Indra will personalize with the project Adapt the interaction of users with digital content11 July 2014 The technological multinational Indra leads the R&D&I project 'Adapta': technologies for the personalization and interaction of digital content', whose purpose is to develop innovative technological solutions so that the ...
Moment Factory creates a spectacular immersive upfront experience 2014 TSN10 July 2014 This fall, la cadena de televisión canadiense TSN lanzará tres nuevos canales y para presentarlos realizó un evento para el que Moment Factory creó una experiencia inmersiva que sumergía a ...
The Philharmonic of Luxembourg launches a network of digital signage and IPTV to view their concerts8 July 2014 The Luxembourg Philharmonic building now has a high-definition IP video system and a 65 Tripleplay digital signage screens, Integrated ...
Montreal's Rideau Vert Theatre introduces new sound techniques with&B8 July 2014 En la última renovación realizada en el teatro Rideau Vert de Montreal se ha sustituido el antiguo sistema de sonido por la tecnología de audio de d&B, integrándose como si ...
Techex sells the new version in Spain 7.3 from Grass Valley Edius software7 July 2014 The new version 7.3 de Edius de Grass Valley ofrece una serie de robustas y avanzadas funcionalidades como la compatibilidad con más plataformas de edición de Matrox, ahora disponibles en ...
Christie technology in the first mapping in heritage spaces in Spain in Sant Climent de Taüll4 July 2014 Christie Series E and G projectors have been the protagonists of the first permanent mapping carried out in Spanish heritage spaces, Specifically in the Romanesque church of ...
'The Book of Transformations' pays tribute to Christie's mapping projection3 July 2014 The multinational display christie has published 'The Book of Transformations', a luxurious volume that explores and pays tribute to the work of artists and technicians who use powerful ...
Smartycontent presents its business model to promote online video in companies2 July 2014 The Spanish company Smartycontent has just presented its business model to promote online video as a Premium service, offered for the first time at no cost, thanks to the use ...
Riedel supplies the network for AV distribution, data and communications to the Red Bull Air Race 20141 July 2014 The Red Bull Air Race World Championship has once again relied on Riedel's communications technology for the realization of the event, that has designed an infrastructure for ...
Vitelsa achieves the maintenance project of the AV systems of the Cortes de Castilla-La Mancha1 July 2014 The regional parliament of Castilla-La Mancha, located in the former Franciscan convent of San Gil, in the city of Toledo, awarded Vitelsa the maintenance of the audiovisual systems. the ...
Primavera Sound 2014 has shone with the lights of Robe and Vari-Lite on the Pitchfork stage27 June 2014 The Granollers-based company Ara So has been responsible for the lighting, sound and video from the Pitchfork and Vice stages that have been used for the ...
Digital AV Magazine renews the web in its commitment to quality and informational immediacy24 June 2014 La nueva imagen de Digital AV Magazine ha mejorado su interface en aspectos tan destacados como la propuesta de artículos relacionados con la actualidad o la calidad fotográfica. Una renovación ...
Vancouver Aquarium selects Barco to create Connections immersive projection 36023 June 2014 Con los sistemas Barco HDX-W20 Flex, el acuario de Vancouver ha creado en el Teck Engagement Gallery su experiencia inmersiva denominada Connections 360. Una instalación diseñada con pantallas de más de ...
Televisió de Catalunya hosts the workshop on video compression technologies by Tmediat and Ateme19 June 2014 The present and future of compression technologies has been the theme of the seminar held by Tmediat and Ateme at the headquarters of Televisió de Catalunya. An event in the ...
Crambo Latin America attends InfoComm 2014 with a wide range for digital signage18 June 2014 InfoComm ha sido el escenario elegido por Crambo Latinoamérica para mostrar su oferta de soluciones para digital signage. Entre las novedades que se pueden ver en su stand se encuentran ...
Sonar 2014 Played with the perception of the attendees with innovative audiovisual and lighting shows16 June 2014 Unidisplay ha sido el gran protagonista de Sónar 2014, una monumental instalación audiovisual de luz y sonido realizada por el vanguardista artista alemán Carsten Nicolai, que se encuadra dentro de ...
The Projection Studio makes gigantic video projections to promote Vodafone Firsts11 June 2014 Con objeto de dar a conocer la iniciativa Vodafone Firsts, The Projection Studio, en colaboración con la agencia de comunicación Wasserman, ha realizado una campaña paneuropea con proyecciones de grandes ...
Kontron and Vantrix Redefine Multi-Screen Video Transcoding10 June 2014 Ambas empresas han integrado tecnologías para desarrollar dos productos de transcodificación de elevado rendimiento y escalabilidad para multiscreen en vivo (Live) y vídeo on demand (Vod) con procesadores de última ...
MM Screens will take to InfoComm 2014 your traiLED mobile megascreen, of 70 m2 UHD9 June 2014 The Mexican audiovisual company MM Screens will show during InfoComm 2014 in Las Vegas its new mobile megascreen TraiLED, so far the largest in the world integrated into a truck, whose ...
Matrox KVM Avio F125 adds an extension of 10 Km and HDCP support6 June 2014 High-bandwidth digital content protection (HDCP) and the increase of the maximum extension distance to 10 km. with a single duplex fiber optic cable ...