Gocco and Telefónica revolutionize the point of sale with a personalized and connected experience with IoT16 December 2016 Esta tecnología se ha implementado en la Flagship que la marca de ropa infantil/juvenil tiene en Madrid y su infraestructura consta de etiquetas digitales, integradas por pantallas de 10"; probadores ...
IDSMedia manages the network of 83 screens of the new cruise terminal in Tenerife14 December 2016 For this project, The specialist Laforja Sistemas has added the IDSCruises module to this powerful management software, Able to manage the information of each cruise, The colors of the ...
Maler will lead to his DEBUT at ISE 2017 new monitoring solutions and digital signage projects2 December 2016 The implementation of the digital signage network of the London Underground, his latest tailor-made projects for KFC, O2 Arena or Taco Bell, together with new solutions ...
"The point of sale must change its way of acting by building customer loyalty with the brand", Jorge Mira de Scala24 November 2016 En su intervención en DEM 2016, el director creativo ha mostrado la forma en que debe transformase el punto de venta para conseguir atraer al cliente. Y esto se consigue ...
Smart Boutique: a digital innovation lab focused on the omnichannel experience18 November 2016 La Roca Village ha puesto en marcha este proyecto pionero en el que los últimos avances en sistemas visuales, virtual reality, wireless communications, herramientas analíticas o robóticas, por citar algunas, ...
Tecnilógica and Accenture Digital want to boost business models with Liquid IT17 November 2016 La adquisición por parte de la división digital de la consultora parece haberle sentado bien a este desarrollador español, que conserva su identidad y su marca PosterDigital, y refuerza tanto ...
VIA Artigo A830: designed for urban IoT multimedia applications and services14 November 2016 Este sistema embebido Android resulta idóneo para su instalación en exteriores en sistemas de cartelería digital y kioscos de información inteligentes, así como en consignas y máquinas expendedoras para desarrollar ...
Samsung responds to the digital transformation of retail with visual and omnichannel innovation11 November 2016 El fabricante ha recreado un showroom de una innovadora tienda, en la que avanzadas soluciones visuales y funcionales ofrecen una experiencia diferencial y omnicanal al cliente, así como en el ...
Multisensory visual experiences in airport lounges and corridors10 November 2016 Mexican specialist SSL Media has deployed its innovative video wall systems, that integrate sensors, Aromas, Videos, Etc. para proporcionar a los viajeros que transitan por los principales aeropuertos de ...
Through digital signage, companies offer a more modern and innovative brand image4 November 2016 Esta tecnología publicitaria sigue teniendo un mayor peso en entornos indoor que en la calle, sobre todo en centros comerciales y tiendas, seguido de estaciones de metro o autobús y ...
Easescreen and Quividi join technologies to measure and analyze audiences in digital signage networks4 November 2016 The manufacturer of digital signage solutions and the developer of the first platform for DooH and DPB, respectively, have signed a collaboration agreement to integrate the AVA solution, ...
Leyard unveils its next generation of Led DirectLight video screens from 0,9 Mm3 November 2016 El fabricante ha ampliado esta galardonada gama de pantallas con modelos de píxel pich ultrafino, since 0,9 Mm; un soporte de servicio frontal para facilitar su mantenimiento, así como una fuente de ...
Ikea improves the shopping experience with O's intelligent retail solution|NEO2 November 2016 The digital solution for the Swedish decoration chain has been developed entirely by this intelligent retail specialist, and is based on a wayfinding application to offer the customer ...
Expectations for the digital signage business are optimistic, according to the DBCI2 November 2016 Las empresas se muestran optimistas sobre el potencial de la compra programática en DooH. Ven un potencial de crecimiento medio y se espera que el mercado se incremente entre el 5 ...
Avalue Rity10M : flat multi-touch monitor 10 inches for retail and digital signage2 November 2016 This LCD screen, with Led backlight, can function as a second display of POS Rity terminals of 15 inches of the same brand and as an independent system with interactive menu in ...
Smart Solutions Technology combines visualization with holographs and augmented reality for advertising28 October 2016 La compañía peruana ha presentado por primera vez una gama de productos de visualización digitales que integran elementos disruptivos, como holografías, realidad aumentada o mapping, para fomentar el impacto de ...
Peerless-AV designs bespoke digital electric vehicle charging stations for Volta Industries26 October 2016 This American company has made the transition of advertising and static information in favor of the advantages and possibilities offered by digital signage technology integrating it into a ...
With smart screens and digital signage technology, Retail is achieved 4.017 October 2016 Para aprovechar todo su potencial, estas soluciones de visualización deben estar equipadas con la última tecnología, con sensores de movimiento, tracking, facial recognition, NFC y, In addition, tienen que estar sujetas ...
Metro de Madrid installs a dynamic Led advertising stand in the tunnel of the line 811 October 2016 This initiative has been launched in the section between Colombia and Nuevos Ministerios and allows you to view animated content, no sound, through the train windows, when ...
Absen and Clear Channel improve Helsinki-Vantaa Airport's commercial digital network7 October 2016 Both companies have partnered to digitize large spaces and offer innovative commercial campaigns for their customers at major European airports., than in the case of Helsinki, one of ...