kolor, specialized in virtual reality software, will allow GoPro to develop a camera capable of capturing panoramic images and recording in 360º. The manufacturer of ...
'La noche toledana' pays tribute to 'Don Quixote' with the interactive videomapping produced by Ibercover29 April 2015 The historic center of Toledo stars in the arrival of spring with 'La noche toledana', a wide range of concerts, theatre and screening shows, light and sound in the ...
Eurovision celebrated its 60 anniversary with the visualization solutions provided by XL Video28 April 2015 The ROE Visual MC-7T and Pixled FX-11 screens, supplied by XL Video, provided the light and colour that shone in the performances offered at the event that was organized in London ...
NEC Display presents NC1201, the next generation of laser projection for digital cinema23 April 2015 The NC1201L one-box solution is the new addition to the wide range of laser projectors from NEC Display Solutions, especialmente indicado para salas de cine sin cabina y con una ...
Christie's projection technology participates in the new attractions of the city of Wuhan22 April 2015 Near 160 Christie projectors have been installed at the new wanda movie park and Han Show Theater theme park attractions to offer visitors immersive shows and ...
The Domus Avinyó of Barcelona is exhibited at the ICUB with Sono's museographic AV technology20 April 2015 The new exhibition space of the Institute of Culture of Barcelona (ICUB), that recovers the Roman remains of the city of Barcelona, in this case of the Domus Avinyó, has counted ...
Microsoft will participate in the Eurovision Song Contest with its Azure cloud platform17 April 2015 Technology will be a key element of the Eurovision Song Contest 2015 with Microsoft as a featured partner, that will provide its Azure cloud platform to share audiovisual content with more than 45 Chains ...
UPF Barcelona School of Management enhances your academic experience with Flumotion streaming17 April 2015 La escuela de negocios de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona ha confiado en la tecnología de streaming de Flumotion para impulsar su comunicación online mejorando la experiencia de visionado ...