The Coca-Cola lounge will carry, by the hand of YCD Multimedia, digital signage to CineEurope 20146 June 2014 An immersive digital signage solution is what the Coca-Cola show will offer at CineEurope 2014, to be held from the 16 to the 19 in Barcelona. A project that ...
Brightcove Adds HbbTV Support to Video Cloud Online Platform4 June 2014 La plataforma online Video Cloud de Brightcove dispone de compatibilidad para el paquete de encriptación común y los servicios de licencia y gestión de derechos digitales de Microsoft PlayReady y ...
BIT Broadcast 2014 continues to be the benchmark of the audiovisual environment with more than 8.000 present29 May 2014 El Salón reunió las novedades de 224 companies of 25 países y recibió la visita de 8.138 Professional. El éxito de convocatoria de los 60 workshops, with more than 3.000 ...
Hi VIP: shocking video presentations in high definition and without post-production27 May 2014 Based on the Sightdeck technology of the American company Ultimatte, the Hi Vip system that sells exclusively in Spain SIC Presentations offers to companies of all types and entities ...
Panasonic and Analog Way summon the rental companies ProAV in its roadshow 'Sharing the Vision'26 May 2014 With the title of 'Sharing the Vision', Panasonic and Analog Way launch the 27 May in Seville a roadshow, Exclusive for audiovisual equipment rental companies, that will travel ...
XL Video's visual media accompanies rock group Arcade Fire on their Reflekts tour23 May 2014 A creative and spectacular stage is what XL Video has created for the staging of the tour being made by the Canadian rock group Arcade Fire. ...
Sónar+D, New International Congress on Creativity and Technology in the Digital Culture Environment21 May 2014 Impulsado por el festival Sónar y destinado a potenciar el talento y las oportunidades de negocio en el entorno digital, Sónar-D se convierte en congreso internacional sobre creatividad y tecnología ...
The audiovisual industry rewards the best companies, facilities and productions21 May 2014 In a party atmosphere, about four hundred professionals met last night at the gala of the I Panorama Awards, awards that recognize excellence, development ...
Manolo Romero recibe el Premio Panorama a Toda una Vida21 May 2014 En pie, y con una larga ovación, recibieron anoche los profesionales a uno de los grandes maestros de la industria audiovisual, Manolo Romero, al recibir el Premio Panorama a Toda ...
BIT Broadcast 2014 opens its doors addressing audiovisual technology in its broadest perspective20 May 2014 El Salón Internacional de la Tecnología Audiovisual presenta en Madrid, of the 20 to the 22 May, las novedades y soluciones tecnológicas de 224 companies of 25 Countries. El Secretario de Estado ...
Christie attends BIT Broadcast 2014 from the hand of Charmex to show their AV solutions20 May 2014 The Brio solution, DLP projectors Q Series and MicroTiles panels are the solutions that star in Christie's assistance to BIT Broadcast 2014. Your AV solutions ...
Acciona Producciones completes the design of the House of European History in Brussels19 May 2014 The museums and events subsidiary of the Spanish company Acciona has completed the design of the House of European History in Brussels, while also carrying out ...
BIT Broadcast 2014 warms up engines to show the latest technological advances in the audiovisual sector16 May 2014 Organizada por IFEMA del 20 to the 22 May, BIT Broadcast presentará las novedades y soluciones tecnológicas de 224 companies belonging to 25 Countries. more than 70 workshops, Presentations, workshops ...
Sono's AV technology and production at the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site in Barcelona14 May 2014 The private Foundation Hospital de la Santa Creu and Sant Pau in Barcelona, in which the Modernist Enclosure is located, an architectural ensemble of high artistic and heritage value, ...
HP Workstation manages the video content system on the Spanish tour 2014 by David Bisbal13 May 2014 As official sponsor of the Spanish tour of 2014 by David Bisbal 'You and I', HP will supply innovative audiovisual and computer systems in this tour that begins next ...
Denmark turns the Eurovision Song Contest into one of the most innovative audiovisual shows of the year12 May 2014 the 59 Eurovision Song Contest, held at the B&W Hallerne Arena, former shipyards in the capital of Denmark, ha puesto en escena uno de los mayores espectáculos audiovisuales ...
El jurado de los I Premios Panorama se reúne para valorar las candidaturas9 May 2014 Profesionales como Nacho Benítez, Chema Casaos, Andrés Díaz, José María García-Lastra, Eladio Gutierrez, Francisco Menchén, Tomas Nielsen, Javier Polo, Maria Valcarce, Ana Sanz and Antonio Castillo, conforman el jurado de ...
BIT Broadcast 2014: Delatorre will present its AV consulting and engineering services to professionals8 May 2014 Especializada en consultoría, ingeniería e integración de sistemas audiovisuales, Delatorre participará en BIT Broadcast 2014, of the 20 to the 22 de mayo en Ifema, ofreciendo a los profesionales su expertise en ...
Sony's projection technology accompanies Wang Gongxin in the exhibition he makes at the NGV in Melbourne6 May 2014 Avant-garde Chinese artist Wang Gongxin exhibits his work 'Video Artist' at the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne using fourteen Sony VPL-FH31B projectors. The National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) ...
TD Maverick brought together hundreds of professionals at METIC2014 around the latest professional A/V technologies29 April 2014 Además de contar con un amplio espacio de exposición, la división de Tech Data especializada en el mercado audiovisual, TD Maverick, organizó en METIC2014 mesas redondas y talleres sobre sus ...