Viewsonic shows at CES 2020 its offer in Led projection with 4K resolution and portable10 January 2020 Teams of 2.900 Led lumens and native Ultra HD resolution (3840×2160p), along with ultra portable models are shown at the Las Vegas event. With a wide and varied proposal in ...
Ise 2020 will influence the strategic importance of the professional AV industry8 January 2020 Los responsables de este certamen, que tendrá lugar en Ámsterdam el próximo mes de febrero, muestran su visión de algunas de las tecnologías que impulsan el crecimiento de este mercado. “Hay ...
Barco and Culturespaces strengthen their collaboration to change the museum experience7 January 2020 El acuerdo de colaboración entre la compañía de soluciones de visualización y el operador cultural y de creación de centros de arte digital se ha ampliado para los próximos tres ...
Moment Factory creates a futuristic multimedia experience at the Toronto Zoo3 January 2020 During your night tour, visitors live with real and virtual environments to reflect and imagine a better future on Earth. The Moment Factory team has created a walk ...
Digital Projection laser projection helps tell the story of St. Stephen's Cathedral27 December 2019 Para celebrar el 350 aniversario de esta obra maestra del barroco bávaro se ha proyectado un videomapping para lo que se ha utilizado un equipo M-Vision 18K. The content is ...
The convent of Santa Clara recreates the Christmas dinner in a 'poetic and sensory' space26 December 2019 ‘Gastro-poema de Navidad’ es un espectáculo audiovisual donde los elementos sonoros, los olores y la proyección sobre la propia mesa son los pilares de un viaje que busca convertir una ...
Panasonic's projection technology takes hold in the world of culture26 December 2019 Uno de los grandes logros en este sentido ha sido la utilización de sus equipos en el videomapping inmersivo más grande de Europa, realizado por segunda vez en la Plaza ...
The largest technology conference on the planet featured Christie for its AV equipment19 December 2019 Defined this way by Forbes, Web Summit 2019 was developed between the four pavilions of the FIL fairground and the Altice Arena. To move the almost 30 millions of pixels ...
Navidalia lives the Christmas traditions in an immersive experience brought to life with Panasonic18 December 2019 Este parque temático temporal permite que sus visitantes disfruten de la Navidad a través de cuatro atracciones. Estas han sido producidas por la empresa mexicana AlteaCorp utilizando nueve proyectores Panasonic, ...
Videomapping and virtual reality partner to raise awareness of the climate crisis18 December 2019 The Installation Open Future Creative Communion, held at the COP25 held in Madrid, exhibited large translucent looms where the skyline of a city was recreated and, envelope ...
The screening of Barco brings the spirit of Christmas to Brussels Airport13 December 2019 La icónica pantalla de la terminal está ahora enmarcada con escenas invernales y las paredes, a lo largo de la pasarela, también están decoradas con animados contenidos navideños. For your ...
The Prado Museum ends the celebration of its bicentennial with a spectacular 3D mapping on its facade13 December 2019 This large-scale 3D projection assembly, made by Acciona Producciones y Diseño, and live music can be enjoyed until the next 15 December. Goya's façade ...
Panasonic and Analog Way present in Madrid the new projector PT-RQ50 and the LivePremier series11 December 2019 The PROJECTOR PT-RQ50K is the brightest in the range of Panasonic and also the first model of 50.000 lumens of the world, offering considerable savings in terms of the ...
Christie laser projectors 'dance' in Vortice shows10 December 2019 La compañía tiene previsto utilizar los equipos láser D20WU-HS en distintos espectáculos, óperas y producciones al aire libre para proyectar animaciones, contenidos holográficos y 3D. Vortice Dance Company, one of the ...
The A Coruña Plaza de María Pita is transformed into a Christmas carol with a 3D projection4 December 2019 Sixteen projectors, with a total power of 372.000 Lumens, have achieved that the audiovisual show 'The star of the Illusion', designed by APD, wrapped in the Christmas magic to some ...
CCXP elige la proyección Christie RealLaser en la edición 2019 del mayor evento de cultura pop4 December 2019 El proyector de cine láser CP4330-RGB de este fabricante equipará el auditorio principal de esta convención, that will take place in the 5 to the 8 de diciembre en la ciudad brasileña de ...
The Nordic Museum immerses visitors in the Arctic world with a complex projection system3 December 2019 Optoma teams bring to life the giant iceberg of The Arctic exhibition - While the ice melts. In the great hall of more than 20 meters of ...
Kimitec Group creates an interactive environment in its new R&D center with Fluge Projects2 December 2019 Located in Roquetas de Mar (Almeria), the design concept of this center has been to create a museum experience within the factory with videomapping and AV systems. The company of ...
Illuminus will have Epson to turn Boston into the center of video art27 November 2019 As the exclusive supplier of projectors for this annual sound and light festival, Works of art, that can be seen on nights of the 5 and 6 December, shall use the ...
Panasonic PT-RCQ10: 1DLP projector for rent, Scenography and cultural centers26 November 2019 This range, compatible 4K, está integrada por modelos de 10.000 or 8.000 lúmenes y diseñada con una amplía línea de tecnologías que permiten crear experiencias envolventes que sumergen al espectador. Panasonic ...