The Holographic Exhibitor Paraddax Holoman 150 Allows the representation of a virtual person in real size22 April 2014 Paraddax develops a life-size holographic display, the Holoman 150, which is presented as a powerful single-sided display in vertical format of 70 inches for displaying 3D objects, Animations ...
Panasonic LQ70: Large-format 4K displays ideal for digital signage16 April 2014 Panasonic's LQ70 series LED displays are offered in 84" formats (TH-84LQ70) and 98" (TH-98LQ70) with a 4K resolution and a lightweight profile design and ...
Canadian pharmacies Remedy's prescribe digital signage technology to improve their communication16 April 2014 El proveedor de servicios de señalización digital E-Display ha implementado una solución de digital signage, basada en las pantallas de la Serie E de NEC Display, en la red de ...
The Carlos III University of Madrid entrusts its digital communication in Deneva.cuatro of Icon Multimedia15 April 2014 El sistema de digital signage Deneva.cuatro, desarrollado por la empresa española Icon Multimedia ha sido la solución elegida por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid para mejorar la comunicación en ...
Facthous Map4U: videomapping technology for digital advertising in shop windows15 April 2014 Especializada en instalaciones de cartelería digital y digital signage integrales, la empresa española Facthous ha desarrollado un nuevo concepto de publicidad en escaparates basada en videomapping, Map4U, además de ofrecer ...
The 6th edition of NEC Solutions Showcase will be the cornerstone of the London week of digital signage14 April 2014 the 14 and 15 de mayo se va a celebrar en Londres la sexta edición del evento de señalización digital NEC Solution Showcase, una exposición interactiva que mostrará las últimas ...
JCDecaux transforms its canopies and mupis with 'the power of Electro' to welcome Spider-Man the 17 April14 April 2014 Con motivo del estreno en España de la película 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2: The Power of Electro', Sony Pictures Releasing Spain has launched an ambient marketing action ...
Tecco LED Curtain LCD Screens for Facilities & Events14 April 2014 The wholesaler of AV equipment and systems has added the LCD series of LED curtain screens to its digital communication proposal, diseñadas para instalaciones fijas o temporales ...
Neo Advertising expands the contents of the screen of the Boqueria Market and creates the Vimeo channel11 April 2014 The specialist in developments of digital signage and digital retail Neo Advertising has created new content for the digital channel of the Boqueria Market in Barcelona, project he put ...
Australia promotes the film 'The Lego Movie' using large-format digital signage11 April 2014 Para el lanzamiento de la película ‘The Lego Movie’, OMD y Village Roadshow hicieron uso de las pantallas de gran formato que APN Outdoor tiene localizadas en las ciudades de ...
IMagine event expands to two days to present Ingram Micro's AVPro and DC/POS solutions11 April 2014 El interés mostrado por el canal de distribución y el elevado número de registros que Ingram Micro tiene actualmente han sido motivos justificados para ampliar la duración a dos días ...
Tecco Develops LED Display to Be Installed on the Ground in Indoor or Outdoor Applications9 April 2014 LED Dance Floor es una pantalla con tecnología LED del proveedor español Tecco especialmente diseñada para su montaje sobre el suelo, que puede configurarse como videowall, ya que resiste hasta ...
Telefónica will integrate its M2M technology in JCDecaux's outdoor digital media in urban environments3 April 2014 Telefónica's M2M remote management technology offers JCDecaux a secure solution to optimize its offer of outdoor advertising services in urban environments, from digital screens ...
BroadSign Integrates Quividi's Audience Measurement Technology into Its Cloud Digital Signage Software2 April 2014 The version 10.3 del software de señalización digital en la nube BroadSign X incorpora la solución de análisis de vídeo en tiempo real de Quivid que permite recoger el impacto ...
Connect, Clear Channel's global mobile outdoor advertising platform, arrives in Spain in May2 April 2014 Operational in Spain next May, Connect is the first global interactive mobile outdoor advertising platform created by Clear Channel, that will reach some 175 millions of ...
Infinitus G6 iMotion: sixth generation of interactive DooH systems with low energy consumption1 April 2014 Los nuevos sistemas LCD táctiles e interactivos G6 iMotion de Infinitus, sizes of 47, 55, 65 and 72 pulgadas y con una o doble pantalla, ofrecen como diferencial una ...
The Diji-Touch interactive vending machine begins its massive deployment in the United States1 April 2014 Diji-Touch is a vending machine that combines vending with dynamic advertising and for this it incorporates a 46 "touch screen from Samsung, Microsoft Kinect sensors, lectores NFC ...
Westfield Media Group transforms its shopping malls into digital touch storefronts1 April 2014 Boost sales and offer visitors a great digital showcase, made up of ultra-high-definition touchscreens, to make your purchases easier for you is the proposal that Westfield Media ...
Tecnilógica goes to IHTF 2014 with its digital signage solution for hotels PosterDigital1 April 2014 PosterDigital es una solución de cartelería digital, especialmente diseñada para el sector hotelero, que se basa en estándares abiertos e incorpora reproductores HTML5. Tecnilógica está presentando una nueva versión de su ...
Bluecell moves the 'Like' concept of social networks to digital signage media31 March 2014 Bluecell launches 'Let's Like It', a device that makes the point of sale and traditional elements of advertising become an instrument of marketing and advertising. Permite ...