RCS LaunchPad: real-time interactive touchscreen analysis12 November 2014 In order to simplify dynamic analysis on a touch screen, Reality Check Systems has developed LaunchPad, A customizable and interactive solution for sports broadcasting. LaunchPad is a solution ...
A spectacular videomapping transforms the Puerta de Alcalá in the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall7 November 2014 Madrid's Puerta de Alcalá has become its German counterpart in Bradenburg to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.. Until next time ...
RoboScreen: 100" screens handled by robots entertain passengers on royal caribbean cruise ship5 November 2014 On the occasion of the float of 'Quantum of the seas', Royal Caribbean's new luxury cruise ship, la compañía ha realizado una nueva apuesta tecnológica con la incorporación ...
Danny Rose anuncia la expansión internacional de su portfolio de espectáculos de inmersion multimedia5 November 2014 Más conocido por sus espectaculares proyecciones de mapping, Danny Rose ha ampliado su portfolio de soluciones multimedia con objeto de ofrecer contenidos creativo y experiencias de inmersión de gran formato ...
Maotik's audiovisual and sensory spectacle, Omnis, can be seen in Mira 20144 November 2014 Mira Festival y Movistar llevarán a Barcelona el espectáculo inmersivo Omnis. Una experiencia interactiva creada por el artista Maoitik que se ofrecerá en formato de 360º para sumergir al visitante ...
Crambo Latin America brings its digital signage and broadcast solutions to TecnoMultimedia Colombia31 October 2014 The wholesaler Crambo Latin America will exhibit its latest audiovisual and digital signage solutions, both their own and their represented brands, in the contest specialized in this sector Tecnomultimedia InfoComm 2014. after ...
Panorama Audiovisual celebrates five years of informative commitment to the industry27 October 2014 Since October 2009 until today, el diario online Panorama Audiovisual, publicación del mismo grupo que Digital AV Magazine, ha ofrecido a sus lectores más de 11.700 informaciones y casi ...
Scope 2014 ofrecerá seis espectáculos inmersivos basados en técnicas audiovisuales23 October 2014 light, sonido e imagen son los protagonistas de las instalaciones que se van a celebrar en Mira 2014: The Cave, Metamorphy, AR-Cade, Hyperline, Glab Sample #2 y la de exterior realizada ...
JBL 705i and 708i, Reference monitors for better immersive audio20 October 2014 Harman has added to its catalog JBL reference monitors series 7, 708i of 8 inches and two-way, and 705i of 5 pulgadas y dos ...
Flumotion will unveil at EIS the latest innovations incorporated into its streaming platform for events10 October 2014 Streaming services company Flumotion to present at Event Innovation Summit, that will take place on 14 October in Barcelona, the latest developments in its innovative solution for ...
Toledo Time Capsule: a multisensory experience that catches the viewer in the Middle Ages9 October 2014 Through an audiovisual show held in six dimensions, that combines videomapping, Holograms, laser and olfactory effects, Toledo Time Capsule engages the viewer in a multi-sensory experience and takes them into a ...
Qmatic will integrate Discover Group's corporate digital content into its CEM solution9 October 2014 El acuerdo tecnológico-comercial entre Qmatic, proveedor de soluciones de Customer Experience Management, y Descubre Group, especializada en la creación de contenidos digitales corporativos, tiene como objetivo la integración de ambas ...
Augmented reality will take the Plaza de Callao for fans of Fox series to interact with their characters7 October 2014 Already qualified as a "unique and unprecedented augmented reality experience", Fox Spain has taken another step in the interaction between fans and the contents of their ...
Watch Festival 2014: projection and digital interaction workshops at the Live Visual Arts Camp3 October 2014 En el marco de la cuarta edición de Mira Live Visual Arts Festival, to be held from the 11 to the 13 de noviembre en la Fábrica Fabra i Coats de Barcelona, ...
Tres60 Grupo will carry out the immersive audiovisual production of the Spanish Pavilion at the Milan Expo 20151 October 2014 The Spanish Pavilion at the Milan Expo 2015 will have the production and post-production of the audiovisual systems of Tres60 Grupo, through its subsidiary Videoreport, how ...
Pixel Power's graphics systems showed the live development of Scotland's referendum for the STV30 September 2014 More than four million Scots voted in the past 18 September on Scotland's future as an independent nation of the United Kingdom, un referéndum que contó con los gráficos ...
Dalí becomes virtual host of the innovative AV creation in the 40 anniversary of the Theatre-Museum of Figueras26 September 2014 The night of the next 28 September, the Dalí Museum-Theatre will open its doors to commemorate (such a day of the year 1974) its fortieth anniversary and welcome its visitors with a ...
Panasonic presents its new 4K multipurpose cameras for medical and scientific environments25 September 2014 Como parte de las innovaciones que Panasonic ha desplegado durante la reciente celebración de IBC 2014 destaca la mini-cámara multipropósito GP-US932, que amplía las posibilidades de expresión de vídeo en ...
Collaborative environments, Cloud Services, IP and 4K platforms protagonists of IBC 201416 September 2014 La confluencia de los servicios en la nube y las infraestructuras IP, con una especial atención a la resolución 4K, han sido los temas que más relevancia han tenido en IBC ...
Christie impacts with its 6P 3D laser projection technology and Dolby's Atmos sound on IBC 201416 September 2014 La noche previa a que IBC despida hoy su edición 2014, la multinacional de visualización Christie, en colaboración con Dolby Labs, QSC y 20th Century Fox, ha mostrado por primera ...