Beabloo suma a su red de partners de marketing digital a MKG Soluciones1 October 2015 La alianza entre ambas compañías permitirá ofrecer nuevas soluciones de marketing digital multicanal y de analíticas en las Islas Canarias y África Central y Occidental. Beabloo, especialista en marketing digital y ...
Fractalia Media and Tvidi: digital signage solutions for content management and distribution24 September 2015 Fractalia Remote Systems, division specialized in digital signage solutions and dynamic advertising of Fractalia, has developed Tvidi and Fractalia Media; dos herramientas para este entorno flexibles y adaptadas a ...
Beabloo strengthens its presence in Asia with the appointment of Haiyan Bo as CEO in China23 September 2015 La nueva CEO de la oficina de Beabloo en China, Haiyan Bo, ayudará a ampliar la presencia de la compañía en el mercado asiático y se pondrá al frente de ...
The Rugby World Cup 2015 is displayed on Daktronics Led screens22 September 2015 Stadiums in eleven cities in England and Cardiff are selected to host Rugby World Cup matches 2015, which began its eighth ...
The digital signage market looks with optimism 2015, according to Ovab Europe22 September 2015 From the beginning of the year, el mercado de digital signage y Dooh ha mostrado un panorama económico favorable y creciente, según los datos aportados por el Índice Ovab Europa. Una situación ...
Displax Skin Ultra Fit touch foils from 40 touches for digital signage18 September 2015 Displax Skin Ultra Fit sheets are characterized by offering optical transparency, Multitouch functionality, Response speed of 5 Ms, high resolution with UHD 4K displays and XTR Shield technology ...
Real-time multi-device interactivity with the user, the DooH media challenge18 September 2015 An outdoor digital advertising display can offer, No doubt, Huge Possibilities, mostly yet to be exploited, In terms of user experience; Systems feedback and interactivity ...
Communication and collaboration come together in the digital signage network of the Norwegian bank DNB17 September 2015 Norway's largest financial institution, DNB, It now has the largest circuit of digital signage in the country, composed of more than 400 screens that are managed with 380 Players ...
The Inspirational Festival '15 returns to its essence: innovation in digital communication17 September 2015 The association of advertising and digital communication in Spain, IAB Spain, has presented the IX edition of Inspirational, that will take place in the 18 to the 19 del próximo mes ...
The largest Lithuanian convenience chain creates a digital signage network with SSSP and Signagelive16 September 2015 La mayor cadena de tiendas de conveniencia de Lituania ha incrementado las ventas e impulsado la participación de los clientes con la marca a través de la red de señalización ...
Neo Advertising creates a digital signage channel for Seguros santalucía15 September 2015 Comunicación digital basada en conocimiento de marca, mensajes corporativos y publicitarios de los servicios que ofrece esta compañía de seguros componen el canal de digital signage creado por Neo Advertising para ...
Musicam collaborates in the Master in Neuromarketing of the UNIR15 September 2015 With the Master in Neuromarketing, UNIR seeks to train professionals who know how to analyze consumer behavior, Create marketing strategies that appeal directly to feelings and emotions to generate ...
Charmex organizes the first edition of Led Week around large format displays15 September 2015 Oriented to the professional market of rental and installation of Led technology, Madrid and Barcelona have been the cities chosen by the wholesaler to celebrate this open door event for ...
Digital communication and entertainment with digital signage in sports centers14 September 2015 Los espacios especializados en deporte y fitness son cada vez más proclives a adoptar soluciones de visualización como sistema de comunicación con sus socios y visitantes, tanto para promocionar sus ...
"Our value with PosterDigital is key in the way we face signage projects", J.a.. married, Technology11 September 2015 Technology, innovation and business synergy mark the 'dna' of the Spanish company with almost the same name: Technology. Juan Antonio Casado, co-founder and head of the digital signage area, Analyzes ...
Grupo Telecoalia digitizes Spanish pharmacies through Health&Pharma TV10 September 2015 El especialista en digital signage Grupo Telecoalia ha culminado un nuevo proyecto en el sector farmacia, a través de su franquicia de señalización digital Health&Pharma TV para este entorno, with ...
Redkampus and IP + D expand the circuit of digital signage in the university environment10 September 2015 Redkampus, Marketing Specialist, Communication and sales for the university market and responsible for an indoor circuit of digital signage in the main Spanish campuses, has trusted IP+D Hospitality ...
Panasonic LFE8: Indoor Led screens for digital signage applications4 September 2015 La serie LFE8 de Panasonic, available at 43, 48, 55 and 65 Inch, integra pantallas de interior dotadas de retroiluminación Led, idóneas para aplicaciones de digital signage o configuraciones de videowall. the ...
With the Smart Signage line, Samsung will show at IFA 2015 what the 'store of the future' will be like31 August 2015 With a flexible line, including indoor and outdoor Led signage, ergonomic professional monitors and hybrid TV and digital signage displays, Samsung will show at IFA 2015 ...
Screen6 se integra en la plataforma de Sizmek para ampliar su oferta cross-device27 August 2015 La integración de la tecnología de Screen6 en la plataforma de Sizmek complementará los datos que ayudan a identificar a los usuarios a través de sus dispositivos. Una alianza que ...