McDonald's incorporates 'weather sensitive' technology to its menu boards in the United States15 January 2016 The North American establishments of this fast food chain will be integrating this year in the digital screens that show their menus recommendations of their products depending on the temperature ...
Cómo será la evolución del marketing digital y la publicidad en 2016, según Sizmek15 January 2016 Los formatos publicitarios en vídeo, el móvil, la interconectividad, así como los bloqueadores de anuncios darán mucho que hablar en 2016, tal y como revela el análisis de tendencias que ...
Madrid Destino promotes tourism in the capital with digital signage12 January 2016 Creada para promocionar el turismo en la capital de España y perteneciente a su consistorio, ha adjudicado a Hiberus Sistemas el concurso para el desarrollo de la base de datos ...
NanoLumens creates a wave-shaped Led screen to receive passengers from Darwin Airport8 January 2016 La nueva solución Led NanoCurve, en forma de ola y píxel pitch de 6,6 Mm, es la pieza audiovisual central de la estrategia de fomento al turismo y ocio en ...
Think & Go presents at CES 2016 the connected payment screen for digital signage7 January 2016 Leveraging NFC and BLE technologies, Think multi-payment connected displays & Go opens up new possibilities to simplify shopping in areas such as the retail sector, leisure ...
E-Design and Neo Advertising deploy the largest digital signage network in Latin America5 January 2016 A total of 3.000 digital advertising screens of 42 inches structure the digital circuit deployed by E-Design (Pixel Media Group), In the largest and most ambitious project of digital signage ...
Ecuador implements a network of interactive totems as a support for tourist and advertising information5 January 2016 Deimpacto's remote management software allows information and content to be disseminated through this interactive totem circle that has been installed in the main cities ...
Panasonic LFV6 and LFV60: ultra-thin frame videowalls for digital signage4 January 2016 Caracterizadas por su marco de 3,5 mm y disponer de tratamiento antideslumbrante, las pantallas TH-55LFV60W y TH-55LFV6W de Panasonic llevan el uso de los videowalls a un amplio abanico de aplicaciones de señalizacion digital, ...
Seguros santalucía integrates its digital channel with social networks to congratulate Christmas28 December 2015 La empresa de seguros santalucía ha decidido utilizar su canal de digital signage para la campaña de Navidad y felicitar así estas fiestas a todo el mundo, interactuando con los ...
Panasonic: laser projection and the SoC visual platform as big proposals at ISE 201621 December 2015 La compañía contará en la edición 2016 of ISE, de cuatro días de duración, con el mayor stand que ha tenido hasta ahora en su participación en este certamen con ...
Burberry interacts with users from the curved screen of Piccadilly Circus18 December 2015 La campaña de marketing interactivo que Burberry, de la mano de Nova, está realizando en Londres permite que los usuarios puedan interactuar, through their smartphones, con la pantalla curva ...
Odyssey Ibiza: the world's largest concave led exterior display at Hard Rock Hotel Ibiza18 December 2015 Illuminating the 'skyline' of the Balearic island of Ibiza from the façade of the hotel, this concave and modular screen of high definition Leds of 380 square meters, Be part of ...
Caverin Solutions renews audiovisual systems of the former Madrid Convention Hotel18 December 2015 A través de sus partners comerciales Inmodeco y Sacyr, el mayorista ha suministrado un videowall en configuración 4x4 y nuevas pantallas ubicadas en las habitaciones y zonas comunes y de ...
Ise 2016 enriches your proposal to be much more than an exhibition17 December 2015 A few months away from its most lasting celebration, for the first time four days of contest, Integrated Systems Europe (Ise), the edition 2016 will offer "an unprecedented experience", as their ...
"Samsung has invested a lot in digital signage to offer the best solutions”, video-interview with Berta Conde17 December 2015 A highly effective means of communication; large format screens for immersive visual experiences and integrated, interactive applications, are some of the proposals that Berta Conde, Smart Signage ...
The digital signage market and its vision of the future, to debate by display manufacturers16 December 2015 Pantallas de gran formato y resolución, despliegue de displays en entornos de exterior, homologación del canal de distribución y, chiefly, contenidos de calidad y elementos que fomenten la interacción con ...
IKSignage10: digital touch system for small Internet spaces Kiosks16 December 2015 The Spanish multimedia solutions company has a new digital system available, with capacitive touch screen 10,1 Inch, Especially suitable for small environments. IKSignage10 is the latest multimedia development by the ...
Mocha, HiMedia and 014 Media develop a proximity marketing solution15 December 2015 Las tres compañías han desarrollado una solución que permite implementar campañas que combinan estrategias de marketing de proximidad, publicidad a través de aplicaciones móviles y segmentación personalizada. Moca Platform, HiMedia Group y ...
Waapiti integrates videowalls, content and music in the Oxygene store in Barcelona15 December 2015 La cadena de ropa libanesa especializada en moda femenina ha abierto una tienda en Barcelona, en línea con su estrategia de convertirse en un referente en el mercado español y ...
The new flagship of Nespresso in Barcelona is designed around a large curved led dream screen14 December 2015 The signature of machines, coffee capsules and accessories has taken a new step forward in its concept of coffee boutique with the recent opening of its flagship store ...