Boat FL40: reliability and projection power for high-performance simulation17 October 2018 Sólida y potente, la nueva serie de proyectores FL40 ofrecen un funcionamiento ininterrumpido, incluso en los entornos más extremos. “Los requisitos para un gran simulador de proyector son muchos y bastante ...
Green Hippo daessed with animated screenings at tall ships nautical festival 201817 October 2018 Los servidores multimedia Hippotizer Karst de Green Hippo crearon espectáculos de luces con modernas proyecciones animadas en esta regata de grandes veleros. La regata de veleros Three Festivals Tall Ships 2018, ...
Peerless-AV PJR125-EUK and PJR125-POR-EUK: Supports for heavy laser projectors17 October 2018 Dotados de una gran flexibilidad de montaje, ambos modelos soportan proyectores de hasta 56,7 Kilos. El PJR125-EUK está pensado para instalaciones en horizontal, mientras que el PJR125-POR-EUK admite la instalación ...
The Antequera museum creates an immersive 360º room with the projection of Canon16 October 2018 In order to be able to offer a real-time 360º experience, A projection system has been installed, made up of four XEED WUX450ST video projectors. These equipment offer blending for ...
Sono celebrates fifteen years as a supplier of the Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia16 October 2018 The 51st edition of this film festival, recently completed, has once again had Sono Audiovisual Technology, specialist in integration of audiovisual services that has been since the year 2003 ...
Optoma ZU660e: projector 6.000 lúmenes para lugares de difícil acceso15 October 2018 El último modelo de la línea láser DuraCore de Optoma, el ZU660e, incorpora certificación IP5X y dispone de siete lentes disponibles, incluyendo una de tiro ultra corto y otra de ...
Christie accompanied Quito in its Fiesta de la Luz and the projection of its mapping15 October 2018 Fifteen projectors Roadster WU20K-J made possible three videomapping on the facades of the Cathedral of the city and the churches of Santo Domingo and San Francisco. Christie is back to ...
Panasonic will showcase the latest for live event production at Live Entertainment Roadshow 201811 October 2018 After last year's success, Panasonic volverá a reunir en una jornada a los profesionales que deseen mantenerse al día de las tendencias más importantes como el “artenimiento” de ...
The immersive and multisensory experience 'Van Gogh Alive’ continues his tour of Spain11 October 2018 After its premiere in Seville, last spring, and continue his tour of Alicante, the multimedia exhibition Van Gogh Alive - The Experience will arrive in Madrid in December. For your ...
NEC Display, next to Lightware, organizes an open day focused on workstations11 October 2018 During the event, to be held next year 16 October at the NEC Display Demo Room in San Sebastián de los Reyes, different demos will be made oriented to ...
Japanese TeamLab art comes to life at the Amox Rex museum with epson screening10 October 2018 This museum of contemporary art in Finland has installed 118 Epson projectors, to deliver an immersive art experience from Japanese art collective TeamLab, and others 17 to use ...
Panasonic helps create a modern and technologically advanced multimedia center in Media City Bergen9 October 2018 In this building, located in the Norwegian city of Bergen, different Panasonic screens and projectors have been used to achieve modern multimedia spaces in the meeting areas ...
Optoma ML1050ST+: proyector Led ultraportátil para digital signage8 October 2018 Este compacto proyector Led ultraportátil de 420 gramos y un brillo de 1.000 lúmenes es idóneo para aplicaciones de señalización digital. Se puede montar en cualquier orientación y reproducir archivos ...
HL Tech creates a smarter working environment with Sony TEOS Manage5 October 2018 En sus nuevas oficinas de Varsovia, Hargreaves Lansdown ha instalado TEOS Manage para controlar de manera centralizada su infraestructura AV. This is composed of 27 pantallas profesionales Bravia, a projector ...
Villanueva University Center renews its classrooms with new visualization and projection equipment4 October 2018 In special classrooms, i3Proyector laser equipment and interactive whiteboards have been installed 135", while in the standard classrooms the large format projection has been chosen ...
NEC solutions complement Covent Garden's new approach3 October 2018 Para apoyar el proyecto Open Up de la Royal Opera House de Londres, que busca abrir la cultura a toda la sociedad, NEC ha proporcionado sus pantallas de gran formato ...
Christie responds to the needs of the ProAV market in TecnoMultimedia InfoComm Colombia 20183 October 2018 En esta feria que se está celebrado hasta el 5 de octubre en Bogotá, Christie está exhibiendo en su stand los proyectores láser 1DLP de la serie HS y GS ...
The oldest planetarium in the world and still in operation is updated with the projection of Barco2 October 2018 The Zeiss-Planetarium, located in the German town of Jena, is undertaking a renovation project, Among the initiatives is the installation of five laser phosphor units ...
Christie Boxer and Spyder X80: the perfect pairing for the world's largest gaming screen1 October 2018 The projectors and video processor of the multinational Christie have been the basis of this gigantic screen, of 1.500 m2, installed for the Game XP event, held in ...
High-brightness projections with the new premium lenses for 3 DLP chips28 September 2018 Panasonic ha ampliado su gama de objetivos premium para proyectores de 3 DLP chips, que mejoran el enfoque y la nitidez de los equipos. Los modelos ET-D3LEW10, ET-D3LET30 y ET-D3LET40 son ...