Atletico Madrid trusts LG Partner 360 the AV innovation of the Wanda Metropolitano stadium9 May 2017 El club de fútbol madrileño y el fabricante tecnológico han firmado un acuerdo para dotar el nuevo estadio rojiblanco de pantallas profesionales, televisores y soluciones de señalética outdoor de última ...
NEC optimizes the customization of the P and V Series with the retail sector in the world8 May 2017 Las nuevas opciones simplifican la instalación de estas pantallas de gran formato, diseñadas para aplicaciones de digital sigange, su uso diario y mantenimiento, facilitando el ajuste de los niveles de rendimiento ...
Callao City Lights and Wildbytes bring augmented reality permanently to the Plaza del Callao26 April 2017 Las dos pantallas digitales exteriores de Cines Callao mostrarán a partir de hoy en Madrid las posibilidades que ofrece la primera plataforma permanente de realidad aumentada de España para crear ...
A digital signage solution offers high-impact audiovisual communication in Alucine cinemas20 April 2017 Vitelsa ha sido la empresa encargada de realizar el diseño e implementación de este proyecto de señalización y marketing dinámico en el centro de Puerto de Sagunto (valence) that allows ...
Clear Channel will market the digital media of Playground La Vaguada20 April 2017 Este circuito de digital signage está integrado por una gran variedad de pantallas como la solución Led de 10 metros de alto de la Gran Plaza, los equipos de diferentes tamaños y ...
The interactive tool 'Thoughts' promotes tourism in Pineda de Mar19 April 2017 The city council of this municipality in the province of Barcelona has installed two videowalls with this system developed by Cubensis Project, que detecta la imagen y el movimiento de las ...
Shopping experience and digital transformation: What textile brands are looking for most18 April 2017 La transformación tecnológica del sector retail, principalmente en el entorno textil, pasa por ofrecer al consumidor una propuesta tecnológica diferencial que esta siendo especialmente relevante en la apertura de las ...
BrightSign players encourage visual and interactive training in 150 Gyms12 April 2017 Ofrecer una experiencia deportiva personalizada e interactiva es el concepto que la empresa Notice Branded Media propone con FunXtion Experience Station, que se ha instalado en más de 150 Gyms ...
The Starterre dealer makes the difference with a large Absen Led videowall11 April 2017 Localizada en la sala de exposiciones, esta solución de visualización de 53 metros cuadrados está configurada con paneles N4. Con su resolución de 5.760x576 píxeles permite que los contenidos puedan ...
Maler Digital Signage performs the KFC digital menu project in the United Kingdom and Ireland10 April 2017 more than 890 establishments distributed in both countries, with a total of 8.500 screens and 124 different groups of information and content make up this ambitious digital project whose operations have been ...
Netflix immerses in its series with a videowall Led 13K to visitors of its new headquarters in LA7 April 2017 This great wall of Led video, of some 25 meters high and pixel pich of 1,99 Mm, Receive employees and visitors of this chain with surprising content set ...
Iwall in Shop brings little ones closer to Ben's world 10 through gestural interaction and augmented reality28 March 2017 Together with Mediaset Spain they have created an engagement experience that uses motion detection and hyperdirectional sound emission so that young people can imitate the ...
Impactmedia incorporates to its circuit of digital signage a new interactive support24 March 2017 Augmented reality, el marketing sensorial o el conteo de personas son algunas de las funcionalidades que incluye el nuevo modelo que ya ha sido instalado en ocho centros comerciales ...
closeUnicef will also turn off with the help of everyone the giant screen of the Plaza del Callao24 March 2017 The organization invites, with the collaboration of Callao City Lights, to all the people who come to this emblematic space in Madrid today and tomorrow (25 March) ‘apaguen’ ...
Panasonic presents its mobile marketing proposal: SF1H displays and LinkRay technology22 March 2017 La nueva serie de pantallas LCD de alta resolución, available in formats of 42, 49 and 55", incluyen la plataforma LinkRay, que permite la transmisión de datos a través de ...
IoT technology will revolutionize the retail market according to a report by Zebra Technologies22 March 2017 El estudio '2017 Retail Vision Study' pone de relieve cómo la tecnología inteligente permitirá a las tiendas capturar más datos, conseguir una mayor precisión e información del cliente y, de esta ...
Omnichannel technologies revolutionize the way banks communicate with their customers21 March 2017 Beabloo explains in this article the benefits of digital signage technology to financial institutions, allowing you to optimize and create value in communications with your customers and ...
Panasonic XC-CSG01G: High contrast glass projection as an alternative in digital signage17 March 2017 Disponible en el mercado a partir del próximo 22 March, el fabricante ha desarrollado esta pantalla transparente para su aplicación en escaparates en retail, Hotels, Museums, Etc. as a ...
Key areas to promote customer loyalty and increase sales in stores17 March 2017 For Alexandra Frith, customer engagement at Retail Pro International, There are three keys that will boost sales in the retail sector: The beacons, los pasillos sin fin y la inteligencia ...
Marriot uses virtual reality in its hotels as a marketing and sales tool16 March 2017 Through Zebra Design SD VPViewer Mobile Technology, that you have implemented in your hotels in EMEA, and using virtual reality glasses, Immerse your customers ...