EasyJet uses augmented reality and drones to ensure the safety and operability of its fleet19 May 2014 Drone technology and augmented reality are going to be the technologies used by the airline EasyJet to inspect its fleet and detect possible breakdowns, to the time ...
Soditec has opened its new offices in Cáceres and is preparing to expand its business to new markets15 May 2014 Javier Vivas, CEO of Soditec, and Miguel Ángel Rojo, head of the R&D Department, fueron los encargados de presidir el acto de inauguración de las nuevas oficinas en el día ...
Epson shows developers the future of augmented reality at Droidcon Berlin 201412 May 2014 Las aplicaciones de realidad aumentada han centrado todo el protagonismo en Droidcon Berlín 2014, that has been held from the 8 to the 10 de mayo en la capital alemana, donde Epson presentó ...
CEI Moncloa uses Christie's Mirage projectors to create a multimodal virtual reality room28 April 2014 Ingevideo has installed in the Living Lab of the UPM a multimodal virtual reality room with two Christie Mirage DS + 6K-M 3D projectors, Accessible for people who go to chairs ...
Augmented reality technology reaches the stamps of Correos and its parcel shipment24 April 2014 With the issuance of 'ICT'. Emoticons', a stamp dedicated to information and communications technologies that incorporates a QR code to download the augmented reality application, Post office ...
The Holographic Exhibitor Paraddax Holoman 150 Allows the representation of a virtual person in real size22 April 2014 Paraddax develops a life-size holographic display, the Holoman 150, which is presented as a powerful single-sided display in vertical format of 70 inches for displaying 3D objects, Animations ...
Aumenta.me 2014 will bring together the experience of augmented reality in education16 April 2014 La ciudad de Granada será el escenario de la jornada anual Aumenta.me 2014, para el intercambio de ideas, experiencias, proyectos y novedades de realidad aumentada en educación, that will take place ...
Arapolarmic: Microphone directivity control with augmented reality from Aratechlabs16 April 2014 The technology company Aratechlabs has developed the first professional audio software tool for the directivity control of microphones based on augmented reality technology, Called ...
Google Glass reaches football fields to help coaches analyze plays in games14 April 2014 Durante la jornada 33 de la Liga BBVA, uno de los entrenadores probará la aplicación desarrollada por la LFP, Mediapro y la Universidad Católica de Murcia para las Google Glass ...
Ford uses Oculus Rift virtual reality glasses to test its prototypes2 April 2014 El Virtual Reality Inmersion Lab de Ford, localizado en Dearborn, está utilizando las gafas de realidad virtual Oculus Rift para evaluar y probar sus prototipos. Utilizar técnicas de simulación y realidad ...
The Internet of Things will change the human-machine relationship by creating empathy between the two1 April 2014 50.000 millions of objects will be connected to the Internet in the year 2020, según un informe del Instituto Vint. Los actuales dispositivos de mano serán sustituidos por terminales insertados en el ...
'The Pavilion of the Future' will start its roadshow in Madrid in an interactive 3D environment28 March 2014 Login>PT and Anetie are responsible for the roadshow, 'The Pavilion of the Future', that will begin its journey in Madrid next 3 of April and will continue its tour for another seven ...
Intelygenz develops an app for Prosegur security guards to use Google Glass in their security work28 March 2014 Los vigilantes de Prosegur podrán utilizar las Google Glass en su trabajo diario gracias a la app que está desarrollando Intelygenz que permite tomar fotografías y vídeos de la localización ...
The L ́Aljub center in Elche installs the interactive LED screen 'Megascreen', the largest in a large area in Spain21 March 2014 The shopping centre of L'Aljub, located in the Alicante town of Elche, has installed in its main square the largest interactive LED screen of an establishment of this type ...
Intelygenz organizes the largest hackathon for Google Glass developers in Spain21 March 2014 La Escuela Universitaria de Informática de la UPM será el lugar de encuentro para celebrar el mayor hackathon de desarrollo de aplicaciones para Google Glass de España. Un evento que ...
VTT and Rolls-Royce unveil and design a control room with real technology to crew the cargo ships of the future20 March 2014 Touch screens, 3D images and videos, retinal and fingerprint biometric recognition, augmented reality, thermal cameras,... all integrated under the concept of a control room, on-site and ...
BIT Broadcast 2014: an innovative event around more than 75 professional workshops and live solutions19 March 2014 Nuevos contenidos y actividades en torno a un escenario de experiencias en campos como la captación, I am a student, IPTV, emission, radio, film industry, producción para TV, postproduction, digital signage y soluciones ...
Panasonic UT-MA6, 4K technology for 3D design and engineering CAD applications13 March 2014 The Panasonic Toughpad 4K UT-MA6 tablet is an advanced device for three-dimensional design applications that allows you to see down to the smallest detail on screen and is ready ...
Vitelsa Group provides audiovisual technology to Gadir archaeological site12 March 2014 The museum dedicated to the Phoenician archaeological site Gadir, which is scheduled to open next April, it is a project that has been endowed with the latest audiovisual advances, simulation ...
Sony unveils at MWC 2014 the prototype of its SmartEyeglass with binocular vision27 February 2014 El mercado de las gafas inteligentes está plenamente activo, como se ha podido comprobar en el MWC 2014 Barcelona, donde Sony ha presentado el prototipo de sus SmartEyeglass, with ...