Amscreen develops the first Smart DooH Led billboard16 July 2020 Gracias a este avance tecnológico, los propietarios de los medios de comunicación y comerciales pueden mantenerse a la vanguardia, con una gestión en remoto segura y continua, para conectar en ...
Los Angeles SoFi Stadium Completes 'Oculus', the largest Led video marker in the world14 July 2020 With immersive 4K UHD resolution and double-sided display, this huge video marker is formed by 80.000 Led panels from Samsung Display Solutions. La nueva sede que comparten dos conocidos ...
Samsung responds to the signage needs of businesses with Business TV13 July 2020 With this new range, la multinacional coreana ofrece a este entorno profesional una forma fácil y accesible de mostrar su propio contenido y acceder a la programación de TV. The new ...
Big Stream: Daktronics brings mega video highlighters' screen to homes2 July 2020 El fabricante ha anunciado el lanzamiento de un nuevo producto que permite disfrutar más la experiencia de los eventos deportivos en los hogares. Las temporadas deportivas comenzarán en otoño y los ...
McDonald's launches digital voice mupis technology on public roads25 June 2020 Hand in hand with OMD Spain and Clear Channel, The initiative of this fast food chain will allow users to order their food through this digital furniture ...
Exterity expands its IP video and digital signage ecosystem for all types of environments24 June 2020 The recent celebration in virtual format of InfoComm 2020 Connected has been the event chosen to show its advances in multimedia players, Applications to improve network workflows ...
Alfalite full of Led visualization the new set of 'Pasapalabra'18 June 2020 The Spanish manufacturer has supplied nine different Led systems to the space in which the new journey of the ITV Studios contest is developed. The well-known program Pasapalabra, created by ITV Studios, ...
Desigual brings Admira technology to its new location in Tokyo17 June 2020 La firma de moda ha inaugurado recientemente un moderno establecimiento en el céntrico distrito de Ginza, que ha contado con la integración y desarrollos de digital signage de este especialista. the ...
LG Signage Lite: infotainment for any vertical17 June 2020 retail, restoration, public spaces, Hotels, enterprises, Etc. son los entornos de aplicación de esta gama de televisiones profesionales, compuesta por los modelos UT640S y LT340C. LG Signage Lite es la gama ...
Daktronics and Marquee Media install a triple marquee and VIP corner in Sacramento9 June 2020 Three screens configured as a large visual triptych and two more placed in a corner create a unique experience for viewers and advertisers in this California city. Daktronics ...
LG designs a large format Led totem for Terminal B of Moscow Airport4 June 2020 This digital signage system has a personalized frame, so that each Led panel has no visible spaces between them to create a four-sided screen. The Terminal ...
Neo Smart Capacity: intelligent digital capacity management for the post-Covid-19 period3 June 2020 This solution facilitates real-time access control, in addition to being a digital information tool, promotion and sale for hospitality and retail. Neo Advertising has developed the solution ...
Avalue RiVar: dual-screen touch AIO POS terminal1 June 2020 This versatile and modular all-in-one terminal is designed with a PC, fanless, Intel Celeron Apollo Lake and Dual Full HD TouchScreen 15,6 Inch. Avalue Technology has ...
Absen's double-sided Led screens are suspended from the ceiling of Wuyue Mall27 May 2020 Ubicado en la ciudad china de Yuhuan, esta instalación comercial que inicia poco a poco su apertura al público, ofrece información en estos sistemas visuales con las recomendaciones sanitarias para ...
Deneva's digital signage helps EMT on the path of deconfination26 May 2020 Through this centralized system, It is informed in real time of the limitation of capacity in the buses the prohibition of payment in cash, the obligation to wear a mask, ...
D'stric brings dynamic wave-shaped anamorphic technology to Coex's Led Dooh display25 May 2020 Korean creative agency has generated this stunning and dynamic visual experience, called 'Wave', on the screen Led advertising Dooh largest in the country, with a surface of 1.620 m2 ...
SendingLove: the largest user-created Dooh campaign to fight Covid-19 with love22 May 2020 Esta iniciativa global se ha puesto en marcha con el apoyo de World Out of Home Organization, y se ejecuta en el espacio de las pantallas publicitarias de exterior donado ...
Ocean Outdoor uses Ultraleap technology to deliver contactless Dooh campaigns21 May 2020 It will deploy 'mid-air haptics' technology on its advertising screens, replacing the activity of touch systems with displays and interfaces that work with the natural interactions of the hands. Ocean Outdoor ...
Movilok Showcases facilitates the virtual interaction of tourists in the post-Covid-19 era19 May 2020 In view of the imminent reactivation of tourism in Spain in the de-escalation process, All those involved in this industry will have to take extreme safety and hygiene measures and bet on ...
Kansas State University updates audio and video screens with Daktronics18 May 2020 Las instalaciones para fútbol y béisbol de este campus universitario de Estados Unidos se refuerzan con nuevas pantallas Led y mejoras en los sistemas de audio. Daktronics mantiene una larga relación ...