inMediaStudio exports its immersive marketing experience to London and the United States9 December 2015 As a technology partner of Paramount Pictures Spain, the virtual reality action created by the Spanish company inMediaStudio, that has managed to put almost 2.000 people in the skin of ...
FICOD 2015 opens its doors to bring together the protagonists of the digital economy1 December 2015 Talent, Industry and entrepreneurship are the pillars on which the seventh edition of the International Digital Content Forum is based, which opened its doors today at the Palacio ...
La realidad aumentada se asienta en el sector de la logística de la mano de Keyland27 November 2015 La solución de realidad aumentada Key@SmartGlasses consta de unas gafas virtuales, encargadas de recibir la información visual, y un brazalete inteligente que es el que proporciona la interactividad. Un conjunto ...
Connected TV & Virtual Reality Crearys Focus, new company from Tres60 and Avalon25 November 2015 Crearys tiene como misión el desarrollo de contenidos y formatos audiovisuales adaptados a las nuevas tecnologías, tanto para la televisión conectada como para nuevos entornos como la realidad virtual y ...
Volvo brings holograms to dealerships with Microsoft HoloLens24 November 2015 Con las gafas de realidad aumentada Microsoft HoloLens, los compradores que acudan a los concesionarios de Volvo podrán configurar, en el punto de venta, cómo va a ser el vehículo ...
Virtual reality wraps in 360º the latest video clip of the rock band U23 November 2015 De pantallas gigantes Led transparentes como protagonistas en su última gira a plataformas de realidad virtual para la grabación de vídeos, la banda irlandesa U2 mantiene sus palabras: “no nos ...
Collaboration and virtual reality star in the presence of HP in SIMO Education 201529 October 2015 La plataforma de colaboración Sprout by HP y el monitor Zvr Virtual Reality, que hace posible la interacción con contenidos e imágenes en 3D, son los grandes protagonistas del stand ...
Augmented reality allows you to see in 360º what happens in the tommy hilfiger parades23 October 2015 Thanks to the Samsung GearVR, los clientes que acudan a la tienda de Tommy Hilfiger en Nueva York podrán vivir en directo el desfile que la firma de moda celebró ...
TVE uses Samsung's virtual reality in its production “Roman engineering”22 October 2015 Samsung has collaborated with Imageen in the development of an app for its Gear VR Innovator Edition that helps to experience the process of rebuilding buildings in an immersive way ...
Samsung's #Hazloreal campaign invites you to fulfill impossible dreams with virtual reality8 October 2015 De la mano de la agencia de publicidad Cheil Spain, Samsung ha lanzado la campaña #Hazloreal para que los usuarios hagan posible lo imposible, a través de una experiencia sensorial basada ...
Spanish developers show the potential of virtual reality in large projects1 October 2015 The University Center for Technology and Digital Art (U-Tad) has summoned Spanish professionals in the virtual reality environment to show the possibilities that this technology has in their ...
Christie amplía su línea de paneles LCD planos para digital signage28 September 2015 Los modelos FHQ552-T y FHQ842-T son pantallas de planas de 55 and 84 Inch, respectively, que Christie ha diseñado con tecnología multitáctil de 10 Touch, mientras que el FHQ-981-L presenta ...
Interactive and virtual AV technology for an immersive tour of Gaudí's figure and work24 September 2015 Gaudí Barcelona Projects has relied on Samsung as a technology partner and has commissioned Sono to integrate the audiovisual systems for the new museum installation 'Walking with Gaudí', one ...
Virtual reality and fashion converge in the first Fashion Film 360º23 September 2015 The 'Fragments' project, by designer Sonia Carrasco and Exploradores15, presented at the Samsung EGO showroom as part of the recent edition of Mercedes Benz-Fashion Week Madrid (MBFWM), is ...
Marriott partners with Samsung to offer its customers virtual reality experiences11 September 2015 VRoom Service allows customers to enjoy virtual reality experiences in hotel rooms using Gear VR headsets. An initiative that allows Samsung to realize ...
Samsung summons the virtual reality industry to the Gear VR Weekend event3 September 2015 During this event, que tendrá lugar el fin de semana del 12 and 13 de septiembre en la localidad madrileña de Aranjuez, profesionales del entorno de la realidad virtual, creadores ...
Sixbell Work4Me optimizes remote assistance with augmented reality21 August 2015 Optimizing customer service with a better experience is the goal of the Work4Me solution, that Sixbell has developed using augmented reality techniques. A tool that makes it easy to ...
Virtual reality made in Spain for the premiere of 'Mission Impossible 5’14 August 2015 The development and production of this content with virtual reality has been carried out by the Spanish company inMediaStudio Comunicación. The multidisciplinary event of Urban Culture Arnette-O'Marisquiño XV that has been ...
The Fires of the Apostle 2015 more immersive than ever14 August 2015 Thanks to the innovative 360º recording technology, Thousands of people were able to enjoy, using your computer or mobile device, of the spectacle of the Fires of the Apostle 2015 as if they were ...
Samsung puts its technology at the service of Gaudí Exhibition Center in Barcelona30 July 2015 Visitors who come from the next 16 September, date on which the Diocesan Museum of Barcelona reopens its doors, They will be able to live an innovative experience in the ...