Christie presents at InfoComm Connected and Projection Expo 2020 the Griffyn 4K32-RGB projector16 June 2020 This pure laser RGB equipment, ideal for permanent or rental applications, incorpora capacidades de orientación de 360º y la nueva generación de electrónica ‘todo en uno' Trulife+. Christie da ...
Visyon expands in the Middle East with the deployment of its immersive technology in museums12 June 2020 Esta compañía del Grupo Mediapro ha diseñado y equipado con sistemas de proyección interactivos y sensores el museo Al Dhaid Wildlife Centre, en el emirato árabe de Sharjah. The specialist in ...
'Pellegrino': a tribute to the pilgrims of Fatima with projection of Christie10 June 2020 On the façade of the Missionários da Consolata building, Vortice has offered, No audience, Streaming and live, A projection mapping of 90 meters for which they have been ...
Supernova XL display shines at Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency8 June 2020 With a size of 220", this front projection screen, in combination with an Epson team of 12.000 Lumens, stars in the conferences held in this facility. A great and brilliant ...
NEC Display expands its P series with a laser projector with 4K resolution and 5.000 Lumens8 June 2020 The P506QL model is particularly suitable for application in higher education, corporate conference rooms, museums and shopping malls. With a powerful combination of brightness and functionality, NEC Display Solutions ...
Vioso helps create the spectacular permanent mapping of the Tuwaiq Mountains29 May 2020 This projection of 32.000 square meters recognizes the vast development of leisure and entertainment that is being built, Qiddiya. For their realization they have been used 84 Equipment Boat UDX-W40s, 16 ...
Panasonic Begins Commercialization of PT-LB426 and PT-TW381R LCD Projectors28 May 2020 Los seis modelos portátiles de la serie PT-LB426 y los cuatro de corta distancia PT-TW381R mejoran el contraste, la conectividad y la flexibilidad. Son idóneos para el entorno corporativo y ...
Maverick AV offers a service of virtual demos for Smart Meeting and Smart Signage solutions11 May 2020 Aimed at its manufacturers and partners, these sessions, that will be carried out in a personalized way to be able to deepen in the different solutions, seek to generate new business opportunities. Maverick AV Solutions, the ...
Panasonic projectors and cameras power Helsinki's state-of-the-art Oodi library8 May 2020 Awarded as the best public library of this year and recognized as one of the must-see places in the capital of Finland, Deliver a multimedia and collaborative experience ...
Vioso brings its projection calibration technology to the world's largest dome7 May 2020 The German manufacturer has collaborated with Lumen & Forge in the projection made inside this dome in the shape of a 'pill', during the Super Bowl 2020, thanks to ...
Pinsent Masons shows the benefits of laser projection at its London headquarters4 May 2020 This law firm has renovated the lobby and created a projection structure, Based on stacking and edge-blending combination, with multiple laser equipment of the series ...
MCR distributes audiovisual solutions for Panasonic professional environments30 April 2020 A través de su división MCR Pro, comercializará su gama completa de proyectores profesionales. Una oferta que se segmenta en cuatro categorías: Sistemas, Instalación, Portátil y Ultracorta. MCR ha anunciado un ...
House of Dancing Water attraction renews with AV Stumpfl media servers27 April 2020 The integrator Cosmo Pro AV has selected the technology of this Austrian manufacturer for the project of updating this emblematic theater of Macau, in which the ...
The WTD 81 renews the visual configuration of its dome with Digital Projection24 April 2020 Forty-one Highlite Laser WUXGA 3D equipment has been chosen as part of the renovation that has been made of the projection system of one of the largest domes ...
MCR incorporates Sony's professional solutions into its portfolio8 April 2020 A través de su división MCR Pro comercializará su gama de proyectores, monitores y cámaras de red, así como soluciones de integración para entornos de negocio y entornos educativos. MCR ha ...
Walt Disney World Resort's latest attraction comes to life with Panasonic's 4K projection8 April 2020 Los equipos láser 4K del fabricante reconstruyen de manera precisa el rango de color específico de los dibujos animados de Mickey Mouse, y permiten a los visitantes sumergirse en un ...
Virtual Harmony delivers an immersive music and visual experience with Kinetic Module3 April 2020 El violinista francés Renaud Capuçon, junto con cuarenta músicos, ofrecieron antes de la pandemia por el Covid-19 un concierto sinfónico inmersivo, en el que se utilizó también el nuevo módulo ...
Projectors that work with the precision of a Swiss watch at the Omega Museum30 March 2020 High luminosity, performance and precision is what Panasonic technology offers to show the success of this famous watch brand in this facility. The Swiss town of Biel ...
Sharp and NEC create joint venture that merges their visualization divisions26 March 2020 Both Japanese multinationals have agreed to form a joint venture to "provide even more value and benefits to our global customers and partners., Combining strengths, and we look forward to expanding our portfolio with ...
Atlantis Aquarium immerses visitors in the underwater world with Panasonic and Power AV25 March 2020 Para crear esta inmersiva experiencia se ha instalado en la entrada un videowall, configured with 42 Screens, y se han utilizado en su interior 30 proyectores y más de 100 ...