The Void breaks down the barriers between the physical and virtual world to create an amusement park in Utah12 May 2015 La realidad virtual se fusiona con el mundo físico en el nuevo parque de atracciones que The Void está creando en Pleasant Grove. Una experiencia out-of-home donde se crearán espacios ...
Sony and VerbaVoice make SmartEyeglass accessible for the hearing impaired4 May 2015 Con subtitulación en tiempo real, la aplicación VerbaVoice transforma las gafas de realidad aumentada de Sony en una herramienta de comunicación en directo para personas con dificultades auditivas. Sony Professional ha ...
The Seven Kingdoms of 'Game of Thrones' turn Madrid into a fantastic universe with AV technology and interactive30 April 2015 The 'Game of Thrones' exhibition, organized by Canal+ and the Madrid City Council, has opened its doors until the next 3 at the Matadero in Madrid, with ...
GoPro bets on virtual reality technology with the purchase of Kolor30 April 2015 The acquisition of the French firm Kolor, specialized in virtual reality software, will allow GoPro to develop a camera capable of capturing panoramic images and recording in 360º. The manufacturer of ...
Augmented reality applied to education will materialize in 201527 April 2015 The next 9 de mayo es la fecha escogida para la celebración de la jornada, el encuentro anual para conocer los últimos proyectos, novedades e ideas en torno a ...
Metaio shows the advantages of augmented reality in industrial processes14 April 2015 El desarrollador alemán Metaio es el principal expositor de realidad aumentada en Hannover Messe 2015, la feria industrial que se celebra hasta el próximo 17 de abril en esta ciudad ...
The La Maquinista shopping center in Barcelona installs two AiMirror virtual fitting rooms13 April 2015 AirMirror Virtual Fitting Rooms, that have been installed in Barcelona's La Maquinista shopping centre, allow visitors to, with a simple wave of your hands, seleccionar entre más ...
Holo-Gauze 3D holographic visualization solution hits TV8 April 2015 Holo-Gauze, so far the only solution on the market capable of working with 3D polarized projection systems with a minimum of two projectors developed by Holotronica MD, It is ...
TD Maverick distributes realfiction's 3D holographic vision systems in Europe7 April 2015 With Realfiction's holographic 3D visualization solutions, TD Maverick expands its portfolio for the digital signage market and its new generation audiovisual offer. TD Maverick, division ...
Sony begins the commercialization of its SmartEyeglass Developer Edition31 March 2015 The Japanese multinational starts tomorrow, 1 April, The pre-sale of your smart glasses, SmartEyeglass Developer Edition, in ten countries and in the enterprise customer environment, with a price around ...
Virtual reality and Oculus Rift allow you to choose the kitchen of your dreams in Leroy Merlin26 March 2015 3D Cocina Visor is the solution that Leroy Merlin makes available to its customers so that they can travel virtually, using the Oculus Rift, todo su catálogo y seleccionar la ...
Augmented reality guest star of special Andalusian Elections on TVE24 March 2015 TVE used, special held to cover Andalusian elections, Brainstorm's eStudio real-time 3D rendering engine that enabled the generation and emission of ...
Magic Leap unveils the interactive potential of its cinematic reality technology23 March 2015 Augmented reality startup Magic Leap, best known for the investment of 542 millions of dollars made by Google, has shown in a video the potential of its technology ...
La realidad virtual llega al mercado inmobiliario de la mano de ArX Solutions16 March 2015 La plataforma interactiva ArXperience 3D se ofrece como una potente herramienta de marketing para las agencias inmobiliarias que muestra todo su potencial si se utiliza con un televisor curvo 4K ...
Droiders develops the first applications for Epson Moverio for the medical sector12 March 2015 Streye Box y MediCAR son las aplicaciones que Droiders ha diseñado para las gafas inteligentes Moverio BT-200 de Epson, dos herramientas que supondrán un avance en el ámbito sanitario. Droiders ha ...
i2CAT shows at MWC apps for smart cities and data transmission through a Led light5 March 2015 La presencia de i2CAT en el MWC está marcada por demostraciones que reflejan sus avances en el área de las aplicaciones de ámbito industrial para las smart glasses, las smart cities ...
Laser and immersive projection to foster communication on college campuses3 March 2015 Un muro informativo e interactivo, que combina la última tecnología de proyección láser de Sony y la de sensor de movimientos Microsoft Kinect, sirve de reclamo para mostrar trabajos, projects ...
U-tad will attend Aula 2015 with experiences that combine engineering and virtual reality3 March 2015 Showing digital training through virtual reality experiences with Oculus Rift glasses and entering new spaces with Skanect and Kinect are some of the technologies ...
Vitelsa carries out the technological production for the exhibition 'From Tilt to Byte' at MuVIM2 March 2015 'From Tilt to Byte' is the title of the technological exhibition that covers the history and evolution of the video game industry, that until next March can ...
La realidad virtual de Samsung Gear VR, disponible para su venta en el mercado español3 February 2015 The next 13 de febrero marca la fecha oficial de la comercialización en España de Gear VR, el casco de realidad virtual desarrollado por Samsung y Oculus Rift, that you use ...