"LG Partner 360º is to provide customers with differential value solutions", Ivan Gonzalez12 July 2016 With the premise that "innovation means making everything that the client's business needs a reality", Ivan Gonzalez, professional display sales manager of LG Electronics Spain, analiza en esta ...
TruKnox SynClan: software solution to create asymmetrical UHD videowall12 July 2016 Este software permite generar y ejecutar videowalls de ultra alta definición en cualquier configuración y escala sin complicaciones, de manera rentable y sin necesidad de añadir hardware y programas específicos. SynClan, ...
Leyard leads the world market in the development of smaller pixel for Led videowall11 July 2016 Futuresource Consulting's latest report on the global video market notes that this manufacturer nearly triples the market share of its nearest competitor in ...
UEFA Euro 2016: Tripleplay brings its IPTV and digital signage technology to the final at the Stade de France6 July 2016 Las soluciones para la transmisión de contenidos multimedia, vídeos y televisión en vivo a través de IP, así como las pantallas digitales de este fabricante se utilizan tanto en el ...
Elo Touch turns Media Asset Management into the new CMS of interactive digital signage5 July 2016 El fabricante de soluciones digitales táctiles e interactivas ha ido un paso más allá en su propuesta de mejorar la experiencia del cliente en el entorno minorista y de las ...
Neuromobile Output: Indoor location engine for retail environments24 June 2016 Además de funcionar como una herramienta de marketing para utilizar en tiendas y centros comerciales, también aporta ventajas tanto a los consumidores, ya que al enviar publicidad, segmentada, en función ...
IAB Spain renews its board of directors for the next two years24 June 2016 The general assembly of members has elected Beatriz Medina, by A3 Media, and Angel Nebot, by Smartclip, As new president and vice president, respectively of this entity. The association of the ...
Nuvelar develops its new cloud management platform for digital signage22 June 2016 With a complete design of its interface, This new cloud-based digital platform allows you to manage, Combine and send content, both static and dynamic, a diferentes dispositivos desde un ...
super 8, the new DooH brand of cinematographic exhibition, events and culture in the Gran Vía axis of Madrid15 June 2016 A new brand to offer 360º experiences in cinema, Digital Advertising Out of Home, event production and culture define the proposal of the City Lights team, now Super ...
Big Data increases the profitability of advertisers in Dooh campaigns7 June 2016 In a meeting held at the offices of playthe.net, the advantages offered by Digital Out Of Home advertising and how it combines the best of the ...
The 'Palau de la Música Catalana’ installs an advanced digital signage system as a dissemination platform6 June 2016 A complex digital signage system, consisting of Samsung screens and PosterDigital software, star in the project carried out through the distributor PMC Grup with Charmex as a global supplier ...
UEFA Euro 2016 deploys Exterity IP video solutions in four stadiums3 June 2016 The technology of this provider is present in four stadiums of this European football tournament that will begin in the next 10 of June in France and that will allow 1,1 ...
EGM Laboratoris Color creates a division of digital signage3 June 2016 With this new business area, The company expands the digital printing offer, Virtual imaging and comprehensive services, que contará con José Manuel Vegas como responsable de desarrollo ...
The Eiffel Tower will be lit up at the UEFA Euro 2016 with the colors decided by the fans2 June 2016 Una iniciativa que ha sido puesta en marcha por Orange y que permitirá que los fans, a través de las redes sociales puedan elegir los colores de su equipo favorito ...
NanoLumens reinforces its presence in Australia with the installation of a large Led screen31 May 2016 The project has been carried out in the Broadway Sydney shopping centre to attract the attention of customers and visitors from a NanoSlim screen suspended from the ceiling. Una solución que presenta un ...
Gilmar bets again for the visual systems of Led&Go for your new office31 May 2016 The Spanish purchase intermediation company, sale and rental of real estate has once again relied on the Led display technology of the Led specialist&Go para su nueva oficina de ...
City Led Street: outdoor advertising screens and streetlight placement30 May 2016 Designed for quick and easy location on street and road streetlights, these Electrofuture New Technology Systems Led displays offer high resolution up to 3 Mm. de píxel ...
The world's largest indoor video wall is designed with Christie Velvet Led26 May 2016 Located at the Westgate Sports SuperBook resort in Las Vegas, This gigantic videowall of 1.350 square meters, composed of 1.640 Velvet Led units and 65 millions of pixels, es uno ...
DES2016: Beabloo shows the benefits of its technology in digital transformation26 May 2016 La compañía participa en este certamen, que hoy finaliza en Ifema, en el espacio expositivo de Microsoft, donde ha presentado el proyecto de innovación en el punto de venta realizado ...
ViewSonic develops a videowall solution for 4K and 6K content in real time25 May 2016 Los nuevos modelos SW-014 y SW-015, Easy to install, mantenimiento y coste asequible, conforman la primera solución para videowall de la compañía para entregar contenido en resolución 4K y 6K ...