ViewSonic analyzes the roadmap of its technological innovation presented at ISE 20195 March 2019 'Connect and collaborate' has been the motto of the manufacturer ViewSonic during its participation in ISE 2019, where he has shown the novelties that will be presented throughout this year and ...
BNP Paribas creates a spectacular visual universe based on Game of Thrones with Christie and Europalco1 March 2019 Technological innovation and creativity marked the annual event of this bank. Para la ocasión se diseñó una espectacular pantalla en truss de 64x12 metros, inspirada en la anatomía de ...
Zytronic's touch sensors allow the little ones to cook happily and safely1 March 2019 The capacitive technology designed by this manufacturer has been integrated into this activity of the Japanese Indoor Island of Adventure Docodoco, to offer a fun culinary experience without the risks ...
Charmex will exclusively market the Maxell projector brand in Spain and Portugal1 March 2019 Following the announcement made at ISE 2019 by this Japanese company that its Maxell brand of projectors would see the light of day worldwide in spring of 2019, The Supplier ...
El Tour Charmex Educación 2019 comienza su andadura en Valladolid28 February 2019 Esta gira que acaba de iniciarse recorrerá ocho ciudades españolas y finalizará en el mes de septiembre en Bilbao. Su objetivo es mostrar cómo la tecnología permite desarrollar nuevos métodos ...
Canon enters the large space projection market with the LX-4K3500Z laser22 February 2019 Con la tecnología 3DLP, a brightness of 40.000 lúmenes y una óptima reproducción de color, el proyector LX-4K3500Z muestra una resolución 4K nativa. Unas características que lo hacen idóneo para ...
Sony boosts smart office at Portuguese Siemens headquarters21 February 2019 The TEOS Manage workspace management solution, los monitores profesionales Bravia 4K y el proyector 4K SonyVPL-GTZ1 transforman el centro de trabajo de la sede lusa de ...
Christie helps bring mapping to Madrid's haute cuisine at WeMapping18 February 2019 Esta experiencia sensorial ha revolucionado el sector de los eventos en Madrid y se desarrolla bajo el concepto de table mapping. Para su realización se utilizan 22 1DLP laser projectors ...
The Plaza Mayor of Madrid says goodbye to the celebrations of the IV Centenary with the immersive mapping of its history15 February 2019 Desde esta noche y hasta el próximo 17 February, con tres pases diarios, este centro neurálgico de Madrid vuelve a recrearse con tecnología de proyección, audio e iluminación para ...
Sony reinforces its laser range with two installation models for large format images14 February 2019 Idóneos para aplicaciones en universidades, empresas y museos, los proyectores láser VPL-FHZ75 y el VPL-FHZ70 incorporan paneles LCD y la función de configuración inteligente, que permite el ajuste automático según ...
Christie illuminates two cylindrical screens for the Museum of Popular Art of Portugal13 February 2019 For the exhibition 'Physics of Portuguese Heritage'. Architecture and Memory', which is being exhibited at the Museum of Popular Art in Lisbon, are being used 12 Christie DWU635-GS laser projectors ...
Panasonic's audiovisual technology helps create a state-of-the-art auditorium in the city of Hull11 February 2019 En el Bonus Arena se ha instalado un proyector PT-RZ970 en el auditorio principal y tres PT-RZ570 en las salas de reunión. In addition, has a total of 30 Screens ...
AV Stumpfl chose ISE 2019 to showcase the possibilities of your Pixera software 1.011 February 2019 The Austrian manufacturer showed the latest version of its multimedia server system for processing at the recent Amsterdam trade fair, real-time media composition and management. the ...
Christie View previews at ISE 2019 accompanied by a Mirage 304K projector8 February 2019 Esta solución permite que hasta cuatro personas puedan ver contenido diferente en la misma pantalla al mismo tiempo de una forma innovadora. Es compatible con los proyectores 4K de Christie ...
Vivitek NovoProjector: wireless collaboration projector for medium-sized rooms8 February 2019 In ISE, Vivitek has introduced NovoProjector DH3665ZN, a solution that combines a projector of 4.000 lumens and 1080dp resolution with NovoConnect wireless collaboration tool. Vivitek ha aprovechado su ...
Canon makes the difference between native 4K and 4K UHD7 February 2019 4K resolution takes centre stage at Canon's stand at ISE 2019. A space where its wide range of projectors is exhibited, including the Xeed ...
NEC Display creates on ISE 2019 UHD display scenarios and ultra-quiet laser projection7 February 2019 The manufacturer shows its new developments in projection in action, with ultra-quiet models, along with visual proposals for the retail sector, such as UHD display series, a player ...
Epson presents in Amsterdam its most powerful audiovisual line made to date6 February 2019 At the stand of ISE is presented its new audiovisual solutions for signage and business, ranging from the projector to 30.000 EB-L30000U lumens up to compact EB-U50 system, passing ...
Ise 2019: Sony brings vision to create solutions that transform education and business6 February 2019 With audiovisual and IT solutions, designed to promote collaboration in educational and corporate environments, improve efficiency and create unique experiences. "We are delighted to offer attendees a ...
The master designer Bart Kresa premieres his latest work at ISE 20196 February 2019 The Amsterdam fair has been the setting chosen by Bart Kresa for the debut of his latest work of projection mapping, Sviatovid. For its staging, ...