U-tad promotes training and specialization in virtual reality, augmented and data visualization8 September 2016 The University Center for Technology and Digital Art expands its training offer in the area of Engineering with these three new Certificates of Specialization in these demanded technologies, que se impartirán ...
MLB Network bets on Ericsson to bring augmented reality to its sports programs8 September 2016 El sistema implementado es Piero, un software gráfico que facilita la visualización de los datos y crea una experiencia más atractiva para la audiencia. Ofrece una amplia gama de efectos ...
Sennheiser shows at IFA 2016 its new concept of immersive sound: Ambeo 3D6 September 2016 This immersive audio technology stars in the novelties that the manufacturer presents these days at the Berlin fair, with a microphone designed for virtual reality productions and a ...
Virtual reality and robotics will star in Madrid Gaming Experience 201631 August 2016 of the 28 From October to 1 November, Madrid Gaming Experience (MGE) se convertirá en el evento más importante del año para los miles de visitantes que deseen experimentar en ...
VRPolis will recreate in an immersive way what Santander will be like in 2100 at the London Design Biennale30 August 2016 This immersive project, who will represent Spain at the I London Design Biennale that will take place at the beginning of September, Use virtual reality to show what it will be like ...
Brainstorm Multimedia will virtually revolutionize IBC 2016 with its graphic innovations25 August 2016 La tecnología de realidad aumentada, las funcionalidades TeleTransporter y Presentador 3D, así como el nuevo HandTracking y la iluminación volumétrica serán los puntos destacados de la compañía española en el ...
AOC enters the virtual reality market with a prototype helmet25 August 2016 The monitor manufacturer has presented its prototype virtual reality headset as the first step to enter this growing industry. “Siempre nos hemos referido a la realidad virtual ...
The Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia recovers virtually in 3D the Iberian city of Ullastret23 August 2016 Produced by the Catalan Agency for Cultural Heritage and the Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia-Ullastret, the recreation project of this Iberian city has an immersive projection room ...
Intel takes another step forward in the development of wireless virtual reality with Project Alloy17 August 2016 Mixed or fused reality is how the company defines its new virtual reality headset (still as a prototype), that integrates all the hardware into the device itself, presentado durante la ...
The necessary evolution towards the intelligent retail store16 August 2016 Las nuevas tecnologías de visualización e intercomunicación en el punto de venta están cambiando el sector retail y la relación y experiencia del consumidor en el establecimiento, como analiza en ...
Osterhout Design Group integrates with TeamViewer to optimize user experience in augmented reality22 July 2016 With TeamViewer QuickSupport, R-7 smartglass users will have real-time remote support anywhere in the world. La compañía desarrolladora de software de control remoto y ...
A U-tad virtual reality simulator helps people with Asperger's syndrome outperform themselves19 July 2016 CicerOn es una aplicación que permite interactuar con avatares virtuales, moviéndose en un entorno inmersivo y personalizado, para que las personas que padecen esta enfermedad puedan superar ciertas dificultades de interacción social o ...
Encierro The Exhibition makes you live the passion of San Fermín without having to stand in front of a bull8 July 2016 Esta muestra multisensorial sumerge al visitante en las tradicionales fiestas de Pamplona vistas desde el punto de vista del corredor. To do this, dispone de cuatro simuladores de realidad virtual, one ...
InMedia Studio creates shared immersive experiences at Evento Days 20167 July 2016 The Spanish technology has created an immersive room in this event for professionals to try new virtual reality experiences to boost events. The tenth edition of Evento Days, ...
Brainstorm allows you to 'transport' a presenter from the TVE1 studio to the Congress of Deputies6 July 2016 During election night, Spanish Television used its TeleTransporter technology to 'move' the presenter from the studios to the interior of the Congress of Deputies, where it was used ...
The Chilean Army uses The Spanish technology of AR and virtual of Bienetec for its training28 June 2016 This Valencian company, through its Aumentaty division, ha desarrollado una herramienta para el ejército chileno que une la tecnología multitáctil con la de realidad aumentada y la realidad virtual ...
Acer y Starbreeze unen sus fuerzas para fabricar y comercializar el visor StarVR28 June 2016 With this objective they are going to create a new company, called Acer Starbreeze Corporation, who will be in charge of the design, fabricación y promoción de este dispositivo de realidad virtual que ofrece una ...
Waves elevates audio to the world of virtual and augmented reality with Nx27 June 2016 Esta tecnología recrea en los auriculares las mismas señales auditivas que llegan a los oídos en el mundo real. El primer producto desarrollado ha sido la herramienta de monitorización virtual ...
The Cathedral of Tarragona offers multimedia video guides with AR to encourage cultural visits27 June 2016 Atraer al templo a nuevos visitantes, principalmente jóvenes, y que conozcan su patrimonio cultural es el principal objetivo del nuevo servicio de videoguía multimedia, creado por DNA Expertus Turismo y ...
Shooting Arts 360o records the first surgical operation in Spain in virtual reality24 June 2016 Seventeen cameras, and twelve hours of surgical operation by the doctors, han sido necesarias para realizar la primera grabación de este tipo realizada en España por la división ...